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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wilbur and Orville

    Well, it's 110 years to the day, since Wilbur and Orville (great names) took their first flight in a powered aeroplane. We've come a long way since then in aviation... but, I tip my hat to this great pair of engineers... who really have changed the World.
  2. Breaking News!

  3. You may think you're a good OFF Flyer!

    A very lucky escape by the sounds of it Olham!.... watch your Six lol
  4. For LOU (and everyone else of course)

    I found Manfred's 'little Blue Dog' quite emotive!... I wonder if he had it with him on that fateful April Day :(
  5. The Illustrated BOC News, December 11, 2013

    Another Marvelous Edition Sir!!!
  6. Yes, sadly we've all been there...as an avid facebook fan, i so often post photo's there, that I've now virtually got them all backed up for free
  7. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    You Hun Bastards!!! Look what you've done to my Wonderful Snipe!!! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!
  8. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    She's a fiesty one for sure..a pedigree Filly! :)
  9. I couldn't work out why my engine wouldn't restart!!!!!
  10. Emergency landing....but...

    Bloody Farmers!!!!
  11. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    In that case Wayfarer..I'm pleased it made you smile, and I hope your day improves (Friday 13th was always a bad omen)
  12. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    You'll be smiling on the other side of your face Olham my dear friend...when you get one on ya tail! ;)
  13. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    haha...Yes Beanie..She handles beautifully...Out turns most (if not all) of the Germans
  14. No..No..NOOOOOOOO

    Saw a wonderful piece of AI flying today. It was an Alb DV...he'd been shot up by one of my wingmen (a long way off) but I watched him as he desperately tried to control his stricken plane...then at about 150-200 ft, he lost control completely, and bought the Farm. Have to say, I felt quite sorry for him... that's something I never witnessed in OFF.... quite amazing!
  15. WOFF is now available!

    I think the price is pretty well spot on. When you compare it to RoF with all the aircraft having to be bought seperately...A no brainer for me
  16. WOFF is now available!

    it's taken over 1hr for me... 4 mins to go!
  17. *Sigh*

    I'm about to find out how my card performs...I'm 'quietly' confident...but we'll see
  18. *Sigh*

    High numbers, don't always mean 'Better Cards'
  19. Old skins for new WOFF?

    Pol has advised to 'suck it and see' (some may work..or they may not. Try it (but back up first!!)
  20. *Sigh*

    These are very 'high end'...even on a Low End performance!..I mean, if your card can run FSX maxed out..it must sure as hell run WOFF surely?
  21. WOFF is now available!

    Thanks Pol :)
  22. WOFF is now available!

    And, it was my Birthday Yesterday..so the lovely Mrs Widowmaker has bought it for me!...downloading now. (quick question..Do i need to uninstall OFF first?)
  23. OvS

    I've not seen or heard anything about 'The Black Baron' for ages!.... is he still around?...was he involved in WOFF? Anyone know???
  24. How Very Sweet! :)

    A five-year-old girl has written to a department store to apologise for accidentally breaking a Christmas tree bauble, and enclosed two pound coins to cover the damage. http://bbc.in/1cdcAPx The John Lewis store in Cambridge spent several days trying to track down the girl - who had signed the letter only with her first name, Faith - before media reports prompted her mother to get in touch. The shop manager said a present was now being sent to the girl.
  25. WOFF release date

    Finger on the 'Pay and Download' button!

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