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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. What OS are you running OFF on?

    'The way to go', is to make it available for as many O/S choices as possible! It's easy to be an OFF fanatic..but it's a commercial product, and therefore must appeal to more than the DID crowd, or the newest O/S brigade (imho)
  2. August 4th 1914... Germany invaded Belgium, causing Britain to declare war on Germany. The rest...as they say...is History
  3. What OS are you running OFF on?

    XP Pro sp3...why fix what aint broken?
  4. http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Winston-Churchill-Ordered-Cover-Up-Of-UFO-Info-To-Avoid-Mass-Panic-Says-National-Archives/Article/201008115676989?lpos=UK_News_First_Strange_News__Article_Teaser_Region__0&lid=ARTICLE_15676989_Winston_Churchill_Ordered_Cover-Up_Of_UFO_Info_To_Avoid_Mass_Panic,_Says_National_Archives Interesting
  5. Churchill in UFO cover-up

    Yes, we humans are incredibly arrogant...In fact, that seems to me to be our biggest trait as a species. I often wonder, that if alien life is advanced enough to travel across space and time...what possible interest would they have in a bunch of semi-evolved Monkeys?
  6. It all kicked off today

    More Historical than Political
  7. 65 years ago

    If they hadn't been used, Japan would have fought to the last man! If you can't stand the heat..get outta the Kitchen. Germany can thank her lucky stars she lost the war when she did
  8. It all kicked off today

    That didn't happen...so we'll never know
  9. I'm off down to my local Library now!!!
  10. Churchill in UFO cover-up

    Well, not really Olham..these have come to light merely because of the 'Freedom of Information act'...which means the government have no choice, but to release it. Interestingly..all future sightings will not be known about, because the Ministry of Defence intend to keep the reports for only 30 days...then destroy them...rather than allow them into the public domain....... plenty of scope for a 'cover up' story there methinks
  11. New phone

    I have totally missed out on the Phone thing I'm afraid. Way too many gadgets...I just wanna make and receive phone calls...but even that has freakin' apps to do that now!! Hate the bloody things
  12. Canada Intercepts Bears

    Bear's are a very common occurance in UK airspace...The RAF's main job is intercepting the snoopers
  13. Various Bumper Stickers Seen on US Military Bases

    "Join the Navy and see the World....Join The Army..and scrub it!"
  14. New Nvidia drivers out - 258.96

    I'm on XP 32..and installed the drivers before this lot..so think I'll hold fire for now
  15. For Camel Lovers

    I too enjoy crossing swords with the reprobate...let's hope he's back soon
  16. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    Great ones Fubar!!!
  17. Various Bumper Stickers Seen on US Military Bases

    "Military justice is to justice what military music is to music" Is one I saw once
  18. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    Beats the Programs on Cable for the most part 100's of channels of utter s**t
  19. We have the worst..but whats the best commercials?

    Haha...loved the Tango one!
  20. Commercials I'm so tired of ...

    Though on a purely personal note..I would like to get a rusty nail, and stick it right through this Manc's Bell-End (after first screwing his pelvis to a Cake Stand of course!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcKV1FwAugI&feature=related
  21. Commercials I'm so tired of ...

    Many people voted this UK ad as the worst one ever (she's so annoying!!)
  22. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    ROFLMFAO!!!!!! Though how you got my Handwriting so accurate, remains one of the worlds great mysteries!!!
  23. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    Yeah, Good point
  24. What I'd like to see in Phase IV

    Great Picture Carrick...thanks m8! Aside from the Snipe, I would love to use it against a Pfalz D.XII Now THAT would be a scrap!!

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