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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Happy 4th of July!

    I posted my best wishes in 'The Pub' But for my American Friends on the OFF forum...I extend a 'most special' wish for a wonderful day to you all
  2. FIFA World Cup

    Cool, clinical, calculated...use whichever word you prefer...I thought German were all three today! They were all over the Argies like nappy rash!!....superbly entertaining to watch...and yes, a wry smile from me to see the 'Hand of Gods' being sent packing!! Looks like a European Final...though I worry a little for Germany, having Muller unavailable for the Semi's But, I reckon they will still do well without him My congratulations to the Germans.... Olham and the Guys must be 'cock a hoop' as we say here!! :clapping:
  3. A Blonde goes riding

    A blonde decides to learn and try horse back riding unassisted without prior experience or lessons. She mounts the horse with great effort, and the tall, shiny horse springs into motion. It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but the blonde begins to slip from the saddle. Out of shear terror, she grabs for the horse's mane but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse's neck, but she slides down the side of the horse anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, giving up her frail grip, she leaps away from the horse to try and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup. She is now at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground again and again. As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness or even death when Frank, the Wal-Mart manager runs out to shut the horse off.
  4. 234 Years Ago

    We just decided to give it back to you guys! Have a great day Yanks!
  5. 17th June 1940 Lancastria...

    Me neither
  6. Happy Birthday Slartibartfast

    All the Best Slarti...just keep the flag flying m8!!
  7. FIFA World Cup

    NOOOOOOOOOO, I hate the things. [i wouldn't touch those things for love or money...you never know where they've been!)
  8. Flyboys vs Red Baron

    It's a shame Rutger Hauer is getting on....I think he would have been a brilliant MvR
  9. Some Jokes about the England Team

    Whats the difference between Cinderella and the England football team? Cinderella wanted to get to the ball………… Osama bin Laden has just released a new TV message to prove he is still alive. He said that the England Team performance on Saturday was completely s**t. British intelligence have dismissed the claim, stating that the message could have been recorded anytime in the last 44 years. Robert Green - The only man to leave Africa with out catching anything . In a statement from broadcasting house, all future England games will now be shown on the gay porn channel. It is thought that 11 arsåholes being regularly shafted is too explicit for regular TV. I can't believe we only managed a draw against a s**t team we should easily have beaten......I'm ashamed to call myself Algerian. The England team went to visit an orphanage in South Africa this morning, "its so good to put a smile on the faces of people with no hope, constantly struggling, and facing the impossible" said Jamal Omboto, aged 6. Fifa have released a statement saying the fan didn't break into the dressing room after all, but was let in by Rob Green. What's the difference between Rob Green's spill and BP's spill? - Robert Green has got a cap for his. Fabio Capello was wheeling his shopping trolley across the supermarket car park when he noticed an old lady struggling with her bags of shopping. He stopped and asked, "Can you manage dear?" To which the old lady replied, "No way. You got yourself into this f*****g mess, don't ask me to sort it out..." The FA have launched an inquiry to find out how a fan found his way into the dressing room. And another enquiry into how Aaron Lennon found his way into the dressing room. David Blaine is gutted that the record he got for doing F*** all in a box for 42 days has just been beaten by Wayne Rooney
  10. As far as I am aware, I don't have any German Ancestry...which is a shame, cos this looks cool My Friend Eric however has a German Father. He was a Luftwaffe pilot who got shot down over the UK...was injured, and kept as a POW...but fell in love with a Nurse here, they got married after the war. His surname is Imerson
  11. name the plane

    I had a lovely print of a Hawker Hart, signed by it's pilot as a kid...lost it though...bugger
  12. Ok guys...gonna pour my heart out a little for you. Today, is 1st July 2010... and is a sad anniversary for me, as I lost my mother when I was 10 yrs old to Cancer. She was just 50 herself...two years older than I am now, when she passed away in 1971. But, Something quite wonderful happened a little while ago. After my mum died, (about 2 months after) my dad took me on a trip to my ancestrial home, the Island of Guernsey for a break. Although I had been on an aircraft before, I was too young to remember the trip, so my excitement was palpable to say the least! My excitement was further sent into override, when I discovered I was going to fly on British Caledonian Airways...I was an airliner fanatic at 10 yrs old, and we lived in Kingston upon Thames...right on the Glideslope for Heathrow airport. Well, the day finally arrived (seemed like 40 yrs to arrive, like Christmas.. as it does with children!) Holding my Father's hand, we walked across the apron, and boarded a BAC 1-11...I remember looking up at that Gold Lion insignia resplendent on the tail...wow, like it was yesterday. We took our seats, and in no time were airborne...what a fantastic sensation it was!...my love of all things aviation, was signed and sealed at that moment!! The only thing that upset me, was that my mum wasn't there...I sat and looked at the clouds moving under us...and started to get a little emotional. My dad tried to comfort me, hell, he had just lost his wife of 26 yrs too. A stewardess saw I was upset, and enquired of my dad "Is everything ok Sir?"...to which he replied why I was upset. She smiled and walked away. Within two minutes, she was back "Simon?" she said "The Captain and first Officer wondered if you would like to come up to the Flight Deck, and have a look around?" I didn't need asking twice!!!!! It was fantastic...I sat in the First Officers seat, and must have asked the captain 300 questions about everything possible...all the things I wanted to know about Dials, Needles, numbers, buttons, switches...coffee cup holders!..you name it!! After far too short a time, the Captain said that he was about to start his final decent, and that for the sake of the first Officers "Old Legs"...he had better sit back down!...and I was to return to my seat, to await the seatbelt light to come on. Anyhow, I'm waffling on!...I apologise.....but here is the interesting bit! The B'Cal advert on the TV at the time, had a song, which I have had in my head for many, many Years...I tried very hard to trace the original advert on the web, with no luck...but...I eventually found the soundtrack on an Album! I made this video a while back, and posted it on youtube .....it was stumbled across by the moderator of the British Caledonian reunion website, and they got in touch, and asked me if they could have it on their website...which I took as a great honour! I ended up telling the guy the story I have just told you chaps, and he put an email around the members...and low and behold...the Stewardess on the flight remembered the incident...and has just emailed me to say "Hi" How cool is that??!! She has, of course Long retired from the Airline Industry, but I am hoping I will get a chance to meet her, perhaps travel down to Warwickshire where she now lives. Life is sure strange at times aint it?
  13. OT, Daft UK Laws

    This from another forum I frequent!! Happens in the Bigg Market every week from what i've heard, sometimes with the policeman still in it! It is illegal to dress up as Batman in Australia It is illegal to not drink milk in Utah In Florida, gay men are not allowed into public bars unless accompanied by a child. Also in Florida, it is illegal to sing in a public place while wearing a swimsuit. In Greece, it is legal to strike anyone from Turkey with a Phalanx (small sword) except on alternate Mondays. In Korea, it is illegal to impersonate an animal while in a restaurant. In Singapore, it is against the law to speak to a donkey in Chinese. In Thailand, no one is permitted to swim across a river unless they have a coin in their pocket. and finally my own particular favourite: In Turkey, it is against the law to fall in love with a neighbours son, daughter, wife, servant or any of his animals.
  14. Pol... is your OFF site gone?

    Which ISP?..we need to avoid like the Plague!
  15. A little more about me

    Thank you guys...It is always nice to hear other people's experiences Ras...some good, some not so good...but all part of Life's tapestry
  16. OT, Daft UK Laws

    Wonderful stuff!.....any more Laws from around the World, MOST welcome!!!
  17. A little more about me

    Indeed Dave...without the Net...would never have happened!...you ok?..I'm impressed with the 6m Whip...had some nice Ide!...will call you over the W/E
  18. A little more about me

    Thank you very much Duce...now you've made me Blub! Sorry to make your eyes moist Olham....Looks like we have even more in common than we first thought!...
  19. Flyboys vs Red Baron

    I can see where you're coming from Godzilla. My regret with both films was that they hashed some reality with some total fantasy, and not very well. If the directors had just taken the time to look at the earlier WW1 films, they might have got a better idea on what would make it worth watching, even with the restrictions on health and Safety. The dogfight scenes in Flyboys were entertaining up to a point, but I guess as we all have an 'idea' of what it may have been like..it doesn't match what we saw in either film, and just looked silly to me. One of my favourite films was Aces High...but again, silly aeroplanes...but the storyline felt real at least
  20. Looking to get a WW1 Sim

    Massive OFF fan, but ArgonV has done amazing things with SDOE...and it's a real blast..and of course..it's FREE
  21. Air Fight WWI

    Great stuff..beats Flyboys and Red Baron anyday
  22. Flyboys vs Red Baron

    I think it was no contest....they were both utter s**t
  23. New Budweiser advert

    Made me chuckle
  24. New Budweiser advert

    which one RC?

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