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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Ouch, Ouch OUCH

    Ouch Went Fishing yesterday..it was great...but the sun was a lot stronger than I had given it credit for (due to the clouds, and a cooling breeze)...and although I kept my sleeves rolled down...my wrist is now rather red and a bit sore, on an area that must have escaped my factor 4000 cream! (no, I don't want a tan...I happen to like looking like a raw chicken's leg thank you!) 2 Nice Chub, a slab of a Bream...a good Roach, lot's of small bits...and nearly a Carp too... (I say nearly, as he took my bait, shot off into the weeds...the hook pulled out, and the whole lot...hook, weights and float) came pinging back towards my face at mach 2) if it had not been for my lightening quick, ex five a side Goalie reflexes, I would have been wearing the whole ensemble to the nearest casualty dept, as opposed to it hitting my hat! Great Days....roll on next weekend, when I can do it all again
  2. Wasn't there a song about this?

    I love Chrome!
  3. R.I.P. Little Girl

    That's horrible
  4. Ouch, Ouch OUCH

    If anyone in the UK tried to use a Bow to hunt Carp with, they would be beaten to death with Sticks! Do you fish BH?
  5. FIFA World Cup

    They can't even play Rugby without having more Armour on than Sir Lancelot!
  6. Ouch, Ouch OUCH

    Hunting and Fishing are so closely linked in our past
  7. FIFA World Cup

    Yes, would be good...England played better today, but I will be 'interested' to know how they fair against the bigger, better teams.
  8. The greatest past combat FS ever

    I am gonna be a bit controversial here, and say Red Baron never grabbed me...sorry, but it didn't Of Course OFF is the best ever!
  9. Cracking Video Hellshade!...that first Spad was downed with so few Bullets...I'm hoping I never meet you in the Air!!!
  10. The greatest past combat FS ever

    B-17 is missing too...another favourite of mine
  11. The greatest past combat FS ever

    1942 Pacific Air War was my vote...it was way ahead of it's time, with a great replay facility
  12. Ouch, Ouch OUCH

    Bit of a mixture...Using a float rod, and a 6m whip
  13. Janes Fighters Anthology...

    I quite liked Janes WW2 fighters
  14. On this day in 1815

    We Brits (with some welcome help from the Austrian's) put paid to the 'Little Corporal' and sent him packing. He was an amazing chap Napoleon...but very naughty...so we had to smack his Botty...HUSSAH! (here's a pic of our Chaps, giving the Cocky fellow a bunch of Fives)
  15. On this day in 1815

    And Nelson was nothing without Collingwood
  16. FIFA World Cup

    Ah, cheers Tony...so, the Yanks have invented diddly-squat then?
  17. FIFA World Cup

    Did you guys know..the only two ball games invented by the American's are Basketball and Netball? (I didn't until the other day)
  18. 2010 FIFA World Cup

  19. FIFA World Cup

    Hahaha...good video Olham Here is my all time fishing sketch
  20. FIFA World Cup

    I think the pressure of the world cup is way too intense...The way fans go one (Fans of course being short for Fanatics...nuff said)...they are terrified of making a mistake....Green making that blunder in the first game wont help. Football has gone WAY over the edge these days...it's ridiculous
  21. FIFA World Cup

    hahaha...I'm just waxing Lyrical lads!...there is far more important things than Football...I am off fishing on Sunday..and I can't do any worse than the England Team surely!
  22. FIFA World Cup

    Oh Olham...your gentlemanly conduct, and the things you say are truly a credit to you. I think Slovenia should do the Kind thing...walk up, with a sympathetic smile...pull out their .38 Revolver...and put the sad, old Horse out of it's misery....then at leat I can enjoy watching teams who know how to play Football
  23. FIFA World Cup

    What a bunch of utter tossers England are!...I was cheering for Algeria by 60th Minute..... Time to pack your bags, you useless bunch of Short wearing c*nts
  24. On this day in 1815

    Indeed .. And my ancestors were among them...So, I spose it all negates itself really
  25. It's definately coming...and like all things, the price will go down considerably...Our kids will have a wonderful time!!....But few will play WW1 sims I fear

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