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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. FIFA World Cup

    Germany v Serbia. No Cup winning performances there!...I actually nodded off for 20 mins! (though I had just eaten a rather large Bowl of Chips)
  2. On this day in 1815

    Then of Course, there was Agincourt, Crecy, Poitiers, Trafalgar....I could go on....... The only time France have won, they had a Woman leading them!
  3. On this day in 1815

    Huzzah, Huzzah indeed! (you on Holiday?)
  4. Back to the world

    My respect to you Sir!...welcome back, and let's never forget our Boys and Girls still out there.
  5. North Korea 1 X 0 Brazil

    This of course is what happens when you have a totally insane, despot running your country
  6. R.E.8 for FS-WWI!

    Nice Model Argon
  7. New Rule

  8. Where is Red Adair when you need him?

    Sadly, of course, 'Big Red' passed away in 2004... But if BP ever needed anyone, they need them now! What a total disaster on so many levels this catastrophie has become.... I feel great pity for the people and animals suffering due to this awful incident, and it's ongoing influence on the US seaboard...and of course, it has now become a political hot potato, causing a ripple of uneasiness between the US and UK. Of course, with any multi- billion dollar industry, when things go bad..they go REALLY bad, and heads will roll no doubt...but the Political rhetoric should stop for the time being, and the effort and energy should be spent on stopping the leak surely? I imagine the boardrooms of BP are a pretty unpleasant place to be right now
  9. Where is Red Adair when you need him?

    Yeah, I mean Jedi is right...if BP go under, that will be a real bad-deal for the UK thats for sure!...especially as our Country is broke
  10. No c'mon what is wrong with that kid?

    Aw man!....now you've got me started!...have a look at this piece of filth
  11. Where is Red Adair when you need him?

    Yeah, that makes sense...well, thanks usafmtl for that..I'm glad of that info
  12. Now is the time....

    Who says the German's lack Humour?
  13. FIFA World Cup

    I'm not sure our keeper should be written off just yet...Ok, he made an awful error last Saturday..but I also played as a Keeper for many years, and made some bloopers too...and it annoyed me so much afterwards, that nothing else got past me for quite a while
  14. Is it me?...it's no longer showing if members are online...just showing them all as offline
  15. What makes a hero?

    This is my idea of what a hero is like
  16. Living in a Democracy

    I kinda wish certain others were not living in MY democracy though http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2010/06/16/muslim-militants-hurl-abuse-at-military-parade-in-barking-115875-22336550/
  17. OT Way to go Lucas

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/pets/7731507/Lucozade-brings-German-Shepherd-dog-Lucas-back-from-brink-of-death.html Animals seem to bring out the very worst, and also the very best in human nature don't they? I love a happy ending...enjoy the rest of your life Lucas!
  18. FIFA World Cup

    I think at least 75% of ALL countries could say that!
  19. No more Heroes

    In the words of the great song by The Stranglers....I was saddened to hear of the death this February of Bob Doe. I hadn't realised until today, that he had passed away...I have a documentary on Video of his exploits, and thought I would post a link to his remarkable life in the RAF during the Battle of Britain and beyond. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/military-obituaries/air-force-obituaries/7294353/Wing-Commander-Bob-Doe.html
  20. FIFA World Cup

    Spain look good on Paper!...but then, they did when they sent the Armada too
  21. No more Heroes

    Who am I again?...where am I?...It's the heat y'know dear boy...Cauliflower, Fish banana's to you Sir...you Fiend! :lol: I must be losing the plot!
  22. Is the a/c broke in here?

    when you started with 'U'...I started worrying!...cos my Maths ain't too good!
  23. What Really killed the Red Baron.

    That's gotta hurt!.... talk about safety last!
  24. Is the a/c broke in here?

  25. No c'mon what is wrong with that kid?

    What a thicko twat

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