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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Way to go Lucas

    yes Olham..it's a moving story I thought too.. with a nice ending
  2. FIFA World Cup

    Lets hope Germany haven't peaked too soon, and get carried away!...Australia are a mediocre team....it will get a lot tougher!
  3. FIFA World Cup

    And...there is no such word as 'tret'...but I won't hold it against the Northern Monkies! :rofl:
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1285872/Vandals-desecrate-British-WW1-graves-racist-slogans-France.html?ito=feeds-newsxml The little scum-sucking Pond Life that did this, need to be taught a severe lesson...and perhaps a History Lesson too!
  5. Thanks Hellshade, but no credit is due!...I don't really go with all this 'credit sh*t' personally..I feel like it's just people fluffing up their own egos. If I do a skin for the community, it's because I enjoy giving stuff to the great people who fly OFF...especially, when they make such good videos!!
  6. World Cup has Begun!

    Nah...we always start a bit shaky....Although I was impressed at the Yanks last night, they were still lucky
  7. FIFA World Cup

    A typical resident of Teeside I suspect!
  8. An absolute Disgrace!

    PMSL :rofl:
  9. FIFA World Cup

    Enjoyed the game with my young lad... I was very impressed by the USA..and like Olham said, a rather disapointing first game for England... But I think it will get better as the cup progresses. As for the USA...Very nicely played, they look a good team, and no longer the laughing stock they were when they first joined the world cup (the fact that 7 of their players are English Premier league regulars may have helped) Looking forward to the next games
  10. 2010 FIFA World Cup

    There's no 'couldn't give a toss' option
  11. Post your videos HERE

    Tornado flying in FSX
  12. Poll: How good is your hit accuracy?

    I dunno if it was cos I was filming it...but the OFF video I did, my shooting was pretty good...though I have never managed to do it again before or since! (maybe I should always video it)
  13. The RFC and the Senussi Campaign, Egypt

    Nice one Lou...I must dig out my MAW disk and have a go
  14. Superb Olham..thanks for posting
  15. OT- Bad Day at the Office

    I think you would all be quite horrified at the amount of lethal weapons I have in my House! (I hope my friend Fortiesboy doesn't read this, as he's a retired Cop!) I have two Samurai Swords, a Hunting Bow, a Broadsword, two Nepalese Kukri's, a Rapier, five daggers and a Crossbow!...and most lethal of all....an 8 month old Border Collie with a serious attitude problem!! Bring it on Burglars! I don't think this thread is the place to discuss Gun Ownership, so i apologise for bringing it up...and as I said before, in my opinion, nothing could have prepared anyone for what that guy did to that child...it's just so random. There is also a vast gulf between what occurs in the US and what does in the UK Looking at the simple statistics, I too would want to be armed in America
  16. OT: violence in video games

    I vote Olham to do the German Voice Acting....that way, I will hear him curse each time I shoot a Hun down in my (hopefully coming) Sopwith Snipe!!
  17. OT- Bad Day at the Office

    That's a horrible incident BH..sorry you had to go through that, and of course, my thoughts are with the Victims. Armed and ready isn't an option here in the UK however...penalties for carrying any sort of weapon in public here are severe...and tbh, that's the way I (and the majority of people here) want it to be. Yes, there will always be incidents (last week's gunning down of 12 people in Cumbria by a nutter is testament to that)...but for the most part, I still feel 'relatively' safe walking the streets of my home city, without worrying where the next gun is going to be pulled. I was involved in a shooting incident just last year (an extremely rare incident here) where I was sitting in a Pub, and two masked gunmen walked in, and shot a guy before running out of the door. One thing struck me about the incident, and left me thinking "If I had a Gun in my pocket, could I have used it on the two gunmen".....the answer I realised was absolutely not....it happened so quickly, that unless I was expecting trouble, the most likely scenario would have been, I might have attempted to retrieve the weapon...but would probably have also been shot. The very fact that People are the most dangerous predators on the planet, kinda makes me think, that the less of them that have Guns...the better. I realise of course, that Guns are a major culture in the US....but sadly, the statistics speak for themselves, and I don't envy you guys in any way, when it comes to carrying weapons in Public....far too many people are killed either by accident, or maliciously with their own weapons...guns are (imho) weapons for trained Soldiers and Law Enforcement Officers....Joe Public are not fit to carry them. An army couldn't have stopped that c*nt doing what he did..again, too quick...yes, you may well have had the satisfaction of blowing his Brains out (and I can understand totally the satisfaction one could get from removing a piece of Detritus from the planet)...but you can be assured, you did, in your professional capacity, and as a decent member of the Human race, the best you could under the circumstances, and for that you should be justly proud, and I salute you. Horrah for JD eh?....He will tell you the Answer's to all life's questions...trouble is...you will never remember those answer's in the Morning...none of us ever do
  18. "Also there will be two campaigns included: recently released “Hat in the Ring” and the new campaign “Du Doch Nicht”. Both campaigns are based on real facts and made with maximal historical accuracy." Hmmm....They can't even be original with a title!!
  19. problems with nhancer

    I used to be a fan of Nhancer...but they have f*cked it all up recently (imho)
  20. The Albatros is indeed a beautiful sight...especially in a gun-sight I am sure Josef would have been most proud to see this!
  21. OFF2 Won't Start

    not a legal one
  22. Just ordered it!...thanks Rabu
  23. OT: violence in video games

    I suppose if you are going to push for reality...then blood and guts is going to be part and parcel. I wouldn't mind a bit more 'nastiness' personally....but it would be easy enough to turn it off and on in workshop
  24. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    My Dear Morris..... I would never stoop to Common or Garden Propoganda
  25. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    Any news on the WW1 mod for IL2?

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