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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    Same with the Snipe though Olham (the Triplane is Lothar's)
  2. OT: I Know It's Not OFF, But Still...

    It's showing it's age now
  3. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    Right back at yer Morris...I love to see Crashed Alb's...they're the best kind...but DR1's will do as well
  4. OFF2 Won't Start

    Did you remember to install the CFS3 patch before installing P2?
  5. Ouch...

    Embarrasing for the pilot
  6. Wooohoo!

    Haven't been there for many years...I lived in Caterham, just a few miles away. As kids we played in the control tower...with no idea of it's significance
  7. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    Capt Sopwith, I thank you...great picture. I shall take a leaf from Manfred's book, and your signature! "Success flourishes only in perseverance...ceaseless, restless perseverance" I WILL have my Snipe....and will use it to Snipe those that mock!
  8. Lose To Win!

    If i never lost as a child, I would have missed out on the sheer delight of throwing the Monopoly board, and all the contents across the room
  9. Wooohoo!

    I was lucky enough to go to the last ever Kenley Aerodrome memorial show,way back in 1979... and enjoyed performances by Spitfire, Hurricane...and the highlight of the show was a dogfight between a replica Sopwith Camel and DR1....fantastic
  10. Cool Crocs

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/science_and_environment/10260382.stm Fascinating I thought
  11. OT: violence in video games

    I think Hellshade is spot on! Children are better off playing outside in the sun anyway, they shouldn't really be a concern to adults re:- Violent Computer games...because Parents should avoid them coming into contact anyway. Violent Films are more of a concern methinks....children can usually tell the difference between reality, and a computer game (though the games are getting more and more realistic and graphically nearer to real life)...but violent films are a bit dodgy for Kids I think
  12. OT: violence in video games

    I vote for a chap getting sliced in half by his own Propeller
  13. It would be really cool if someone flew it with a mini video camera in place of the pilot wouldn't it?
  14. Shoot it down!...damned Huns! (joking aside...great Videos..thanks Olham)
  15. Can't hit the broadside of a barn to save my life...

    I think I shoulda been around in the Middle Ages...cannot shoot a gun straight for love or Money...but I can take your eye out with a Bow
  16. OT: violence in video games

    Hi Hellshade...of course (I replied to your post in the screenshot section..guess you musta missed it?)
  17. RoF 'Hat in the Ring' expansion

    I own both...but hardly ever play RoF...certainly wouldnt waste any more money buying the planes
  18. Time Out.....Lets All Relax a Bit

    Yeah, count me in....it's all getting a little too close to the Knuckle...we're all friends here
  19. OT: violence in video games

    Cool..Thanks Hellshade
  20. RoF 'Hat in the Ring' expansion

    Thats true I guess
  21. New modelling forum

    Can us skinners have their titles changed to 'Skinner' on their member names?
  22. OT: violence in video games

    Thanks Hellshade...I am going to get those Oblivion gore addons (the game would be much better with proper, realistic combat) Where can I find the mods m8?? One of the best hack and slash games for realism is Dark Messiah....best RPG I ever played
  23. Love the 'Historical' german registration number D-das E-eest F-ooking T-Triplane J-Ja?
  24. "Fighting the Red Baron" - UK TV Programme

    I enjoyed it...obviously, knowing what we know about WW1 air fighting, it's quite easy to pick holes in the Historical accuracy...but for a documentary I found it very watch-able. I too was fascinated by the artillery spotting (Idea for P5 perhaps?...lol)...though the thought of learning Morse code puts me off slightly! I found the young lady historian 'disturbingly attractive too'...though I am a pervert...so no surprises there!

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