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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Very nice screens nbryant!
  2. There's an 'L' in 'World' Mr Olham! (payback!)
  3. Some great pics to work off there too Olham..nice find!...think I may try a Spad
  4. As for weathering. OvS told me of a great method. Find some images of Flowers in Google images (yes, I know it sounds weird)...just the heads..preferably of different colours...open the pic in your painting program...and convert the image to grayscale. Place it on the area you wish to 'weather'...and then fade it out till you just see it. Looks nice and blotchy and dirty...very quick and effective!
  5. They can still be found (just not these particular links)
  6. UK-Elections..Hung Parliament

    Well, probably not the best thing to have happened...but predicted!
  7. Fubar512, your malware is cheap...

    Beats me
  8. Pick your Plane and make your Mod

    oh, I never fly them!...I merely meant so they would be more of a challenge to shoot down in my SE5a.... Now I have finished decimating those silly Albatros things! Is there no 'T' in Pfaltz then?...You will be telling me that Albatross has only 1 'S' in it next!!
  9. Vickers Machine Gun vs a Tree

    haven't these buffoons got anything better to do, than waste time shooting a gun at a Tree? They really ought to get out more and see the world...even try sleeping with a woman! Idiots
  10. Has this guy done anything wrong?

    http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5jwGS9_pppBvIURnXQGmsTFylJggA Ok, he's a bit weird I grant you....but this is overkill surely??
  11. Pick your Plane and make your Mod

    Parachutes then!
  12. Is that you John Wayne or is that just me...

    I agree with some of the Comments though. I don't think the media should have published the guys Identity!...it puts him and his family at risk from reprisal
  13. Butcher of Mumbai gets death sentence

    Yep, in a few years, he will be forgotten...and so will his victims by all but those who knew them...and the cycle continues unabated
  14. German Railway Map from 1910

    Don't forget the part played by Horses and Mules!...Railways are only good for delivering from 1 town to another...they were vulnerable too....Horses did all the Major hauling, and were dearly loved and respected by the Men who worked them! We owe a debt of gratitude to them imho (they even had Gasmasks for them)...The Top Brass often considered them more important than the Soldiers!!!
  15. One even has a go at his Handler!...ouch Dogs, once again proving how damned useful they can be to Man
  16. OT French Police Dogs in Training

    Great Pic!...what a cutie!!
  17. Pick your Plane and make your Mod

    A Twin gun on the Pup would be nice. But above all..A Pfaltz DIII that flew and fought properly would be most welcome!!!
  18. The 'Orange orb'

    Is it just me, but I don't much like that sort of Orange Glow that extends about the same size as the victims aircraft when it's on fire. (just nit-picking) Also (thought for P4) it would be really cool to have to 'cock' your guns before entering combat...I am not on about animations....just non-firing Guns, until you press a key...and get the reassuring 'click click' as the hammers are drawn back...that would be cool...and teach you a lesson if you lined up a good shot, only to find you hadn't cocked your guns!
  19. The 'Orange orb'

    No Chance of that!...In my WW1 world...all those Black Tails are dead!....I hunted down all of them Jester 12 are no more...they have ceased to be!...They have been minced up, made into Sausages...and shipped back home to the Kaiser!!
  20. File Name: Fictional Fokker DVII-Black Widow File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 05 May 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Well, another DVII black design for you to enjoy...hope you like it This is a standard DVII (not OAW or 'F' variants) Thanks as usual to the Boys at OBD for the original Skin/Model Install skin to:- C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins (please note...the Aircraft does NOT have the writing you see on the Elevator's)...That's my personal one, but uploaded wrong pic. Everything else however is identical) Click here to download this file
  21. German's wouldn't be German's...if they weren't 'Dastardly'...... Have to admit though...it must spring from Childhood....the German's in my dreams, always flew Black Biplanes!!
  22. Fictional Fokker DVII-Black Widow



    Well, another DVII black design for you to enjoy...hope you like it This is a standard DVII (not OAW or 'F' variants) Thanks as usual to the Boys at OBD for the original Skin/Model Install skin to:- C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\campaigns\CampaignData\skins (please note...the Aircraft does NOT have the writing you see on the Elevator's)...That's my personal one, but uploaded wrong pic. Everything else however is identical)
  23. Oberst Klaus Von Witwenmacher's newly painted DVII takes to the air, in search of British Fighters (thank you Olham for the translation that allowed me to finish this skin!) I will post for download (without the writing)

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