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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. It's quiet............TOO Quiet! I have a feeling that there is some SkullDuggery afoot!....and that some feverish behind the scenes activity is taking place. Let's look at the evidence before us. 1) Hardly a peep from WM 2) OvS....unusually quiet (especially as he cannot blame it on Real Life workload...with the airlines grounded) 3) Polovski....sneaking his Monoplane into his avatar! I suspect, that the well deserved 'Holiday' is at an end....and new things are afoot. Only time will tell
  2. Anyone else noticed?...about the Dev's?

    Lots of new SE5a skins to come methinks?
  3. What the hell is going on with women in England

    Well, my friends often comment, that I wake up speaking Bollox! (or was it Spouting Bollox).....can never remember!
  4. The Warrior Song (Vid)

    Does little to make you feel Patriotic.................. I Hope?
  5. Dreaming about OFF

    Yeah...You're lucky!....enjoy.
  6. I agree, that's a really good screenshot.....and like Scouseair has said, I don't think we have seen that aircraft in a shot before? So, come on lads...lets get some shots up of the lesser known aircraft?...Always nice to see new things
  7. OT Funny kite story

    A friend of mine has a 12 yr old Girl, and my son is 12 also. We were comparing the slight differences in bringing up children of different sexes. Whilst we both agreed, that the 'core' ways are the same (Good Manners, Politeness, self worth...etc etc)...there are also a few unique attributes between the way Boys and Girls are brought up...although, this also varies widely between individual Children I think, and also of course, whether you are a mother or father, and how that is different too. (as you can guess...it was a long conversation, over a few ales!) The interesting thing, was that because I have no experience of bringing up a daughter, and likewise he has none of a son...it then progressed to a "What if your Daughter, started to date My Son?" This is where (probably due to too much beer) we both started to get rather defensive. His feelings were of "I wouldn't want anyone making out with my Daughter, or hurting her in any way...or god forbid, getting her pregnant at too young an age"....all, of course perfectly understandable concerns, which I relate to perfectly. I too, was protective of the Male Contingent, saying "I wouldn't like my son entrapped by a gold digging two timing hussy" Two more beers were ordered, and the conversation degenerated still further! "So, are you implying that my daughter is a Gold Digging Hussy then" (slurred speech by now!) "Well Steve...You were the guy who implied my son would even want to get your Daughter Pregnant".... knocking Pint off table by accident!!........which thankfully stalled the conversation...we both looked at each other, and laughed! We both realised the next day...that Children are the real reason we are here!..... they will never be perfect...there will always be upsets, difficulties, tantrums, naughtyness, annoyances, rows between couples as to the best way of doing things, mess, door slamming, loud awful music, cheek, answering back.......... but when all is said and done, we are reborn in them....they carry through our gentetics.....and even when we die.....a little piece of us, will live forever. It's a sobering thought. Parents I know, who have 'been through it'...and I sometimes look up at them in awe....as my son enters his teenage years..(which always brings a sympathetic Groan from the been there, done that parents)...all tell me, that you never stop being a parent!...it doesn't end, when they go off to University, or move to another city to get a job, or get married....nothing really changes at all!....you still worry about them, you still think about them a large proportion of your life. And then (as some joyous sounding people on this forum have said)...you become a Grandparent perhaps! So, what did the other nights Drinking session teach me? Simple Never discuss Politics, religion....or your Kids, when two parts gone! Guess what?.....My parents told me that!.....and as a Typical son....I took no notice whatsoever!....until it happened....and I sat there thinking "Mum, Dad....you were right all along!
  8. RIP Manfred

    21st April....anniversary of the death of Red Baron Himself. Let us all raise a glass to him
  9. OT Funny kite story

    I suspect, they probably remembered it as Enemy Combatants playing around like Naughty Schoolboys
  10. OT Funny kite story

    Just re-read that, and it sounds a bit melodramatic....but, you know what I meant?
  11. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Walls have ears WM (I know, I just found one in my Ice Cream)
  12. OT Funny kite story

    Fantastic story....that's the true Joy of being a Parent!...Memories like that! They more than make up for the hard grind that Being a Parent can be at times, and shine like a beacon, when all around can be dark! For goodness sake, don't take her on head to Head in MP OFF.....she may get Kill number 2!!!
  13. Anyone else noticed?...about the Dev's?

    Stirling words there RC....and echoed throughout the Corridors of this great Community!
  14. RIP Manfred

    looks likely
  15. Anyone else noticed?...about the Dev's?

    lol..... care to say anything Mr Winder?....... Do we have reason to be excited?
  16. RIP Manfred

    Quite right Slarti...it is rather too early for me too! So, I shall raise my cup of Typhoo....and my Chocolate Hob Nob
  17. Glad you're enjoying it Barkhorn, and thanks for posting. Nice to know that our attempts are enjoyed by our fellow Flyers...it's nice to have a personalised plane (thats why I started this time consuming Hobby...it all started from a Skull and Crossbones....lol).....and of course, as Olham points out...these aircraft are all OBD skins...but 'Built under Licence' as they say?! Olham....Yes, the red line on the Tails...really impressive job by the OBD guys...I wouldn't even attempt it personally...but it does make te Alb look nice
  18. Fictional Fokker

    File Name: Fictional Fokker File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 17 Apr 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins Had a few people ask for this skin...so rather than email it....here it is. Fictional (but based on a pic I found on Google) Original Skin and Model by OBD Click here to download this file
  19. Fictional Fokker

    Thanks m8
  20. The Warrior Song (Vid)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTQrCjP14tA This is the reality guys...you just won't admit it!
  21. Shaved russian pussy!

    Couldn't resist posting this pic...I just love it! (I get the distinct impression....that Tiddles isn't a very happy Cat!)
  22. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Now I know...Poor Lou has finally Lost it!!! We look forward to your return!.........
  23. Aerial immolation

    Occasionally get it too.....rare, but does happen
  24. Which Time period do you fly?

    Hi Everyone Just thought it would be cool, to find which time period you prefer to fly in the most? (please note, even if you fly more than one..please only vote for your favourite)

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