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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. DVII skin

    Had a few guys contact me about this skin...So, I have uploaded it Enjoy
  2. Which Time period do you fly?

    The biggest surprise so far, has been that WW2 has the least number of votes. I knew there were a large number of Jet Jockies here, but am very surprised at that!
  3. Fictional Fokker



    Had a few people ask for this skin...so rather than email it....here it is. Fictional (but based on a pic I found on Google) Original Skin and Model by OBD
  4. All British airports are closed, and all flights grounded until further notice....due to a dust cloud from a Volcanic eruption in Iceland. Most European airports are, or will be shut down, as the cloud travels east http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/apr/15/airports-closed-volcanic-ash-iceland
  5. German Troops Killed in Afganistan.

    Amok is correct....A company in Sheffield, England makes and supplies rollers, that sit on the front of American APC's...so far, they have saved the lives of over 100 US Soldiers, who would have been blown up by Mines.....they are not available for British Soldiers! 261 UK Military Killed in Action 850 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals and categorised as Wounded in Action, including as a result of hostile action. 2,014 UK military and civilian personnel were admitted to UK Field Hospitals for disease or non-battle injuries. 122 UK personnel were categorised as Very Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease. 143 UK personnel were categorised as Seriously Injured from all causes excluding disease. 2,531 UK personnel were aeromedically evacuated from Afghanistan on medical grounds, whatever the reason. The Casualties for US troops, are higher still. When are the Politicians going to stop playing around, and finish the job
  6. Shocking truth about iPad

    Cool Cat...but, I bet my Dog could too
  7. "We believe that no race can be truly intelligent without laughter."

    God bless them all
  8. Royal Marines dissmised for striking a bomber...

    I wish the Politicians would decide once and for all whether this is a 'War' or merely a Peace Keeping Exercise. If it's a War...let it be total War...and get the Job done and dusted, instead of treading on eggshells, trying to not upset the Minorities!
  9. New aircraft and new skins

    I would love to see the Rumpler!.....I have some good skins in mind for that
  10. Ah yes....The chap who breaks into my House in the middle of the Night.. will find either my 13th Century Broadsword, My Samurai Sword...or My Morning Star embedded in his thick skull! (I prefer to see the whites of his eyes...before they cloud over.....permanantly!)
  11. Super Shot Mike....a real furball!!!
  12. OT All 56 British Airports Closed

    Nat Geo were very quick!...they put that episode of Aircrash Investigation on, same day!
  13. So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

    Oh Man!...The Skies will be a lot more Cloudy without you Lou!.....Thank you so much for all you have contributed on the Forums...and I really hope this is not goodbye...but merely 'back soon' (Remember this?)
  14. FIrefox and OFF

    yeah,prob best to have as little background stuff as possible running
  15. I have to agree totally with Rabu on this. The UK at the moment, has a rather unpleasant 'Knife Culture' amongst some of it's younger Inhabitants. There are Knife Killings in the UK, and it is a worrying trend. I myself, have been in the vacinity of a shooting incident, just last year...where two men entered the Bar I was having a Beer in, and shot a guy twice with handguns. The guy survived. It Convinced me of one thing! Even if the other people (or indeed the victim) had been armed to the teeth with guns....no-one would have reacted quickly enough, to prevent it. We are talking, over in seconds! When I casually perused the website, saying how many Police Officers were killed by guns in the US alone...it shocked me to say the least!......but, of the 102 who were killed in(I think 1998) 74 were killed BY ACCIDENT!!!! These are Trained, Law Enforcers!....and 2/3's either killed themselves..or were killed by someone, not intending to kill them!...... and Guns are supposed to protect people?....Rubbish!
  16. Douche Bag of the Week

    It would appear, looking at the photo, that one of the Officers at least managed a well aimed Right Hook! (actually, if you scroll down...the Dog video was great!...hahahaha)
  17. I am so glad I don't live next door to this clown. And I am not a liberal either....but your neighbour is quite clearly a Muppet. Guns are banned totally in the UK...and guess what?....Very few people get shot!....amazing, but true! If you have guns all over the place...you will get people getting shot all over the place...which is exactly what happens in the States. You guys really have never got over the whole Cowboy thing really have you? The beauty is...if you have a gun in Public here...the Police will shoot you!...because, you are an armed and dangerous criminal! QED
  18. OT at last!

    http://metoffice.com/aviation/vaac/vaacuk.html For 25 years, the 'Volcanic Ash Advisory Board' have had f*** all to do!....Now their 'Graham Bell communication device' has gone into Meltdown!!!..........hahahahahaha
  19. Which Time period do you fly?

    Any chance of getting back on Topic chaps?
  20. Ok, in the hope of saving, what is, an extremely interesting thread....I don't believe that Video games are responsible for violent behaviour at all. When you look at how violent Human History has been, video games have been with us from the late 1970's...which is nothing at all in a timescale. You will always get the odd fruitcake, who will cause mayhem, and it will be put down to a GTA type game...or a wingnut who gets high, listening to Thrash Metal songs, and go and kill someone......but 99.99% of humans, are rational enough to see the difference between fantasy and reality.
  21. OT All 56 British Airports Closed

    Someone said to me the Dust cloud was actually caused by Cleaners at Newcastle United Football club...cleaning out the Trophy Cabinet!!!
  22. Usafmtl I am really sorry if you feel what I said has taken the wind out of your Project...I promise you, that was never my intention. The reason for why you want to do what you are doing, is not only valid....it is honourable!...and you are quite right...I should not have posted my response in this particular thread! Please accept my apologies, and my 100% agreement with what you are doing.
  23. Royal Marines dissmised for striking a bomber...

    So, what else is new?..... We have had double standards in the UK, ever since the Bleeding hearts Labour Party came into power!...Roll on May, when we will finally see the Back of these prats!
  24. The "Twins" are uploaded

    Wicked work guys!!!

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