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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Maybe I have had a Brain Burp or something? Last two QC's..I have been a German Aircraft (Pfaltz or DVII) with two wingmen, against Four Allied aircraft. Both times, four Fokker E3's have appeared from nowhere, and joined in the Fight What is going on???
  2. Violent crime is sadly a fact of life. Boils down (yet again) to greed
  3. Keep this Cat away!

    http://www.disinfo.com/2010/02/oscar-the-death-cat-predicts-50-deaths-in-rhode-island-nursing-home/ What no-one has yet realised, is that Little Oscar, is in fact, the Worlds first Feline Serial Killer!!
  4. What's with the E3's?

    Ok...Found the offending article!...A Turkish EIII in my aircraft folder!!! My son is gonna get his ass kicked tomorrow!!!!!!.....f*cking about with MY OFF!!!!! Thanks guys...mystery solved!....or maybe I did Stump...and like you say...forgot all about it...though it doesn't explain the spawning
  5. What's with the E3's?

    Ok...this just got even 'weirder' Checked in Workshop...and spawn is set to 'Campaign'....never checked if that's default or not? Went back....hit QC (not CFS3QC).....grabbed an Albatross...against SE5a's....date Winter 1918....and this E3 pops up!...I dont think I have ever modded an E3....certainly dont recognise this bugger as in my list!....I believe there are 25 EIII skins in the skins folder?...have checked them all....none look like this!...have never skinned, or knowingly downloaded an EIII skin....am getting quite freaked about it now The Alb is one of my custom skins btw...just so you know
  6. Windows ReadyBoost

    Not heard of ready boost before...what is it?
  7. What's with the E3's?

    Ah yes!...that would certainly make sense!
  8. Well....it was a 24 by the time I'd finished with it!
  9. I live in hope...that my Keira Knightley fantasy I had yesterday, with her...me...and an industrial drum of Vanilla Ice Cream, becomes today's facts!!
  10. What's with the E3's?

    Hi Pol...Not sure about edited files...I played around with A Pfaltz Air file a while ago. Not CFS3QC....just standard (I think) Will get more details, and let you know...thanks m8
  11. Which Time period do you fly?

    I think Missiles period...took all the fun out
  12. Oh goody.... A Joust! (something to keep me amused whilst awaiting P4)
  13. Which Time period do you fly?

    WW1 Prop fan here...I like to hear them scream and Burn!..MUhahahahahahaha
  14. Find the Copperhead

    Like Snakes...not too bad with Spiders....but please...someone!...What is the f******g point in WASPS! Never trust ANYTHING that wears Black and Yellow Boxers!....KILL THEM ALL!
  15. Sometimes...thats about all we can do
  16. Everyone always remembers the Military...and rewards them with gongs etc...which of course is great. It's just a shame, that people who do dangerous Jobs in Civilian life, never get the same acknowledgement. You don't have to don a uniform, to serve your country...or indeed your fellow man. I say we should congratulate all the unsung heroes in our society too....such as the Police Force...the Paramedics, and the Fire Officers. And all the great minds...whose jobs are not so dangerous...but every bit as important. The Surgeons, The Scientists etc.......we rarely see them getting praised on forums. There is more to being a hero...than picking up a gun...and we should never forget that (sorry if that is a bit off topic...and it's not a dig at the Military....just worth bearing in mind)
  17. Personally...I am more concerned about Violent TV / Film Images than computer games. This may change, as Computer Graphics get more advanced I guess...but these hideously Violent movies are what I try to keep my Kid away from.....I often fail to see the thrill people experience from watching Rape and Torture in a film...I can't help but think there is something 'Not quite right' about people who get off on that. As for Kids playing COD Modern Warfare...and then desperate to go and try kill someone...well...thats what the Army is for.....but if they get their legs blown off...they better not come running to me!
  18. That's nothing Olham...I uploaded a skin as a .PDF once!
  19. Respect Jarhead!... you're Country, and indeed the Free World owe you and Your's a debt of Gratitude!
  20. It's official....

    WOO!.... CJ-Gramps! Congrats m8 (at least this time, you can give them back!)
  21. Achmed the dead terrorist

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uwOL4rB-go funny, but may Offend some
  22. Achmed the dead terrorist

    Haha....Just covering my Six o Clock

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