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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Which Time period do you fly?

    Certainly Not refering to TW games
  2. It would be a pretty awful game if it involved the 'true' reality of Soldiering...people need to remember (and I have to keep telling my Kid)...that Real War is nothing like the game...I think (hope) he can/has grasped this however. I think OvS said, and I agree with you and him... But perhaps the nearest you can get to it in a game (at present) would be BIA Hells Highway It's a great storyline, and deals with certain issues which you have brought up...and with it's team based gameplay..you really do get to know a little about the characters in it. I felt it was almost like 'playing a part in a movie'....stunning!...and as he says, totally unlike the COD series, which merely looks and feels like everyone else in it..is a computer sprite! As has been said before, people liken OFF to the Real thing...and to an extent it is...but it's still a game at the end of the day...you are not going to die horribly in a flying Tinderbox (for which I am very grateful!)
  3. I wish you would tell Hollywood that UncleAL
  4. Great Stuff Winston...looking forward to that!
  5. Ah yes Olham...but the fact we all live in a Democracy, which allows us freedom of speech, and with it, freedom to criticise. I take your point though...this isn't the place to conduct a smear campaign (even for long forgotten about Presidents/Prime Ministers etc) So, I will not mention Gordon Brown at all......honest
  6. Indeed!...If we even mentioned the 'Previous President' we would have to bring the level down to that of Pond Life, in case The 'Previous President' had trouble understanding the Big Words used
  7. EEurgh! Just been having a look through my early attempts at skinning...and remembered doing these, and thinking at the time..."Thats not Bad" So embarrasing!...I used to put pics up of these, and all you wonderful guys on here, used to humour me, and tell me to keep going...and they're really good!...Bless you all!!...Liars to a Man! I hope my lack of talent has been a bit better hidden of late...But thank you for all your support!...I really appreciated it at the time...and still do! So, here for your amusement...once more I present...........
  8. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    Roger Wilco
  9. haha...Well, I have one thing to thank them for...They showed me that I have a healthy disrespect for Authority
  10. I was in the Air Training Corps for two weeks...does that count?
  11. Fascinating subject. Rabu brought up a good point, when he refered to youngsters using guns/Bows and Arrows etc...and Imagination. If computer games have done anything bad...it is possibly that they have stiffled imagination in (some) Kids. I am 'reasonably' sure, that Historical type War Games, have in fact developed my son's interest in History...but certainly not on their own! (he too had the toy swords etc..that first got him into The Medieval period...and it has moved on from there.) Worthy note....his interest in Warfare ends at around the time of the Zulu Wars. He has absolutely no interest in WW1, WW2, or any conflicts post that!...If I show him a jetfighter game, or a WW2 shooter, he rolls his eyes, and loads up Napoleonic Total War
  12. Is it going to be shared amongst the Community?
  13. Company of Heroes mod

    If, like me..you enjoy playing the game 'Company of Heroes'...you may not be aware of this superb mod for it. Check it out http://www.easternfront.org/
  14. Company of Heroes mod

    Yes..I am beginning to see this too!
  15. Keep this Cat away!

    Yeah..there is something inherantly creepy about Cats...even though I like them...I can't trust them!
  16. Nice ones Olham old chap...they will find their way into my Hanger
  17. I voted "It depends on the War Game" I don't like the glorified modern 'Terrorist Takedown' sort of games...I think that is quite revolting tbh..as there are people dying doing it for real today. War Games such as OFF and the Total War series however, I believe act as a History lesson, for young people..which is a good thing
  18. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    Haha...well, it's just a fun posting really. I don't mind too much, whether people like my skins or not...(I hope they do of course) I have done a few in the download section, I am reasonably happy with....but there is always room for improvement
  19. That's the most sensible thing I have read so far!
  20. Today in the day

    Wonderful stuff...looking forward to more!...really brings the past to life!...thanks for sharing
  21. For those of a certain age...

    RIP I was just wondering the other day how old he was!
  22. Keep this Cat away!

    Well, I am more of a Dog person, but have a Cat too..and have often kept them in the past..so yeah..I like cats
  23. EEK..Toe-curlingly baaaad

    Indeed..Sitting atop a skull
  24. I'm Back At The Front

    Welcome Back Lou...The Huns have missed you!...Time to go 'light some up'

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