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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/7530164/Taliban-fighters-are-conditioned-to-die-in-battle-claims-former-insurgent.html I think the only way the fighting will ever stop..is by talking. It's what the Brits had to do in Ireland..and although it left a bad taste in the Mouth, the only way forward then, was to release the convicted IRA terrorists. The more the Taliban fighters realise, that their leaders are talking Bollocks...the more likely they will begin to leave the frontline. I am quite encouraged for the first time.
  2. Which leads us neatly back around to my Original post about Greed. Disreputable Lawyers, Insurance companies and Banks are high on my Hitlist!
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8596056.stm GO AWAY!
  4. Random Pic Time

    Just thought I would wish you a Happy Easter!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/show?p=kyWJHHHIxwM&feature=fvsp One of the funniest series I have ever watched on TV
  6. OT Fancy some Irreverant Comedy?

    Indeed Hasse Wind...must be the diet of greasy Chips, and Drizzle!
  7. I believe that is pretty much the route the US is now taking?
  8. Albatros DVa Hornet

    Really like that skin Deadhead!
  9. You're about to learn all about it Uncleal...thanks to Obama
  10. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    I hope we don't achieve inter-stella space travel...it would just lead to us f***ing up other planets as well as our own. I like the quote..... Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.
  11. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8591442.stm A major part of my misspent youth!...Happy Birthday!!!! Old Punks never Die!
  12. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    So, if that's the case Jedi Master (and I can see why you would come to that conclusion)...it's a totally no win situation for the West? If that's the case, then it's just a case of containment!...keep them there...with a thin line of Khaki..in the hope that none manage to board a 767 or indeed, develop a WMD?....depressing thought indeed!
  13. Happy 50th Birthday Dr Martens!

    Ahh, great Days! Toon fans probably can't afford them anymore!
  14. On the contrary...that is always news worthy of celebration!!
  15. Interesting Interview with Ex-Taliban Fighter

    Well, I don't really see it as buying them off....I am sure there are many Taliban fighters sick to the back teeth of fighting for their oppressive Warlords.. Much like the Japanese were in WW2...they have been lied to...told that US and UK soldiers, will burn their villages and Mosques...and rape and Murder their Children. Once (like happened to this guy) they see that as lies, more and more will probably put down their arms (especially if there is an amnesty)...and go back to their villages. BUT they have to have something to go back to!...if it's just the fear of reprisal, and a dust bowl of nothing...why would they? Most people agree, that you will never defeat them with Missiles, Bombs and Tanks...that strategy alone is doomed to failure...so the powers that be, must find alternatives as well..... Stick and Carrot is the only way forward (imho)
  16. Captain Owers...what a guy!

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1260297/Bomb-expert-Captain-Wayne-Owers-defused-93-devices-receive-medal.html?ITO=1490 Brave, courageous and probably a wee bit mad!...But you cannot fail to have respect for this level of Guts!
  17. WW1 Film: Beneath Hill 60

    Ah yes this story about the guys armed with Bayonets / Clubs / Spades etc who dug under the Trenches?...brutal stuff! (saw a documentary about it on History Channel)....musta been the worse job in WW1
  18. Happy 50th Birthday Dr Martens!

    mine were to start with!...I used to nick all the British Rail Toilet Chains from Newcastle to Brighton to hang off my Jacket! (I'm surprised I didn't give myself some awful disease!) perhaps I did?
  19. Well, with any amount of luck, the UK will come to it's senses, and vote Brown and his Junta out in the May Elections. (although, there is no-one in opposition I trust to get the country sorted...so in the words of Widowmaker.... we're f*cked!
  20. What was your Fun Car?

    hahaha...in that case Rabu..I am in the enviable position of having an older Volvo... actually, I really like it too...first car I have ever had, that starts first time, every time...and..a real bonus... The CD player works!..hahahahaha
  21. Rabu Your points are very valid...I think what I am trying to say, is that it's the unfair distribution of wealth (which may or may not be put down to greed) that I have always had a problem with. Yes, the Middle class are suffering hardship in the economic crises, but Wallaroo may, quite justifyably say imho..that it's been a long time coming. The poor have always suffered... I have personal experience of what it's like to be homeless and hungry. It's all relative I guess, but the middle class (certainly in the UK) have lived it up...spending money they don't have, on their big houses...expensive cars..and top notch consumer products....and now the bottom has fallen out of their fantasy world...and they are upset about it, trying to blame the Banks, Credit Companies and government...when, in fact it's their own fault. I am not finger pointing...for the simple reason...I was one of them! (though having, I hope.. a modicum of common sense, I could see what was coming, so pulled the reigns in before disaster struck.) Quite a few people who I know didn't...and are now paying the price sadly... I would have thought that the government too, could have seen it coming...especially after (what was effectively.. A run on the Banks!) that we were headed into stormy waters...but no...they continued to spend, spend, spend...and use our Tax Money, to bail out the fat cat Bankers! But that's democracy I guess...which is of course, the very WORST way to run a Country...(until you look at the alternatives!) BTW...this is a great discussion, and thank you OvS for keeping it open!!
  22. What was your Fun Car?

    I'm sorry to say, that I have never had a car I have had fun with...they are, to me at least..a functional item, that fail to inspire any feelings of affection at all within me. I have a Volvo. Nuff said really
  23. Have to disagree with you on one of your points Rabu. When you have a population (such as those in the US and UK) who drive around one person in a car...when 1/3 of the population is morbidly Obese...when the UK owes £1 Trillion in debt, and half the worlds population earn in a lifetime, what my household earns in 12 months....that sounds pretty much like greed to me!
  24. Welcome to the World of OFF Trebby.

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