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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT Is EVE Online any good...

    Well, I can't comment myself,as I have never played it..BUT I have two friends who swear it's the best game out there re:Space type thing...and it's been around a while...never heard anything bad from it's devotees
  2. DFW Campaign

    Well, I have taken the Plunge, and started a two seater campaign (what was I thinking??) I think there are a couple of two seater fans on the forum..so any advice on how to stay alive most welcome Here is my Aircraft... based on a Halb CLIV livery (but only just!!...a lot of artistic license) BTW...I found the DFW a real bitch to skin!
  3. Satan

    A few minutes before the church services started, the congregation was sitting in their pews and talking. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate. Soon the church was empty except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew without moving, seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence.. So Satan walked up to the man and said, 'Do you know who I am?' The man replied, 'Yep, sure do.' 'Aren't you afraid of me?' Satan asked. 'Nope, sure ain't.' said the man. 'Don't you realize I can kill you with one word?' asked Satan. 'Don't doubt it for a minute,' returned the old man, in an even tone. 'Did you know that I can cause you profound, horrifying AGONY for all eternity?' persisted Satan. 'Yep,' was the calm reply. 'And you are still not afraid?' asked Satan. ' Nope,' said the old man More than a little perturbed, Satan asked, 'Why aren't you afraid of me?' The man calmly replied, 'Been married to your sister for 48 years.
  4. OT Once upon a Time

    Once upon a time, a guy asked a beautiful girl 'Will you marry me?' The girl said, 'NO!' And the guy lived happily ever after and rode motorcycles and went fishing and hunting and played golf a lot and drank beer and scotch and had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted. THE END
  5. Hi Guys Can anyone give me a quick run down on making a picture look very old using Photoshop? Thanks
  6. Wow!..perfect!...thank you very much mdatelmi
  7. Satan

    Yep...I had better get on with Knitting my Asbestos Underpants Slarti
  8. OT Once upon a Time

    She already did...hence the bump on my head (ouch)
  9. OT Once upon a Time

    Hahha..yep RC..best place to be after I have had my favourite Chicken Fajitas!!
  10. OT Once upon a Time

    Hahaha...Thanks Olham. Just a jokey email I got this morning, so thought I'd post it!...Mrs Widowmaker is a lovely woman..and I have no complaints (well, it would be nice to Fart occasionally..but hey!)
  11. I Survive...

    It's tough just keeping a job in the current economic climate throughout the Western Hemisphere...so nice 1 m8
  12. My HDD died, a warning to all

    Unknown Pilot is correct of course..Backup to HDD is not a backup in the true sense of the word..But DVD's too are far from Ideal. An offsite backup is possibly the way to go...but if like me, you merely backup to HDD...I use GM-Pro as my software of choice...just doing an incremental one every month to an external, is enough for me...Nothing hugely drastic to lose personally...yes, a pisser..but not life threatening. (all my skins for instance are uploaded to CA anyway! (so dont lose them chaps!!)
  13. Free ATI 4870 512 Graphics Card

    Super Offer m8 (and may I say, not un-typical of the guys on the OFF forum?) My goodness...are we bloody great on here or what??
  14. hahaha...Thank you BH for pointing that out...you are of course correct. TO THE KING indeed!..HUSSAH
  15. OT Computer Scam

    Hi Everyone, As you may or may not know, I fix Computers for my sins. What happened last night was quite amazing, and not a little worrying! Now, I know you are all computer savvy...but you may no some Elderly people or friends/family who are not so, therefore worth bearing in mind for their sake! (this was UK..but no reason for it not to happen elsewhere) I was actually round an Elderly customers house last night, installing the computer that I had fixed for him...and completely by chance, he had a phone call. It was an Indian Gentleman who said he was from 'Windows' The customer handed the phone to me, and the guy said that an "irregularity had been found on my computer, and it was his job to assist me to rectify it on behalf of Windows" Well, I thought "Let's see what this boffin can tell me".....He then went on to basically instruct me on to the cmd line, and to type in msconfig to bring up the huge list of processes running Illegally on the Computer (fascinating, as I had just reformatted it, so it only had Windows on it ) He then told me that for a mere £50, he could help me remove all traces of the Illegal software, to help prevent fraud and trouble with the Police. At this point, I informed him that I was a Computer Engineer, and that what he was saying was total b******* to which he replied "Oh...you're a computer Engineer?" I said "Yes" I can only assume he didn't want to continue the conversation, because we were sadly Cut off! Naturally I dialled 1471...because I really thought he could help me with my Illegal processes...but as it was a with held number, I wasn't able to. So...Word of Caution! If this guy (or any of his low life friends phone you...please ensure you DO NOT give him the time of day!!!) Good luck out there
  16. Went to the Doctor today

    I have a few things not quite right (WARNING ADULT MONTY PYTHON) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnvZpi3nbsc
  17. Could have ended in Tragedy

    This could have been really bad...but as it wasn't it made me smile! Kids eh? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1258917/Thomas-Chatfield-5-crashes-fathers-4x4-4-mile-joyride.html
  18. To the French

    Well, having suffered from the IRA terrorists for many decades (thankfully sorted out now) We in the UK can understand peoples fears. (I myself escaped being blown to Bit's in the Guildford Pub Bombings...the Horse and Groom was my local...I just wasn't in it on that day thank goodness) Almost as bad as terrorists..are the people who support them! (Yes, Irish American Sympathisers..I DO MEAN YOU!) The ones who gave money to the IRA (or who now give support to other global terrorist organisations) are tainted with the blood of innocent people!
  19. OT Computer Scam

    Hahaha..yes..It was a shame actually, as I was in the company of one of my Customers, so sadly could not give him a lesson in Anglo Saxon Terminology!! Will give you a call over the weekend m8...hope you got ya Puter sorted!! chat soon
  20. Of interest to some

    http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/air76.asp Ever wondered about the 99,000 individuals of the RFC/RAF 1914-1918? Well, here are their Service Histories
  21. Of interest to some

    Absolutely Dej It doesn't matter which colour uniform they wore...anyone man enough to fly one of these crates, and fight an Air Battle, has got to be bloody special!!
  22. Hi Guys, With over 4,000 skins to choose from in our Favourite sim...I just wondered if there is any ONE skin, that you, as individuals, are particularly proud of doing?...You know...that one skin, that you make, and think "Yes....THAT's the one!"
  23. Of interest to some

    Wow Checksix...great website!...and you do the memory of those men justice
  24. A Snipe for Widowmaker

    Morris / Olham How do you like your Kraut? Fried or mashed?...or of course, with Twin Vickers... You could always be served up to the Kaiser Shredded! Don't let anyone accuse the Krumpets of not giving the Huns freedom of Choice!
  25. Imaginary Grief

    You think you have it bad?...I killed my own Wingman with a Blue on Blue last month!..Now THAT's bad!

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