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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Now THAT'S what you call 'Spin Doctoring'

    Nope, never saw that...poor buggers
  2. Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

    I couldn't do Makai's job on so many levels...but the worst would be seeing those Fish..and not being on the surface above the Sub with a damn Fishing Rod!
  3. Rise of Flight - Offline

    Or some bonny French Madam's
  4. Sopwith Production

    You heard the Man Devs!...(you'll never hear the last of it if you don't)...and neither will these hapless Bastards on the forum either!
  5. Ltn Josef Raesch DVIIF skin uploaded

    Hardly m8!..lol I always download your stuff Beanie!
  6. Worst Forward Visibility

    I'm with Hellshade!...the Tripe is brilliant for looking around and keeping a bead on the Huns
  7. Sopwith Production

    If I use a very selective memory, it can almost appear that way...however, the truth (as it is with many people) isn't quite as pretty
  8. Ltn Josef Raesch DVIIF skin uploaded

    Thank you Olham...yes, I must admit there was a huge amount of DVII's and DR1's that FRO uploaded...which did kinda screw the rest of us. Half the fun of Skinning, is doing a bit of research...finding out a little bit of 'The Man behind the conrols' so to speak...and duplicating skins is not much fun if you knowingly have to do so. This is only my second 'historical skin' on the DVII....and even my first had a FRO version I hadn't spotted!
  9. Ltn Josef Raesch Fokker DVIIF



    Lieutenant Josef Raesch (born 4 June 1897, date of death unknown) flew with Jasta 43. He was credited with seven aerial victories, two of which were over other aces, Guy Wareing and Ernest Charles Hoy. On 26th July 1918, he was forced to abandon his burning DVII and parachuted to safety 2 months later, he was given a Pfaltz DXII but was unhappy with the new fighter..and he wrote: "I am very unhappy with the Pfaltz. It does not climb well, is clumsy in turns, and will not keep up with the formation" Original Fokker DVIIF copywrite OBD Software
  10. Sopwith Production

    Hahaha...thank you Unc
  11. Posted it in the pub...but in case you guys don't go there...I found it amusing http://forum.combatace.com/topic/53898-now-thats-what-you-call-spin-doctoring/
  12. OT Got this on email

    Remove by all means OvS...just posted in my usual innocence, cos I thought it was funny at the time
  13. Now THAT'S what you call 'Spin Doctoring'

    A Nutter?..what here?...on Combat Ace?...Whatever can we do?
  14. Rise of Flight - Offline

    My feelings exactly!..well said Ryan (except I feel OFF's graphics are better than ROF's in many ways)
  15. Sopwith Production

    Hi Duce, Yes, it was hammered relentlessly by the Luftwaffe in WW2...but in traditional German manner...they consistently missed it! The house I lived in (and indeed most of the houses in that area) were rebuilt after the war (many were destroyed)...but my friend Tim lived in one that was original..it even had it's old Anderson Shelter in the garden (where we used to hang out, smoking, drinking..and entertaining young ladies in our misspent youth!) The remains of a doodlebug also sat (and possibly still does) in the woods nearby...and a large crater caused by the demise of an HE-111 or DO-17 (no-one seems to know which)...created the pond which I learned to fish in!...So thanks for that Mr Hitler!
  16. Rise of Flight - Offline

    Well I have got it..I played offline..but the graphics were all crap for some reason...go online, and they're all fine again. I don't think I particularly wasted my money buying it...but (IMHO) it is inferior in almost every respect to OFF...whether you are online or not. It's IL2 with Biplanes,,,but each to their own I guess.
  17. Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

    Be great if it reaches 10,000
  18. Now THAT'S what you call 'Spin Doctoring'

    Ooo...Did I miss summat?
  19. Now THAT'S what you call 'Spin Doctoring'

    Actually guys...have just found out it is FAKE (had me fooled though) http://www.snopes.com/politics/humor/horsethief.asp
  20. OT Got this on email

    It's actually fake! (thanks to Kel for pointing it out)
  21. update on the stumper

    Yeah, my thoughts to you Stump.... glad to see you're making those overpaid Doctors work for a living! Chin up Buddy, and get well soon UKW
  22. 2010 Oscar Results.

    As a 2d movie, I would have said it was average...it was the 3d that did it for me!
  23. 2010 Oscar Results.

    That would very much depend on the level of your voice...and your choice of Restaurant (I was of course merely using that film as an example)...would'nt quite work if replaced by Reg Vardy's 'On the Buses'
  24. Anti-Ubisoft DRM petition to sign

    Well done lads
  25. 2010 Oscar Results.

    Well, I loved Avatar...I thought it was entertainment, and well worth the extra to see it in 3d Cannot stand the Arty Farty snobs who are part and parcel of these ludicrous award farces, and indeed the film industry generally You know the type? The Ones who sit around in Restaurants, who are determined that you should hear what they have to say "Oh Tarquin...what did you think of La Controverse de Valladolid?..You know darling...the Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe one?" "Oh God Rupert..I was moved to tears my Lovey..It was Pugnacious of Jean-Daniel to move to a Franciscan Motive...he is such a dream boat" AAAAAARGH...... I just want to get up and Thrust a Toasting fork into their ********* skulls!

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