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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Burn Notice

    Jeez!...What is it with you Yanks?...Your BIG Guns...your Sexy Women, your Sun Kissed Beaches...your.....Hang on!
  2. £1m Question for The OBD skinners

    Well, Your talent will conquer OvS
  3. Beat's 'Child Grooming' I guess
  4. Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

    There's where it loses it for me!..Crysis, when fighting the Humans was fantastic!...as soon as you add daft Aliens, and big metal Robots..I'm outta there
  5. hmmmm...... wonder if he wants an X-Box and iPhone for his birthday? {ahem}
  6. How cool is that? (No XBox..No iPhone)... I live in the Stone Age
  7. If you could go back in time, would you?

    Dogs live in the 'now' I'm quite happy to as well
  8. Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

    I agree with Siggi...it's all about Greed. Whilst I appreciate the piracy concerns of Multi National HUGE corporations (do I feel sorry for Microsoft Windows being Pirated?...Not hugely if I am perfectly honest)...Would I feel sorry for the OBD guys if they suffered Piracy?...Of course I would! The Music and Film Industry are the same...remember the 'Home taping is Killing Music' rant of the 80's? Well...guess what?...the Music Industry is still alive! (and if Simon Cowell is anything to go by) doing rather well thank you very much!!!! I am convinced now, that ridiculous levels of Copywrite protection, probably lose more revenue, than is lost to Piracy...the bad Kama that Ubisoft have now hoisted on themselves, and the Anti-Ubisoft lobby that is growing, both on the Net..and in PC Magazines, will damage Ubisoft's credibility far more than the money they may/may not have saved by doing what they have done (IMHO of course)
  9. Another one bites the dust..

    See you in Hell asshole! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/7406475/Bali-bombing-mastermind-killed-in-police-shoot-out.html
  10. Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

    Ridiculous!...Steam games are often Cracked..Little doubt (if enough people were interested) ROF could get Cracked...and so will Ubisoft!.....the pirates still get what they want...and the rest of us suffer! (so whats new?)
  11. If you could go back in time, would you?

    Don't get me started on reincarnation! I did a past life regression under hypnosis once! Although I was concious of where I was, I was living the Life of a Persian Soldier...I was in charge of a female Prisoner, and her child...I cut the Childs throat with my Scimitar..she was Greek (obviously)...And I apparently said to the Hypno dude, when he asked me why I was looking tense that "I am guarding this Prisoner... I can't decide whether to slit the Harlot's throat BEFORE I rape her...or Afterwards! Needless to say, I don't remember saying that at all...and in 'this' life, the whole thought is abomnibal...So, whether I was re-living an experience of a past life, or merely in a Nightmarish Dream...I cannot decide which. Not doing it again
  12. £1m Question for The OBD skinners

    Thank you Morris...... Fishing is my greatest Passion! (for Fish..or Devs)
  13. That's mint!...with luck it may get ported to PC..as I dont have an Xbox
  14. If you could go back in time, would you?

    Depends very much on whether I had to stay there permanently!!!! If someone said "You can now go back in time, and be a WW1 fighter Pilot, on the Western Front, but you cannot come back, and you risk death the same as the others"...I would have no alternative, but to kick them very hard in the Shins...and run away VERY fast! IMHO anyone who says they would do that, has either got to be Clinically Insane, or have no idea about WW1 aerial warfare..and somehow think, they are the next Red Baron, because they shot some planes down in OFF!! I would love to 'visit' such periods in History as: - The Time of the Dinosaurs (would love to see what colours they REALLY were!) Would Love to Visit Rome, at the height of it's Empire...It must have been some sight to see. BUT...Most of all, I would have liked to meet Jesus!.... To see if all the Fuss about him is Justified
  15. 2010 Oscar Results.

    The Oscar's are a complete load of old Tosh! Couldn't care less who won what personally...never saw the Hurt Locker...probs never will either
  16. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    Just be glad they got him!...there are plenty of them out there...and all of them deserve whats coming to them!

    Thanks for that Yeah, I swap between Nvidia and ATI (same as I do for Intel / AMD) It doesn't pay to be a fanboi of one or the other (imho) It's just a case of "OK..I want to upgrade...so lets go through all the options/advantages/disadvantages...and chose accordingly" I happen to be Intel and Nvidia at the moment..but that could change next time around (especially if Nvidia are frying their own cards!!)
  18. Need a new Tank then look here....

    That's nothing m8!...this is my Brand Spanking new 'Crusader' Tank! I'm gonna take it to the Holy Land, and recapture Jerusalem for the King!...catch ya later! " ONWARD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, MARCHING AS TO WAR....WITH THE CROSS OF JESUS........"
  19. Some stirling work on that there engine BH... I admire you for taking on Modelling!...waaaay over my head!
  20. "Their Finest Hour"

    Totally agree Olham....(maybe they will let us have one, as it's so 'out of date?)
  21. Remembrance

    Well..It's very rare for The Widowmaker to say this...But... I am UTTERLY SPEECHLESS! If this video is NOT used on Page one of the OBD site..they would have to be mad!!! It is sooooo good, I even posted it on my Facebook page! (only the second OFF video to be put on there!)
  22. A new tiny man on the planet

    Congratulations!...The Work (and fun) starts today for you!!
  23. Sounds good to me! If Brown gets elected again..I'm gonna move to Somalia!

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