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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I hate to have to post this Ladies

    But, it's about time you took this seriously!!!
  2. Always photos

    Amazing...thanks for sharing
  3. and so on

    If the Boche don't get ya...the Lions will!...great pics m8
  4. Girly Marine Hats ... Seriously?

    I think it's a rather nice hat!
  5. Not a big fan of the Guy..but

    He does make sense to me
  6. WWII Pet cull

    Interesting..I knew about the Pet-Cull of WW2 There was a War on of course..but as there is no War now...would someone please try and explain why Romania are slaughtering 60,000 Dogs as we type this???
  7. All in one place :) nice!
  8. For Dog and Cat Lovers Everywhere

    Take ya pick :) (absolutely Brilliant...I nearly choked on my Coffee)
  9. IL-2 WW1, Part 3 - air-to-air at last!

    Great review..I have this installed, but it doesnt look anywhere near as good as this!
  10. For Dog and Cat Lovers Everywhere

    Both are very well observed :)
  11. If only us Adults

    Could view the World through a Child's Eyes :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eUxg33kbnc
  12. If only us Adults

    isn't she just Nesher! :)
  13. Passenger lands sick pilots plane

    Extraordinary!.... the guy deserves an award!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-24450534
  14. Passenger lands sick pilots plane

    Sadly, the Pilot has died...suspected Heart Attack
  15. No wonder he's 'Unnavailable to comment' He's probably at the Dry Cleaners!....fabulous. Deserves an award for courage!!!! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-humber-24450534
  16. Each to their own...

    Well, I was one of the biggest 'slaters' of the 'other sim'....but ended up getting it anyway..and bought a few planes. It's pretty cool, though I can never connect (or indeed find an online game)...I must be doing something wrong. If you're a 'fun' skinner like I am..ROF is very easy to skin aircraft...which I enjoy as a time wasting exercise...as you get all the levels to play with in photoshop. Even a complete noob skinner, can make a rather respectable personal skin in 15 mins
  17. WWI Mod for IL-2 '46?

    I know that one of the big selling points about ROF is it's multiplayer capability...but whenever i've tried it, cannot find a server. Would be fabulous if WOFF had decent MP.
  18. WWI Mod for IL-2 '46?

    I've played it off and on...it's ok...nothing special though...it's just IL2 with Biplanes
  19. More WOFF Screenshots

    Looking really good
  20. Just one word.... enjoy

    Unarmed and Alone.... heroic!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ie3SrjLlcUY#t=199
  21. For Widow: Kermit Flies a Snipe

  22. For Widow: Kermit Flies a Snipe

    Fabulous find...thanks very much :)
  23. B-17 Crash

    Hello All As some of you may know, I have a great love for Border Collie Sheepdogs...and have been lucky enough to be involved in filming a DVD about their roots here in Northumberland UK You may also be aware of the B-17G which crashed in December 1944 on a Hillside called 'The Cheviot' http://www.303rdbg.com/photo-animals.html One of the two crew members, who were sadly killed in this crash, was Sgt Frank R. Turner. The survivors were rescued in appalling weather, by two Shepherds, and their Collie Dog 'Sheila' We were very pleased, when Mr Turners Son decided to fly over from his Home in the US, to be interviewed with Mr John Dagg (the Son of one of the Shepherds.) It was obviously a very emotional experience for all concerned, but Mr Rod Merrit and Mr John Dagg will hopefully remain friends, brought together by History, and Fate. What an Honour to have them here on this special day.

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