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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Lesson Learned..never go on a forum full of women!

    hahahaha....that's made my day!! (The Dog Whisperer is a prog on NatGeo) he sorts out difficult and dangerous dogs...though to listen to how those women went on, you would think he sorted them out in an Al Pacino type way!!
  2. Had a great day aboard HMS Ark Royal, returning for a visit to her Birthplace on the River Tyne...The Geordie Girl comes home to Newcastle..HURRAH
  3. OT A great day on HMS Ark Royal

    Hi Lou...she sails on the Morning Tide...lol To take delivery of the 12 Harrier's that were sadly nowhere to be seen on the Day!(she was only open to the Public for one day (Saturday)...really glad I went along...and of course, my son now wants to Join the Navy!
  4. Yes, great Poll The two voters who voted 'No' to question 5....shame on you! If we don't bring Noobs on board, OFF will become a total fanboi release!
  5. OT A great day on HMS Ark Royal

    That's very true Olham....not a massive fan of Empire's generally (except the Game of course)...but they seem to be very important in moving civilisation forward.
  6. William Wellman's Nieuport 24

    It wouldn't be the first time I've done that too
  7. OT A great day on HMS Ark Royal

    Don't think anyone does these days.....with the advent of Fire and Forget weapons, Air Power and Nuclear weapons, the waves kinda rule themselves. One of the guys I spoke to, had been on another ship combating Somali Pirates, and had sliced one of their boats clean in half with one of those 20mm guns!
  8. Great tip...heading there now
  9. I have a button assigned to Joystick..which, is labels, I flick on and off again real quick, when I 'suspect' enemy aircraft may be in the area... due to my eyes not being quite what they were.... doesn't ruin the immersion too much though on campaign flights
  10. OT For Sale

    Adverts Put In Paper These are classified ads, which were actually placed in a U.K. Newspaper: FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER. 8 years old. Hateful little bastard. Bites! FREE PUPPIES 1/2 Cocker Spaniel, 1/2 sneaky neighbour's dog. FREE PUPPIES. Mother, a Kennel Club registered German Shepherd. Father, Super Dog... able to leap tall fences in a single bound. COWS, CALVES: NEVER BRED. Also 1 gay bull for sale. JOINING NUDIST COLONY! Must sell washer and dryer £100. WEDDING DRESS FOR SALE. Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie. *** And the WINNER is... *** FOR SALE BY OWNER. Complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica, 45 volumes. Excellent condition.....£200 or best offer. No longer needed; got married last month. Wife knows f#%#%#g everything!
  11. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Have to say Siggi.. I smell a Rat somewhere m8
  12. Question to ponder...

    ah..but if you destroyed every watch and Clock in the world...would it be the end of time? ...... possibly not I suspect!
  13. Killer Whale drowns Trainer

    Yep... It's fascinating how they all sound Surprised!...this is the third person he's nobbled
  14. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    I enjoy it for the Blast...and it's fun online too
  15. OT: Olympic Hockey

    I just like watching the Fighting!...gloves off..smack upside ya head!...great entertainment
  16. Killer Whale drowns Trainer

    It should never have been captured in the first place!...they use the term 'study' to describe the work they do at Seaworld...but it's just a money making venture! It's the same as the Japs using 'research' as a word to justify their continued culling of Minky and Pilot Whales. Just leave them alone!....your little Japanese cock isn't going to grow to more than it's natural 3" no matter how much Tiger Anus you eat!...freaks!
  17. probably the most amazing piece of aerial footage I have ever seen!....incredible!
  18. Killer Whale drowns Trainer

    I dunno why we can't leave anything alone...as a species, we are an interfearing pain in the s**tter
  19. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Yep...Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see YU-Play shut down, and all it's employees hanged in Public!...they are real wankers
  20. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Oops!...what have I started?
  21. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Have to agree with you on that one...the DRM is a shambles!...I wish the Ruskies would get their s**t sorted!!!
  22. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Well, I may be in a minority of one (no change there then) but I find it quite good fun nonetheless. Yes, the FM is not overly encouraging, and MP can be a little shaky at times... but it's good fun, and light relief from the intensity of uber-accurate simming. Just sometimes..I can't be arsed about whether the plane flies with the 100% realism of the real thing...sometimes, I just wannna kill something!...and it's fun for that
  23. OMG..I don't believe I just watched this!

    Yeah..on further inspection, one would think it would corkscrew totally out of control at the loss of a wing....very clever though
  24. OMG..I don't believe I just watched this!

    Though reading the comments...it *May* be fake?...what do you guys think?
  25. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    Got very drunk at a party, and woke up next to a PC

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