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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Sound Tweak II. 100% improvement

    Amazing third party work m8..thank you
  2. The very fact that there will be a P4, is reason enough to celebrate. I know little of game development, and I didn't think CFS3 could even get as good as BHaH has become. But Winder and the team rate the engine, and indeed prove that it has a lot more to offer, each time a new release becomes available. (just shows what a lazy bunch of ******* Microsoft are, to release the crap they did!)
  3. enjoy (if thats the right word)
  4. Way to go Treo!

    He's probably wondering what all the fuss is about! http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Labrador-Treo-Awarded-Dickin-Medal-Animal-VC-For-Sniffing-Out-Roadside-Bombs-In-Afghanistan/Article/201002415558056?lpos=UK_News_News_Your_Way_Region_2&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15558056_Labrador_Treo_Awarded_Dickin_Medal_Animal_VC_For_Sniffing_Out_Roadside_Bombs_In_Afghanistan
  5. Way to go Treo!

    Yeah...though not difficult to see why they don't like them. Dogs ain't sneaky low life's!
  6. Brit's without Humour Olham?...surely, there is no such thing??
  7. ROF So Far

    one plane...72 hours (and free flight only I believe?)
  8. Wow!...you know ... some of these screenshots (if developed into Coloured Plates) would make a fantastic pictorial History of WW1 aircraft!...now THAT would be a book I would buy!!
  9. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    Yeah..Yu-Play....possibly even more frustrating than Steam (if thats possible) I got ROF too (just to see if the hype is to be believed)...quite like it...but it doesn't shine a light on BHaH (yes, I know I'm an OFF Fanboi)...but it really doesn't....even if you paid to download all the addon aircraft, it wouldn't even be anywhere approaching BHaH Yes, the damage modelling is good, and some of the effects are in fact Brilliant...but that wears thin as you get used to a game... And so, when it comes to 'substance'...It's still BHaH for me everytime.... But at least I can appreciate some of the ROF fans points of view a bit more than I did...so fair play to them
  10. Looking for work

    I know where you're coming from Mike...I am an MCSE...paid £3,000 for the priveledge!...but soon found out, it was like leaving school again!...no experience was the usual palm off...so I thought F*** you lot!...And went self employed!...never looked back...trouble is of course, I dislike bosses so much now...I am virtually unemployable!...which is actually no bad thing imho! I wish you luck m8
  11. Wings of Prey half price on Steam

    I'm definately with you on the downloaded game principle Rabu...and it was with great reluctance that I have had to use Steam...but I'm an avid gamer, and more and more these days, it is a requirement (price we pay for the pirates I guess) to activate online at least. When I bought the 2 dvd Empire total war...I was surprised to note how little data was on it (seemingly) and the main file was a Steam Install...so even with the disks...you cant play the damn thing without Steam
  12. ROF So Far

    Crap visability though...Gonna have to buy a Camel I guess
  13. ROF So Far

    I wonder why they included the (possibly) two best German Fighters...and then the pi$$ poor Spad and Noop for the allies? No British aircraft at all! (unless you buy them of course)...ah yes...that's the rub. Pretty dire though, when you consider the amount of aircraft you get with OFF / FSWW1 /FE etc etc (that said, I'm quite enjoying it)
  14. And yet..they still got their asses kicked!...unbelievable!..perhaps their lack of fatalities was due to them running away most of the time?
  15. ROF So Far

    Like OFF for example
  16. A Brisfit For The Belgian Air Service

    You'll probably find that you've breached a copywrite of the Belgian Government...and armed, grey suited Government officials are on their way to have you arrested and sent to a Gulag!
  17. Injured in Fallujah

    A US army platoon was marching north of Fallujah when they came upon an Iraqi insurgent, badly injured and unconscious on the left-hand side of the road. On the right-hand side was a British soldier in a similar, but less serious state. The Brit was conscious and alert. As first aid was given to both men, the platoon leader asked the injured soldier what had happened. The soldier reported: "I was recce-ing the highway here when suddenly, coming towards me from the south was a heavily-armed insurgent. We saw each other and both took cover in the ditches along the road. "I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable, lowlife scumbag who'd got what he deserved. The insurgent yelled back that Gordon Brown is a fat, useless, lying, one-eyed porridge wog. And furthermore, Lord Mandelson is a pillow-biting gay bastard! "So I said that Osama Bin Laden dresses and ponces about like a frigid, hatchet-faced lesbian. "He retaliated by shouting that so does Harriet Harman. "And, there we were - in the middle of the road - shaking hands, when a f***ing bus hit us."
  18. ROF So Far

    Finally got it...first impression?..well, only had a quick go... although nice to fly..it just looks (so far) Like IL2 1946 with Biplanes!...but early days yet
  19. ROF So Far

    I've just got it...I am now on hour no4 of the 1.55GB Patch!!...It had better get better than this!!
  20. A Brisfit For The Belgian Air Service

    A wonderful addition to the Belgian contingent Mr Louvert!...commendable and very, very nice! (I enjoyed skinning the Brisfit...it's a nice layout I find)
  21. Vietnam Vet vs Thug

    Puts me in mind of that great clip where two louts were harrassing a guy who was dressed in drag http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Cross-Dressing-Cage-Fighter-Video-Yobs-Floored-After-Attacking-Hard-Men-In-Drag/Article/200910115401084
  22. cool creaghorn..I am gonna take a look (or rather a listen) to those!
  23. Britain gets a Gold (at last)

    Well done that woman! our first Winter gold for 30 yrs!
  24. Britain gets a Gold (at last)

    Well, I was in the Brecon Beacons about 10 yrs ago..and there was plenty then!..in fact, I fell into a drift of the stuff..and vanished completely...I am 6`2"
  25. Very nice Olham...you make even a dull aeroplane like the Albatross look nice (just kidding...I like the Albatross really.... very pretty...but the DVII is a fighting machine

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