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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wow!...we already lost our last WW1 vet in the UK last year. 109 yrs old... I bet he has seen some things (many of which we would'nt want to see) I hope he gets his memorial
  2. OT- A New Fuhrer

    I believe the original 'swastika' is this Hindu Symbol, and goes back many centuries.
  3. three ways to fail a Drunk Test

    Yeah..that's gotta hurt!
  4. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    ArgonV...is it possible for people to skin aircraft in FS-WW1?
  5. OT- A New Fuhrer

    Yes, governments are all too quick to 'Ban' things...Like, that'll stop people from doing it?..yeah, right! Best recruiting vessel for National Socialism, and Nazis..is to ban them!...that makes them totally uninteresting to youth eh?...hahaha...bloody muppet governments.. Politicians don't live in the real world!
  6. Rosebud's WW1 and Early Aviation

    http://www.earlyaeroplanes.com/archive/1b/images2/Sop_2B2Rhino.jpg Sopwith Rhino?...new one on me! Thanks Olham
  7. Lee Archer Dies

  8. shooty bang films

    In my humble opinion...any film that has Aircraft / Pilots as it's theme..is generally bad!
  9. All quiet over North Weald. It's September 1918...not much of the War left for this Crew...hopefully, it WILL be over by This Christmas
  10. Attn All Airmen

    Whilst on leave, you may be attacked by a Ruffian If so, follow these 5 methods of self defence
  11. Attn All Airmen

    Ah my friend..I agree...Because, although I now live here, I'm not in fact a Geordie at all. I'm from Surrey. (so we probably sound more Like Chomdley-Warner than they do..hahaha
  12. Attn All Airmen

    The Ruffian Scallywag is of course speaking Cockney (most Brits have trouble with that too...frightful noise) Whereas, the decent, law abiding gentleman, is speaking Her Majesty's English If anyone spoke like that these days in the UK..they would probably get their teeth knocked out...hence the need for a stout umbrella!
  13. Bribing the Taliban

    I heard early on in this campaign (dont know the source, or indeed whether it is accurate..but here goes) It was said, that if you BOUGHT all the Poppy fields in Afghanistan, for a reasonable sum of money..ie: kept the farmers happy...made it all into Morphine..and GAVE it to the third World...it would still cost less $ than fighting this war. Seems the only real winners in any war...are the despicable, fat cat Arms manufacturers. Let's face it..it's a very lucrative business, which feeds on the suffering of millions...I realise of course, that we need Arms to defends ourselves...but we can only stock so many....so these ignoble bastards in suits, must rub their hands together with Glee, when a 'conflict' or 'Regime Change' (or Westerner's Jihad) as I prefer to call it occures I only hope it's their children who get blown up with a IED
  14. Bribing the Taliban

    well..fair play for trying anyhow. Fact is, the US and UK should have swotted up on their History before sending in troops. We will never win against the Taliban using a conventional Military Force.......period...it has been tried in History..it failed...the Russians tried...they failed...we are trying...we will fail. You either stop the reason for fighting..or it goes on indefinately. Really made me laugh, when a UK politician (can't remember who) said, a few days after troops going in.. "It will all be over by Christmas" What a f****** muppet!!...where have we all heard that before?..hahahahaha
  15. Hello Does anyone know of a good book, with lots of colour pictures of WW1 aircraft?..a sort of 'Pictorial History in colour' if you get my drift?..a colour encyclopedia of WW1 combat aircraft...that sorta thing? My son would like one for his Birthday Thank you
  16. Can Anyone recommend a good book?

    Amen to that Mr Lucky
  17. Take Some Time and Watch This

    Very Gay Kung Fu suit though!
  18. empty cockpit...no pilot

    I had never noticed
  19. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    Yeah...I just got a Cyborg 3D...all works fine
  20. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    'H' Key I think..or Shift H There should be a list of keyboard commands in the download..if not, pm me, and I can send
  21. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    PS ArgonV...I tried several times to download the .ISO and the .EXE from moddb...and they stopped at about 20%...PITA! (got it much quicker at Stratedgyinformer
  22. Can Anyone recommend a good book?

    Thats very true of course....but he's played it, so not much of a prezzie really
  23. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    Hi ArgonV Am a big fan of your FS-WW1...really good fun. The 'G' key, that moves your line of sight to the Crosshairs is really useful. Shame TrackIR doesnt quite work with it...but the padlock works well. As everyone has said, although OFF is my favourite of all...it's great to support as many WW1 sims/mods as possible.
  24. What Do You All Think About the IPad?

    I'm sick of i-everything Too much bollox...(IMHO) I got an iPod for Xmas...thats as far as iWant to go

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