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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Hey CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News!

    Same as when Diana 'bought the Farm'...grown men weeping like Babies...stupid Bastards!!!
  2. Arming the Syrian Rebels

    Al Queda must be rubbing their fucking hands together. The British and American Troops, who havent been born yet...but will die by these weapons, will be cock-a-hoop as well I bet! Amazing what a brown envelope passed under a Table will achieve for the over-bloated Arms Industry
  3. B-29 just flew over my house

    I work at Newcastle Airport...I wasn't on during the weekend airshow in Sunderland..but had to pop in on Sunday. Just in time to watch the Lancaster take off....utterly amazing
  4. 'Lady Be Good'

    Haunting...and slightly Macabre...but fascinating
  5. Ollie Cromwell

    Possibly not the most popular person in English History...but when it came to Parliament...he knew how to kick ass! This his speech :- (could be equally read out in the 21st Century...to these pathetic peasants in Power!!!) Oliver Cromwell MP's speech on the dissolution of the Rump of the Long Parliament, given to the House of Commons, 20 April 1653. "It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonoured by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money. Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter'd your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth? Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defil'd this sacred place, and turn'd the Lord's temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices? Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress'd, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors. In the name of God, go! That told 'em!!!!!!
  6. Chopper Pilot

    This Helicopter pilot should be commended for his ability to improvise...marvelous flying...awesome story!! http://aviationhumor.net/helicopter-rescues-doe-and-fawn-on-thin-ice/
  7. Ollie Cromwell

    There were only two men who ever entered parliament with a good idea one was Cromwell the other was guy Fawkes.
  8. For Olham: A Glimpse at RB3D

    Wings and RB3D god, how I loved them!!!!!
  9. it's a boy

    I think you're all horrible! Leave poor little Mohammed alone!
  10. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    I think there was talk about having their OWN forum on the OBD site? (or did I dream that?)
  11. For Olham: A Glimpse at RB3D

    I wonder if it's an 'age thing'.... but games were just more fun in the old days
  12. Dear oh Dear... We Need WOFF

    Don't think it's WOFF (or lack thereof) that's been the Problem. For me, the problem was moving the main forum to that 'Other Site'
  13. Traitor?.. or Defender of Civil Liberties?

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22836378 (worth watching the video to hear his side of the story before commenting) I would be interested in your feedback people :)
  14. Happy 4th July Yanks :)

    Happy fourth of July to all those celebrating today your nation has come a long way since 1776. And done much good and caused the least harm all the way during that journey. From Washington to Obama From Gettysburg to Baghdad.You have created a nation that is a super power. One that is both democratic and benign it is a lot to be proud of. From the shot that was heard around the world to a man on the moon it has been a wonderful journey. Happy independence day y'all...from your Cousin's over the Pond :)
  15. This photo gives me the creeps

    This really creeps me out! Photo taken in 1945...these Women were all brutal SS Deathcamp Guards. Talk about the 'Faces of Evil' Look at the incriminating expression...even knowing their fate awaits....they look as though their only concern, is to blame the one next to themselves (would make a very uncomfortable 'Caption Contest')
  16. I know it's not amusing..but

    Watch the video http://www.mediaite.com/tv/ho-lee-fuk-someone-pranked-san-francisco-tv-station-into-reporting-fabricated-names-of-asiana-pilots/
  17. 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

    I do somewhere Olham..and some medieval knights too...I'll try and dig them out for you :)
  18. 150th Gettysburg Reenactment

    Nice one Shiloh. I think it's great that guys like you keep History alive. Living just a few miles from Hadrians Wall here in the UK...I look forward every summer to the Roman Re-enactments we get here. It really does bring History Alive!
  19. My Thoughts About Today.....

    Have to agree with Exhausted. The military don't make a great democracy...they defend it. Often, the real heroes are the unseen ones...the Farmers, the Builders, The Engineers, the Pioneers...the unsung heroes of the world...they don't sport medals... or stripes... they just make for a great country
  20. Feel so sorry for you Yanks...it must be AWFUL! :) http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=3a8_1362925707
  21. You have got to give Snowden credit for this...

    Fabulous!!!!!! I hate Journo's...so this has made my feckin' day!
  22. How to deal with a Sniper in Vietnam...

    There was a 'Blood trail' So, he probably survived anyway..... Nowadays of course, they would just 'snipe' him back
  23. And the father of the year award goes to... Me (Sarcasm!)

    Yup...We've all been there. I wiped out my sons Fishbowl contents
  24. Silly, but funny, televison ads

    My favourite :)

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