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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OOO...Gonna give it a go!..whats the Best Jasta?
  2. Removing All displays

    Hi Guys, Sorry if this has been asked before...but..How do I remove ALL hud / messages/ Info.. the lot!?...just me. cockpit and enemy..with no words /Target cones or target boxes (yuk) Thanks
  3. Random Pic Time

    Ok, A few of mine
  4. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    Good tip (wish I had last time)
  5. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    If you,ve been running FSX on your rig...you will be fine
  6. Retreating

    Running away often worked for MvR
  7. Well, I have not heard of the Mirage Factory..nor the Gentleman himself. All I do know, is 36 is no age at all My Condolances
  8. My word...that first shot almost gives you a feeling of Vertigo!!...stunning CJ
  9. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    Indeed!...Tamper has 'almost pursuaded me to buy it again!!!
  10. OFF or RoF? Help the n00b!

    For what it's worth (and Like Olham, I can't comment on RoF..as I don't have it, and don't see any need to)...OFF IS without a shadow of a doubt, the BEST Combat Sim I ever played...and when you consider the competition, that's pretty impressive. Like a good woman...you have to make a bit of effort...yep, you have to have CFS3...But the rewards are well worth it
  11. Saw these, and thought.."yeah" http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.aircraftmodels.co.uk/s.aspx%3Fk%3D2486164&imgrefurl=http://www.aircraftmodels.co.uk/1660_1.html&usg=__y2628FQB1EOu0PJAmtYtC5opELc=&h=174&w=150&sz=30&hl=en&start=120&sig2=K19kDK_BfYuvXrZaE5kqKw&um=1&tbnid=0wUC9lUCJ4SidM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=86&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVon%2BRoth%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26start%3D108%26um%3D1&ei=gzlWS4PiG5D04gbKouCyAw
  12. Just uploaded these two from Jasta 23b to the download section....all the hard work already done by the Boys @ OBD..just a decal addon.
  13. A couple of Alb's for ya

    Hi Guys..thank you for your kind comments. I believe they are historcally correct, but the research and original skins I reproduced were by Quack74 (an FE skinner)...so if they're wrong...blame him!..lol
  14. A couple of Alb's for ya

    Thanks RC
  15. File Name: Albatross DVa Jasta 23b Von Roth File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 19 Jan 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original Model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Von Roth of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW Click here to download this file
  16. File Name: Albatross DVa Jasta 23b Ltn Seywold File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 19 Jan 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original Model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Ltn Seywald of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW Click here to download this file
  17. Some work in progress albs

    Wonderful...can't wait to try them!
  18. A couple of Alb's for ya

    Praise indeed!...thank you Paarma God, I would be hopeless at a tuitorial (I tried a while ago, it was Baaaaad I will hunt around for the stuff that OvS taught me (its on the forum somewhere..got me started) Ok, my final two Jasta 23b Albs
  19. Albatross DVa Jasta 23b Von Roth



    This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original Model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Von Roth of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW
  20. Version


    This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original Model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Ltn Seywald of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW
  21. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    Just copied and pasted this from a readers comment on another forum...but it seems totally accurate to me... "I am humbled by the speed and sincerity of the US response to this crisis. I just saw a news item about an enormous state of the art hospital ship being stocked and sent from Baltimore to Haiti. I also know that Canada is responding with DART teams and more ships are also on the way. Britain too is mobilizing assistance. It would be nice to see some other countries rise to the occasion as well, perhaps some of those who demonize the Western countries from their high moral ground. Where are they when something like this happens ? Ironic isn't it?" For my part.... We in the West are demonised by other nations (mainly ones containing Al-Queda) Ok, fair enough...many of these countries have no infrastructure themselves, and I grant them that) I haven't heard of Dubai (with their massive, expensive buildings) lifting a finger to help, I may be wrong...but where are the Rich Arab states when this kind of human Tragedy befalls? I may be being totally unreasonable, and if someone can prove me wrong, I am very willing to listen
  22. File Name: Albatross DVa Jasta 23b (unknown Pilot) File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 19 Jan 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Jasta 23b (Pilot Unknown) It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW Click here to download this file
  23. Version


    This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74 (original model and Skin copywrite OBD Software) Aircraft is that of Jasta 23b (Pilot Unknown) It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW
  24. File Name: Albatross DVa Jasta23b Ludwig Hanstein File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 19 Jan 2010 File Category: Aircraft Skins This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74..Original Skin and Model by OBD Software Aircraft is that of Ltn Ludwig Hanstein of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW Click here to download this file
  25. Version


    This is an Albatross DVa for use in Over Flanders Fields, copywrite OBD Software Special Thanks to Quack74..Original Skin and Model by OBD Software Aircraft is that of Ltn Ludwig Hanstein of Jasta 23b It has the extension UKW in the filename, to make it easier to locate in the menu Enjoy UKW

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