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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Darts

    Yep...you're right...more than I ever wanted to know
  2. Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

    Yeah, well...there's danger lurking everywhere in one form or another, though as a parent myself, I can relate to you on that one.
  3. Removing All displays

    Thanks Guys, Yeah, Ive had First Eagles since it came out..wasn't hugely impressed at first..but like so many things...the real talent, is the modders...and have seen some really good stuff coming out..so looking forward to another look Thanks guys for your help
  4. OT - Flight Sims on Mac ...XBox 360?

    http://www.allaircraftarcade.com/forum/ one of the best known ones Duce
  5. Amigas "Wings" Diary

    Wings was the best!!
  6. OT- A New Fuhrer

    That's ridiculous...you guys cannot even have gore in a video game can you?
  7. German SS Officers

    Just in case there is anyone who hasn't seen this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO5WoLnOOlU
  8. But ! Who the hell is Average Joe ?!

    Joe Bloggs in the UK..as Craig says Or Fanny Craddock in certain areas
  9. combat ace history any1

    What's particularly good, is the diversity. (yes, I know there are others too) We in the Over Flanders Fields forum (yes, the new kids on the Block) were very grateful when CA allowed us to come here, after our fallout at Sim Outhouse...and it's a great place to kick off the flying Boots, hang up the Goggles and chew the fat!
  10. http://yfrog.com/6r20081228163836492le9j
  11. *WARNING* A$$hole alert!

    That's made me sit up and take notice!
  12. OT: Red Baron (the original)

    Indeed!...the thought of Olham, armed with a Bratwurst, coming at me after dark, would scare even the bravest Krumpet!!
  13. Pilot's Facemask Pictures

    Wear that, and you'll be on 'Germany's Most Wanted' TV Show!!
  14. Anyone help me with Windows Movie Maker?

    Hi Guys I am trying to import an mp3 track into MM....But, for some reason (just this track) refuses to play!...it's there...but no sound at all! (works fine in media player) I havent had this problem before... All I can think is that it's because it's a mono record...but otherwise, I'm stumped Any advice most welcome ty
  15. Anyone help me with Windows Movie Maker?

    Sorted thanks...needed to convert to .wav
  16. Animal Rights Activists (SO FUNNY!)

    Definately a spoof!..I don't think these guys would be alive if they did that for real
  17. To eyefinity and beyond

    I HATE YOU MORRIS!!! You've ruined my whole day!!!!! That is f'ing superb!...you lucky sod! :grin:
  18. OT: Red Baron (the original)

    Haha,,yes..What I wrote sounded a bit like Olham and Widowmaker dying through too much virtual Sex didn't it?....Well, we can assure fellow Forum Users, that the thought probably makes both of us feel quite unwell!!
  19. Fine WW1 aviation art

  20. Fine WW1 aviation art

    Not brilliant quality I'm afraid, as It was too small, and had to resize...but I do like this one
  21. Fine WW1 aviation art

    OOOO..... I Like that!!
  22. OT- A New Fuhrer

    That's weird Olham...they haven't started blacklisting have they? Ah yes Conrad...Python...classic!
  23. OT: Red Baron (the original)

    hahaha...."Here lies Widowmaker/Olham...Died through too much Virtual Sex"..... now THAT would be good on ya tombstone!!!

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