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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. There is no plan B

  2. Animals' Sixth's Sense - and Tremor!

    It certainly makes sense to me, that animals are more 'tuned in' to natural phenomena than we are...not because they have developed a 'sixth sense'...but more because we have lost ours somewhat...due to our 'moving away' from our more natural instincts. The animals hot footing it before the Asian Tsunami hitting five years ago, is well documented.
  3. If you're interested in Dogs

    Then have a watch of this BBC 'Horizon' Programme...and see just how important they are Brilliant!! (also available in six parts on youtube) http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00pssgh/hd/Horizon_20092010_The_Secret_Life_of_the_Dog/ enjoy
  4. Spare a thought for Olham

    Welcome Back Olham!...I trust your holiday was nice!?...we've missed you. BUT, as you may have noticed..Us Krumpets have been a bit naughty while you were away! Better grab your Flying Jacket and Goggles...there's a war on!
  5. Aeroplane Heaven manuals

    Just put these DH2 and EIII into BHaH...Just to have a look...hmmmm Though a couple of the skins are worth a look
  6. Hmmm Red Arrows...

    Seen them more times than I care to remember (even going back to the Folland Gnat days) They are very good, and always nice to see...an airshow aint an airshow without the Reds
  7. First batch of Homebrew

    As my brother always says "The only difference between a Fox and a Dog...is 6 pints!"
  8. Tragedy in Haiti

    Occasionally...When I am contemplating just how unpleasant the Human Race can be sometimes...we all pull together as one to help our Brothers and Sisters. Amazing
  9. OT-Flu and Cold Season

    There was a fascinating 'Horizon' programme on Brit TV last night about Viruses. You can download or watch it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00q2rdj/Horizon_20092010_Why_Do_Viruses_Kill/
  10. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/cranesimulator2009 Jeez!!....Yawn City!
  11. http://store.steampowered.com/app/45300/ good riddance YU-Play....wankers!!!!
  12. Great website!..thanks Paulus. I am enjoying the OSS training videos
  13. Wing Commander or X-Wing

    Back in the 90's you were either an X-Wing Pilot..or a Wing Commander fan...which were you? I was a Wing Commander fan....but all my flatmates were X-Wingers!
  14. OT: New drawing

    Wow!...I just love to see unadulterated Human Talent!...Lovely
  15. OT. Back into the modelling.

    Takes me back..looking good Siggi
  16. OT: New drawing

    Fantastic!...question though. Do you ever finish your drawings?...we always see them as a 'work in progress'...but I cannot remember seeing a fully completed one.
  17. How things have changed

    Great Screenies!...but..pardon my ignorance....what is ENB?
  18. OT Wings of Prey First Impressions

    Hi Dimus Well, out of the three online games I had...two of them, I might as well have been on 56k Modem....the other was 'ok'...presumeably cos only two guys on! I don't know who this YU-Play shower are...but they are quite clearly *********G Muppets!! Had nothing but trouble ordering/downloading/paying for/emailing/playing on Absolute crap!!
  19. OT - Flight Sims on Mac ...XBox 360?

    Best advice I can give Duce...is to get a stick, and beat him around the face and neck XBox and Mac indeed!!! :no2:
  20. OT Wings of Prey First Impressions

    The rain effect is great eh?...yes, I crash the spit on takeoff all the time. There are several Historical innacuracies however. The Spit in the Battle of Britain didnt have cannons...and the Hurricane had eight machine guns...not twelve as in the Sim. Shame you can't fly any German Aircraft...and indeed, you can only fly the Blenheim in training mode. But still a good all round sim imho
  21. OT Wings of Prey First Impressions

    Before you get too excited Flyby...I dont think you have full replay views in the demo..(but dont take that as gospel) The other interesting thing, is I can run this game maxed out on my rig...but FSX, with it's default 'yuk' scenery.. no chance!...go figure
  22. OT Wings of Prey First Impressions

    Yep...no trouble here with the Steam version and TrackIR either. Had a 'reasonably' long crack of this Sim today..and I have to say..I am very impressed so far! The replay facility with it's various views (including action shots) does leave you feeling 'If only' slightly with OFF..(and I dont mean that to take anything whatsoever away from our all time favourite)...but this has always been on most peoples wish list anyway...particularly annoying to find out that CFS3 has the remnants of a replay facility that the money grabbing lot at MS never left in!!) The scenery is of course superb...and in one particular online dogfight I had..I shot under a bridge at 300mph, to try and get away from an opponant on my tail...and he didnt make it through (well...not with his wings still attached anyway!)....hugely satisfying! I too would delve deep into my pockets to have the OBD guys with all their combined talent, produce...not a replacement for OFF...but a compliment to it sometime in the future! As hellshade said, and I agree totally
  23. OOO I nearly missed this one!...thanks Devs..on my way!
  24. Wings of Prey on STEAM

    My Pleasure
  25. How things have changed

    Amazing shots!...weirdly, I put RB3D back on last night...just for old times sake!...I'm afraid it's off again already...graphics glitches, stuttering..etc..... sad really...but whats done is done..RB3D was a classic...but as your screenies demonstrate...it's VERY 20th Century

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