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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. From todays young men, to yesterdays young men well done lads!! http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/bristol-commuters-moved-to-tears-by-this-simple-but-powerful-wearehere-somme-tribute/story-29464991-detail/story.html#4KP4BuWjgSb1gCXH.01
  2. What a wonderful tribute...

    Not 100% sure..but they're known as the Ghost Soldiers, and have appeared in towns and cities all over the UK...amazing!
  3. Independence Day

    Everything has already begun to settle down...The greatest thing of all to come out of the whole Issue, is that it now looks like TTIP is about to be shelved..The Best news Britain could have ever dreamt of! All due respect to the American's..but your business 'values' are deplorable... America will take away anything from anybody, if it furthers their own selfish ends...And TTIP is absolute proof of that! I'm cock-a-hoop that TTIP is in it's death throes, as it would almost certainly have spelled the further erosion of our Liberty...the systematic dismantling of our NHS...and your highly questionable Food Safety Regulations,being forced onto us to name but a few. I've never been a fan of the United States version of 'Freedom and Democracy'...you merely took what we'd put in place, and bastardised it for your own ends. Even the pro remain press have woken up to the Truth....the scaremongering from the World Elites, has been an utter failure! https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/jun/29/ftse-100-now-higher-than-before-brexit-vote-eu-referendum?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Tweet
  4. Independence Day

    This is my final post on this subject..as we'll just end up going round in circles (and there's more than enough of that on facebook) Immigration has been cited as the main reason for Brexit...I disagree...most of the people I know on FB and the various friends from around Europe and beyond, understand this concept utterly...that Immigration is not only a good thing..our economy would suffer without it. As a Brexiter, I have been called everything from a 'Stupid old Man' to a 'Racist thug' and worse.....that's fine, sticks and stones....but I have never even mentioned Immigration in a single comment, apart from it being a positive thing, or at worse, irrelevant to the whole Brexit argument. Yes, there are racists on the Brexit side, and like most idiots..are very vocal, without being too bright. People also keep saying 'Leaving Europe'..well, unless we're planning on towing the UK (minus Scotland and Ireland) out into the Atlantic..we're not, cannot, and will not be leaving Europe..lol So, here's my little meme..to get that point across. Thanks for your input, and I wish you long life, and happiness
  5. Independence Day

    http://eutruth.org.uk/ I wonder if the people who are scared of Brexit...would be more scared of Remaining?..I think they would, once they've read and fully digested this!..The fact is, whatever economic problems lie ahead..they're NOTHING compared to what would have happened to us had we stayed in. I'm very worried for my European friends.
  6. Independence Day

    Let's hope we do economics better than football in England..or we're royally f******d
  7. Independence Day

    I think it highly unlikely that Scotland will vote to leave the UK and remain in Europe. To do so will be economic suicide for them. Even if the EU accepts them, their economy is 10th worst in the World...no-one wants or needs their oil, as ISIL are providing for everyones needs...lol... and they'd have to accept the Euro.
  8. Independence Day

    It's not really about making Britain Great again..it's more about trying to make it less shitty..which it was whilst festering in a Communist Bloc...which even Gorbachev refered to it as. "The EU is like Soviet Russia, but wearing a suit"...got it spot on in my opinion It's very different indeed...the States are made up of American's...not 27 different Countries. How do you think Americans would feel, if they grew up, in a Union with Canada..where they paid $20Billion a year to Ontario...who gave them back about 1/3 in a rebate per year, told you what you can and cannot spend it on..and makes/changes your laws (such as banning guns completely? Sound awful?...welcome to the EU
  9. Independence Day

    Love Europe..hate the EU I'm watching a tired, bloated Whale that is the EU..swimming blindly and beaching itself. It's a failed experiment, and it's hilarious reading the comments of our American Cousins, who if presented with joining an equivalent of the EU..would be grabbing their guns, and rioting in the street. Don't worry about us..we've got it covered...I'd worry about lunatics walking around with Assault Weapons..and the Orange Jizztrumpet with the dead ferret on his head you're possibly going to elect as president if i was you!!
  10. Independence Day

  11. Independence Day

    I'm afraid you're delusional in your view. I'd worry about Trump and Guns if I were you..we've got this one covered thanks
  12. Independence Day

    A Prime Minister resigned. The £ plummeted. The FTSE 100 lost significant ground. But then the £ rallied past February levels, and the FTSE closed on a weekly high: 2.4% up on last Friday, its best performance in 4 months. President Obama decided we wouldn't be at the 'back of the queue' after all and that our 'special relationship' was still strong. The French President confirmed the Le Touquet agreement would stay in place. The President of the European Commission stated Brexit negations would be 'orderly' and stressed the UK would continue to be a 'close partner' of the EU. A big bank denied reports it would shift 2,000 staff overseas. The CBI, vehemently anti-Brexit during the referendum campaign, stated British business was resilient and would adapt. Several countries outside the EU stated they wished to begin bi-lateral trade talks with the UK immediately. If this was the predicted apocalypse, well, it was a very British one. It was all over by teatime. Not a bad first day of freedom...No speculation or scaremongering there...just honest, straight facts nuff said! :)
  13. Independence Day

    Absolutely correct :) (and also sign trade deals with India/China and many others. Previously thwarted by the EU
  14. Independence Day

    Coming from someone living in a Country who may well vote Trump..i'd keep it quiet if I were you m8..and if you think we're going to vote, just to keep you guys happy...think again... Other European Countries are baying to get their own referendum..the EU may soon be dead..But Europe is far from finished..and it will be a better, stronger Europe for that.
  15. Independence Day

    My Reasons...right there!
  16. Independence Day

    Ah yes..Vyvian Hitler (aka Ade Edmondson :)
  17. Independence Day

    Care to elaborate?
  18. Independence Day

    I have to disagree Blaze, sorry. Those are the sort of things the EU threatened Norway with..She ignored the threats..stayed Independent..and is thriving (Unlike the EU)
  19. Made me chuckle..fair play to the Marines..but you ain't got the busfare lads! :) http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.2389/us-marines-brutally-ambushed-and-defeated-by-norwegian-kids.html
  20. June 6: Remembering D-Day..

  21. My nickname at work was 'Squiffy'..because of that scene...because I was always banging on about the Battle of Britain...lol
  22. I'm in floods of tears here

    It's not often I get emotional about stuff like this...but this really hit me! RIP Sir..you're a hero..and history writes your name with pride http://www.stripes.com/news/veterans/memphis-belle-gunner-revisits-england-dies-at-battle-of-britain-bunker-1.411512
  23. F-35 V MvR

    BETHESDA, Md. — A spokesman for Lockheed Martin today denied that there is any reason to be alarmed about possible shortcomings of the military’s newest and most expensive fighter plane after reports surfaced this weekend that an F-35, piloted by a crack Air Force fighter pilot, lost a mock dogfight with a Fokker Dr.I Triplane similar to the aircraft once piloted by World War I German Ace Manfred von Richtofen, the “Red Baron,” piloted by a World War I reenactor. “The F-35 isn’t really meant for that kind of fighting,” said Lance McCory, a Lockheed spokesman. “We intend it to be a first-rate mulitrole attack aircraft, and to excel at long-range fighting, what we call BVR, or ‘Beyond Visual Range’ air combat. Not to worry about some Hun who’s been dead a hundred years. Frankly, the two aircraft involved in this battle represent two different philosophies of air combat.” The Fokker Dr.I Triplane, made of wood and doped linen, entered service with the German Army Air service in 1917. It was famous for its considerable maneuverability and its high rate of climb. The pilot sat in an open cockpit, exposed to the weather, and had primitive controls by today’s standards. McCory went on to add, “The Dr.I triplane might out climb, out turn, and out dive the F-35, but where is its radar, huh? Where are its sensors? Where is the laser terrain guidance? Huh? Sure, up close, in a knife fight, the Dr.I has machine guns, and an F-35 pilot just has his sidearm. And [the Dr.I’s] cloth wings are nearly invisible to radar. But we have ‘the world’s most advanced fighter jet.'” Capt. A.J. Schrag, an Air Combat Command spokesman, said “There’s no way to adapt the [Dr.I] airframe to carry the required missiles and radar. It might be good in a dogfight, but not standing off for close air support, and it’s completely hopeless when it comes to engaging targets in a BVR-type air battle.” Meanwhile, according to a source close to the recent dogfight, the F-35 “turns like a garbage truck. It might be faster than the triplane, but that doesn’t matter in a stall fight.” Lockheed officials have separately downplayed reports that the same F-35, flown by the same pilot, previously lost mock dogfights with the Goodyear Blimp and a beagle on a flying doghouse. Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III declined comment through a spokesman, saying only, “Curse you, Red Baron!”
  24. Egypt Air Crash

    R.I.P First Officer Mohamed Mamdouh Assem EgyptAir flight MS804 and all the passengers and crew. We obviously don't know the facts yet..but it hardly matters really :(
  25. You're very close Jim..it's a Varsity :)

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