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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Anyone use an HD TV as a monitor?

    Thanks Chaps, very interesting reading! Fubar has said exactly what my Brother has said..it's the HDMI converter cable (about £50 for a good one) that turns a TV if you like..into a Monitor...that's the link! So, still looking at all possibilities...I might go and ask someone in a suitable shop to give me a demonstration of the Monitor abilities of LCD TV's with such a cable
  2. Poll: WinXP vs Win7

    Have to disagree with you on this one BH I spent more time taking Vista off peoples machines in my Job, than I spent putting it on...It's the Worse O/S I have ever used..and on a par with ME... and has received rightfully bad press (IMHO) The fact that Win7 has arrived so quickly speaks volumes!...It appears to me, that Win7 is merely a very expensive Service Pack for Vista!...A desperately needed one at that. XP (for me) works perfectly well, even with new games...so why fix what ain't broken? I am hearing excellent reports about Win7...and will more than likely just bite the bullet, and upgrade when my next full format comes due,,,but Vista is dead in the water, and will be remembered by Microsoft (and computer users alike) as a monumental f*** up in years to come I believe
  3. Poll: WinXP vs Win7

    Well, I am still on WinXP Pro 32....And will stay with it as long as I have to. Once the first 'Big Game' comes out which isnt supported by XP, I will think again...but Vista was so awful...I am nervous to say the least!...That said, Win 7 is looking good...but still on the fence
  4. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Hi Dimus, Have taken your advice...thanks m8!
  5. Think I might pass on this one!
  6. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Je cours de mon ami
  7. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Ok, Ok...I bow to your knowledge!...lol You had better make damn sure my Snipe's are correct Sandbagger..Thats all I can say!!! :grin:
  8. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Hi Carrick, I'm not a Jet Jock I'm sorry to say ... So, I Dont know the answer to that...I'm just getting into a bit of FSX...Normally just fly the Airliners though (when not OFF(ing) of course
  9. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Hi SD Yes, I have something to do that. Will have a go on Monday
  10. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Yeah...no problem (believe me..If I can do it..anyone can!) I can try and make a tuitorial vid if that helps?
  11. OT..Sorry, it's another Jet Video :)

    Thanks Chaps! Yes, it was movie maker...I have found it quite good to work with. The effects are literally 'drag and drop' Here is a Battle of Britain one I did (oops...forgot tp embed again!..old habits die hard)
  12. My Videos

    Hi All Not much of a Jet Jockey usually (my usual hangout is the OFF forum) but enjoy making Video's Here is my latest effort...If someone with more experience could take a look at it for me, and suggest ways to improve my video making..I would be very grateful Hope you enjoy it anyway
  13. Dual video

    Yer..And dont get me started on Packard Bell!
  14. Sweet Olham!...love it!...very atmospheric as they say!
  15. Viewing Skins

    Bloody hell SD...you kept that one quiet! That would be a fantastic addon for BHaH!

    Happy (belated) thanksgiving Yank-type persons!..HUSSAH :drinks:
  17. Shaking when diving?

    When your wings tear off...you can assume that's a 'YES'
  18. Viewing Skins

  19. Police Complaint - just brilliant! This is a genuine complaint to Devon & Cornwall Police Force from an angry member of the public A true email sent to the force, lengthy but brilliantly written..... -------------- Dear Sir/Madam/Automated telephone answering service, Having spent the past twenty minutes waiting for someone at Bodmin police station to pick up a telephone, I have decided to abandon the idea - and try e-mailing you instead. Perhaps you would be so kind as to pass this message on to your colleagues in Bodmin, by means of smoke signal, carrier pigeon or Ouija board. As I'm writing this e-mail there are eleven failed medical experiments (I think you call them youths) in St Mary's Crescent, which is just off St Mary's Road in Bodmin. Six of them seem happy enough to play a game which involves kicking a football against an iron gate with the force of a meteorite. This causes an earth shattering CLANG! which rings throughout the entire building. This game is now in its third week and as I am unsure how the scoring system works, I have no idea if it will end any time soon. The remaining five failed-abortions are happily rummaging through several bags of rubbish and items of furniture that someone has so thoughtfully dumped beside the wheelie bins. One of them has found a saw and is setting about a discarded chair like a beaver on ecstasy pills. I fear that it's only a matter of time before they turn their limited attention to the caravan gas bottle that is lying on its side between the two bins. If they could be relied on to only blow their own arms and legs off then I would happily leave them to it. I would even go so far as to lend them the matches. Unfortunately they are far more likely to blow up half the street with them and I've just finished decorating the kitchen. What I suggest is this - after replying to this e-mail with worthless assurances that the matter is being looked into and will be dealt with, why not leave it until the one night of the year (probably bath night) when there are no mutants around then drive up the street in a Panda car before doing a three point turn and disappearing again. This will of course serve no other purpose than to remind us what policemen actually look like. I trust that when I take a claw hammer to the skull of one of these throwbacks you'll do me the same courtesy of giving me a four month head start before coming to arrest me. I remain your obedient servant ??????? --------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr ??????, I have read your e-mail and understand your frustration at the problems caused by youths playing in the area and the problems you have encountered in trying to contact the police. As the Community Beat Officer for your street I would like to extend an offer of discussing the matter fully with you. Should you wish to discuss the matter, please provide contact details (address / telephone number) and when may be suitable. Regards PC ??????? Community Beat Officer --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear PC ??????? First of all I would like to thank you for the speedy response to my original e-mail. 16 hours and 38 minutes must be a personal record for Bodmin Police Station, and rest assured that I will forward these details to Norris McWhirter for inclusion in his next Guinness book. Secondly I was delighted to hear that our street has its own Community Beat Officer. May I be the first to congratulate you on your covert skills? In the five or so years I have lived in St Mary's Crescent , I have never seen you. Do you hide up a tree or have you gone deep undercover and infiltrated the gang itself? Are you the one with the acne and the moustache on his forehead or the one with a chin like a wash hand basin? It's surely only a matter of time before you are head-hunted by MI5 to look for Osama. Whilst I realise that there may be far more serious crimes taking place in Bodmin, such as smoking in a public place or being Christian without due care and attention, is it too much to ask for a policeman to explain (using words of no more than two syllables at a time) to these twats that they might want to play their strange football game elsewhere. The pitch on Fairpark Road , or the one at Priory Park are both within spitting distance as is the bottom of the Par Dock, the latter being the preferred option especially if the tide is in. Should you wish to discuss these matters further you should feel free to contact me on <???????>. If after 25 minutes I have still failed to answer, I'll buy you a large one in the Cat and Fiddle Pub. Regards ????????? P.S If you think that this is sarcasm, think yourself lucky that you don't work for the sewerage department with whom I am also in contact !!!
  20. OT Wet Weekend

    Oh Look...It's started to rain again!
  21. What possible hope have we got?

    If this is true....we might as well just call it a f*cking day...and go home! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/defence/6639450/British-troops-in-Iraq-had-to-let-attackers-go-free.html
  22. OT Wet Weekend

    Ah...that's better!...nothing like a good rant!...I have had a delicious, hot cup of Tea now...and the World is great again!
  23. OT Wet Weekend

    Well, call me an old cynic (cos that's what I am)..But the whole issue of Climate Change (and I dont deny it's happening, but then, it always has been happening) seems to me to be used in a cynical way by the power's that be. I can't see the fat cats or the politicians doing any 'real' work to bring it under control. Yes, they sit around in boardrooms, speechifying about 'cutting emmisions here' and 'Saving energy for future generations' there...but what are they REALLY doing? Raking in Taxes as far as I can see! You get fined in some areas of Britain, if you put your Tins in the wrong collection boxes...the price of an Air Ticket is due to soar, putting budget airlines out of business, in favour of the 'Big Boys'...'Green Taxes'..hmm...a Tax on people who can't afford it!...the poor people, who can only afford a 10 yr old car..getting hammered...whilst the fat, rich, greedy bastards of the world, can drive around in their Big,more efficient Greener Cars (yeah right!) and can smugly look down on the rest of us, in their 'holier than thou' way and their "I saved the Planet' way! It's just the same old crap...this is the modern version of the Medieval Church! "Yes, you will suffer now,,,but think of the rewards for the future!"...."We are stinking Rich, and you plebs have a turnip to last a week!....But think of the rewards you will get in heaven" The wealthy will continue to live in their good old fashioned Debauched way...whilst the rest of us pay for their priveledge!...Climate Change is merely their new bandwagon...and BOY are we going to pay for it? You can put as many tins in the recycling box as you wish...it aint gonna stop Global Warming.....the only thing that is constant..is Change! The Planet has seen some monumental changes in it's history....It will still be here long after every Human Being has ceased to exist! It's a shame we won't get to see it of course....but one thing is for sure..it will be a much more green and pleasant world..once we've gone! OH..and whilst I am in a particularly cynical mood!...here's one for you! What is the WORST thing that could happen to a Cancer Charity? Yep, you guessed it!...Someone finds a cure for Cancer! Another fat cat losses their Job! F*ck them all!

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