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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT How to spot.....

    Osama Bin Shopping, the world renowned Gay Terrorist seen in North London http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=2972938&l=f9b5583854&id=653559890
  2. My First OFF Video

    Thank you so much for your kind comments.
  3. Come on Dev's FFS!

    Thought that would get your attention! I (and I am sure others here) would love to know a little bit more about the guys that brought us BHaH OvS is pretty good at sharing what he does/has done... We know of his huge contribution to RB3d..and the fact that he works for 'The Worlds Favourite Airline'..(ahem...matter of opinion that, but still) But we know very little about Winder, Pol and all the other guys! So come on!...Don't be shy..let us know a little more eh?
  4. OT Wet Weekend

    I have relatives in Kendal...and my thoughts are with the Policeman's family who died yesterday. You can't really prevent that sort of thing happening...a town called Morpeth (just up the road from me in Newcastle) was flooded last year. Just one of those things...But, The advice has to be..dont live too near a River
  5. Hi all I apologise that this is done in FSX...Is NOT the 'Widowmaker' the song implies...and is not the best you will ever see. BUT In my defence..I got my 'Widowmaker' tag from this song..have always wanted to make a video with it..and don't have an F-104G in my possesion! (and it would look very silly as a Sopwith Camel and that song..as I'm sure you will appreciate) Basically, just a play around, to get an idea on how to edit..transitions / Fade etc etc...still a long way off the guys on here who are brilliant at movie making That all said...here it is
  6. OT Fraps..first attempt

    Thanks guys. I know they're well off being very good, and I have more naff skins in my Skinning folder than have ever been uploaded...but, I keep going..and as my dear wife says (whilst patting me on the head)..."Well, as long as you're enjoying yourself dear"
  7. Come on Dev's FFS!

    We all know you Matt... Your work on BHaH is loved by all!...thank you It Makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck whenever I hear it...absolutely wonderful, moving and thoroughly in keeping (I want this played at my Funeral)
  8. OT Did you know?

    It was necessary to keep a good supply of cannon balls near the cannon on old war ships. But how to prevent them from rolling about the deck was the problem. The storage method devised was to stack them as a square based pyramid, with one ball on top, resting on four, resting on nine, which rested on sixteen. Thus, a supply of 30 cannon balls could be stacked in a small area right next to the cannon. There was only one problem -- how to prevent the bottom layer from sliding / rolling from under the others. The solution was a metal plate with 16 round indentations, called, for reasons unknown, a Monkey. But if this plate were made of iron, the iron balls would quickly rust to it. The solution to the rusting problem was to make them of brass - hence, Brass Monkeys. Few landlubbers realize that brass contracts much more and much faster than iron when chilled. Consequently, when the temperature dropped too far, the brass indentations would shrink so much that the iron cannon balls would come right off the monkey. Thus, it was quite literally, cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey. And all this time, folks thought that was just a vulgar expression?
  9. Making distance and deflection shots

    There has to be some tradeoff between Ultra Realism, for the few Hardcore...and a Sim that anyone can play. I think the Devs have got it pretty spot on!
  10. OT Did you know?

    Ah... I shall have the dog who emailed me this Keel Hauled!!!!
  11. OT Fraps..first attempt

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB0LtfH3bXI Here ya go then Duce I dont think I did such a good job on this one though..I was practicing putting titles in (not even sure I'm correct in my facts!) But ho-hum I wouldnt even DARE to make a BHaH one...Until I have vastly more experience!
  12. MVR Collage

    Sweet SD! I think you MP guys deserve a big pat on the Back!..I consider you to be instrumental in getting the Individual skins (which we have coming for SP too) off the ground Thanks
  13. This really irritates me.

    I have to say..it's rarely a problem for me personally. My new Nick-name should be 'Ground Nail'
  14. OT Fraps..first attempt

    Thanks Lou. I have done a Mosquito one to the theme of 633 squadron too...but I guess I should keep it on topic!
  15. Where's Rooster?

    Has he fled the nest?
  16. Yes...My childhood memories of wandering around the IWM....wow..It is without doubt,THE place that hooked me into the first Air War!...for that, I am very grateful! A visit to London is not complete without going there!
  17. Thanks Chaps...yes, I was using TrackIR...and got the shock of my life!.... Have never had an Enemy A/C that close to my tailpipe! You will be relieved to know, that Lord Flash evaded the evil Hun, and was home in time for Tea and Medals! (and absolutely no photoshop tweaking..I promise!...this was for real)
  18. Come on Dev's FFS!

    Ah, good idea Pol..I will have a look
  19. So..it would appear that if you have an LCD monitor..there is no advantage to capping
  20. 9/11 Trial

    Hmm...Not sure what to make of this? They want to bring those (thought to be) responsible to a civil trial in New York? Why? And if found guilty, the death penalty?..Hmm.... Well, that's a sure fire way of turning a bunch of Murdering nobodies into Martyr's if ever I heard...why do the Prosecutors want to give them an easy ride? Don't they realise, thats exactly what these freaks want?...They want to Die!..their whole Ethos is looking forward to it!! Hmm...Not sure what to make of this? They want to bring those (thought to be) responsible to a civil trial in New York? Why? And if found guilty, the death penalty?..Hmm.... Well, that's a sure fire way of turning a bunch of Murdering nobodies into Martyr's if ever I heard...why do the Prosecutors want to give them an easy ride? Don't they realise, thats exactly what these freaks want?...They want to Die!..their whole Ethos is looking forward to it!!..and now they will get their final wish!...Nice one eh? And I REALLY didn't want to repeat it three times!!! Sorry chaps!! OOPS!...I must be more tanked up than I thought (hic)
  21. I never realised it was Manfred's Cousin, Wolfram..whom Manfred was flying to rescue on that Fateful day that he caught a packet! What a Bummer!...talk about 'Keeping it in the Family!'
  22. French Air Service Tunic On A Budget

    He's Knicked a Tommy Gun!...bloody pretend Jerries!!
  23. RFC uniform on a budget!

    Hahahahaha...what a Dork!...Even a Cavalry Officer (whom this will have been based on) wouldn't look that daft!...who the hell needs Jodpurs in a Camel...you are in it...not on it! Have to say m8..you have done a brilliant job!..thats you sorted for any Fancy Dress parties that come along for the next 40 yrs!!!....brilliant! With a French one coming from Lou...I wouldnt be at all surprised if we see Olham getting in on the Act too!!!
  24. Hiya I have made quite a few missions in IL2...but have never even looked at BHaH...and would'nt know how to start. Is it relatively easy?

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