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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. 9/11 Trial

    I guess we were 'lucky' with the London Bombings...in that they blew themselves to Kingdom come..so no need for a trial. The fact is, we Brits were fighting a 'War on Terror' with the IRA for 30 yrs prior to 9/11 (The Irish Terrorists were supported I am sorry to say, by certain Irish / American's... shame on them, and their families for an eternity!!...as I consider them murderers by association, and would gladly see them hanged publically)...and we ended up letting them out of Prison as part of the good friday agreement! Though it has, for the most part stopped the IRA from using their Terrorism...and they now have joined the political path. Sorry to say, but it matters not how many F-16's or Soldiers we send to Afghanistan...we won't win a war on terror with an Army...the best we can hope for (IMHO) is to keep Al Queda tied up. Sometime, somewhere, somehow... we will have to negotiate with them (or tie ourselves in with someone who will)
  2. Wolfram Von Richtoffen

    Amen to that!
  3. Red Baron Movie

    I downloaded it ok for free this afternoon
  4. Wolfram Von Richtoffen

    Yes, sadly I cant find any info on his Aircraft Insignia..would be nice to have him in the fold
  5. Grounded!

    Love the RE8 and the Bristol Fighter!!
  6. Nice one!

    I joined it when it first came along...I'm the Guy holding the Pike!
  7. Yep..It never ceases to amaze me...the variety of ways to Die in this game are endless!...But Boredom aint one of them!!
  8. I thought I saw Bullets whizzing past my ear!...where the hell did he come from!??...Time for some serious Right Rudder!
  9. Red Baron Movie

    Well, I guess films are hugely expensive to make these days, and you have to have a 'Love' interest, for the 'Saturday night at the Movies' crowd. It wouldn't make it's money back if only the old OFF duffers went to see it! Put's me in mind of my Dad...he used to like watching war films...but was very cross if a "Damn Woman was in it, ruining the action"
  10. Have to agree, those screenies Olham are fantastic! Here is a skin I made for my good friend Fortiesboy. (Dirty, Grubby...and Battle Weary... a bit like me!)... an artistic impression of a Real Skin by our own Winder!...copyright OBD Software
  11. Red Baron Movie

    I would like to see a remake of Aces High (don't mind whether it was Allied or Axis) but with proper Aircraft. For me, I found that film to be the most realistic I have seen on the subject.
  12. I think BH has been on the JD again!
  13. HAT IN THE RING! : Web update

    • Personalised AIRCRAFT skin! • auto exit on damage on/off setting I must admit...these two are my main reason for ordering!...worth the $20 ALL ON THEIR OWN! THANKS
  14. Hi Here is my very first attempt at making a video with Windows Movie Maker It's a bit ropey in places, but I guess you have to start somewhere! I hope I have put enough credits to OBD...But if the Devs are unhappy about any of it, I will happily edit it, so please let me know? Here it is..I hope you like it
  15. OFF Screenshots Video

    FlyPC...Thank you very much...Great tip there!..I remember downloading Virtualdub..and then promptly forgetting about it!..I shall re-visit. Good fun making vids...I am a long way off making a decent aerial one with Fraps...but perhaps one day, I will get that right too. Just a case of finding good music as well...whilst I appreciate the 'classics' as regards to Immersion of the era..I personally don't much like classical music..so it's trying to get a balance I guess. Thanks for your input, much appreciated
  16. I tend to do the old 'Roll of the Dice' thing...suits my gameplay style...
  17. Have you all missed something? Look at the Observation Balloons!...They are really cool as well
  18. http://sendables.jibjab.com/originals/what_we_call_the_news heehee
  19. may not be historical but hey it looks good

    All you need now is a Ship to use it on! (actually, an OFF Aircraft Carrier would be neat!)
  20. 2012

    I think there should be a TV special on 22nd December 2012...where all the Dorks who predicted the end of the world, are dropped into a Live Volcano! Now THAT would be entertainment!
  21. Hang in there m8..It sure isn't Amazon, but it's worth it!
  22. Serves him Right!..Using a Mobile whilst driving is a really stupid thing to do
  23. OT JibJab...gotta love it!

    http://sendables.jibjab.com/originals/do_i_creep_you_out This just killed me!!!!! LMFAO
  24. MvR in Colour

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXBsKVjWJjs Among other things
  25. OT - How's this for a skin?

    Manfred would be very proud I suspect

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