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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Class! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8347063.stm
  2. By the look of these holes in my Rudder, I reckon the DVII on my ass was using 20mm Cannons!!! (and I made it home...phew!)
  3. Skins

    Yes, nice skin. Is that one of the First Eagles guys?
  4. from mad mind of stump somehting else new

    Oh, I am really going to enjoy myself when I do get a Snipe!...I shall stick one of those ridiculous looking spiked helmets You germans love so much, right up the Kaisers fat, hairy arse!
  5. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8345940.stm aaargh
  6. Disturbing Kills

    I was left dumbstruck once, when a flaming Victim I had shot down at low level, plummeted earthwards, and the pilot jumped a few seconds before it hit the ground..... I just flew away thinking "Poor Bastard"
  7. from mad mind of stump somehting else new

    As long as there is breath in my body!
  8. DH5

    Ah ok...that makes sense...thanks for clarification
  9. OT Dunno whether to laugh or cry!

    haha...If I was that Fork-Lift Driver...I would see how much Vodka I could drink before they pulled me out!
  10. from mad mind of stump somehting else new

    Shame you never got the Snipe finished Stump...Here I sit..patiently waiting :(
  11. DH5

    I am surprised at the choice of a DH5...as they were mostly used in a training role, after failing to prove their worth as a dogfighter. I can only assume that OBD have chosen it (and the Razor and large number of Nupes) because they have not been represented before in a Sim?
  12. Well, with the soon to be released addon pack, and the exciting news that Individual skins are soon to become the Norm..there is no better time to make your own. Ok...you have your chosen paint program...you have your free DXT to BMP program, and you have attempted your first skin. If like me, you discover it looks more like the contents on the carpet after a particularly outrageous party...and you sit moping about how you should'nt have bunked off those Art lessons in high school...despair not! Our very own OBD Uber-Skinners have in fact, done all the work for you! Because of the amazing quantity and quality of their work, you can do what any wannabe artist does when faced with this situation!.....CHEAT! With a few simple 'copy n paste's you can have a totally individual skin...and with the simple addition of a bit of text, and a cool logo...you can have a personal aircraft to be proud of! As an example, I made this DVII in about 15 mins...using parts from three different aircraft...no worrying about weathering, textures or such like, cos it's already there! (I havent worried too much about the details...you can do that once you have the design you want) So, dig out your paint proggy again, and have a go!..there is nothing as satisfying as having your own unique aeroplane!
  13. Nvidia Plugin for Photoshop users

    hmm...not sure rwmarth tbh...cant see why not though
  14. Following on from OvS's post about our resident Explorer..I thought I would ask what other forum users do / did as a job or Career? Ok, me first I guess..... Well I run an IT Support Business, for Home Users and Small Business's, and also co-run an ID / Name Badge supply company, which provides Metal Name Badges (such as you see in Shops) as well as Photo ID Cards and accessories. Have been self-employed now for six years, as I have a proven track record of dislike for 'Bosses' of any description... I pushed my last one into a skip!...and consequently lost that particular Job!...and so now consider myself totally unemployable!
  15. Easy Skins (no artistic talent required)

    Hi carrick Basically you need a paint program such as Photoshop (paint.net is a free version) Provided it has an option to select a certain area (say an entire top wing) you can copy it, and paste it into another aircraft's skin. Move the cropped wing over the original, and save the file. Have a quick look through the skinning section for more info (I might try and make a demo video and stick it on youtube)
  16. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    Well, there wont be many skins for the Razor... only 36 of them entered combat duties in the last weeks of the war. And, to think..I was worried about them Olham!!
  17. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    I assume there will be options to turn it down or Off Ras
  18. Man faces Jail after Urinating on War memorial

    Hi D Must admit, that was my first thought too...But It costs us Tax Payers good money to keep people in Prison...I like the American Chain Gang approach personally
  19. Man faces Jail after Urinating on War memorial

    Yeah, I agree Olham...I was just listening to a radio chat show, with listeners calling in with various ideas from "Sending him to Afghanistan" to public Whippings!...quite scary how the British Public can go totally overboard sometimes! A very silly young man, whose punishment would be best suited to Community Service, cleaning up War memorials for a few weekends I think. We've all done daft things when young and pi$$ed I reckon...but Prison should be reserved for those who deserve it through serious crimes
  20. Easy Skins (no artistic talent required)

    Thanks Olham...It would be nice to think fellow aviators could create a skin for themselves
  21. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Yes, that was it!...thanks SB
  22. OT: Touching Video

    God Bless you Marvin I loved the bit where the guy says "Thank you for all you Did"...and the old fella says "Well we did a bit" Understated or what? Also loved the Learjet taxiing along, and a f*ck off big B-17 Cruises up behind!...magic!
  23. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    We should'nt forget either Wels, that atrocities were not exclusive to Germany!...The Allies commited atrocities too (but we will never hear about those) As posted by myself in the past, my Dad was an SOE agent during the war, and he witnessed atrocities commited by Allied Interogators too. I happen to know, from his accounts, that German POW's were tortured for information, and then shot, buried and forgotten by UK Intelligence forces throughout 1941 - 1945...he witnessed this on at least two occasions.
  24. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    It's sheer weight of numbers that would scare me! Elite forces aren't much use against millions of Chinese conscripts

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