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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Actually...doing some very quick research, it appears Germany was considered a target...but quickly removed as one
  2. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    I agree Olham...the fact of the matter is, that it was a team game...it was down to everyone involved...Lets not forget the Russian role too. Mr Hitler (or rather his often Brilliant Commanders) could have done a considerably better job, had he/they not had to spread his/their forces over two fronts. The question I always ask myself..Is whether an A-Bomb would have found itself falling onto Berlin, had the war in Europe dragged on any longer?
  3. Goodness me chaps!...and I thought I was the only Schoolboy who ever had to suffer this torture! Maybe it was our parents way of getting us back for being little b*stards sometimes!!! (must see if I can find some for my Son, when he's been a little sod!!)
  4. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    Considering how many Noop's were designed / Built... and yet, SE5a's and Sopwith Camels are the names always remembered by laypeople when thinking of WW1...Must tell us something!
  5. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    One of my favourite War Movies was the one where a US Marine and a Japanese Soldier are marooned on the same Island!...brilliant story (cant remember what it was called)
  6. Sounds like a suitable punishment for a Cheeky Young German Boy!!! Mine was a mouthful of 'Cod Liver Oil and Malt!....I can still taste it in my mouth as I type!!...disgusting doesnt do it justice! :suicide2:
  7. Yep..Many things about OFF come to mind whilst doing other things! I often find myself whistling the theme tune...and whilst walking my dog the other day, I imagined him being my trusty mascot, and hugging him before I climbed into my Camel!...thinking how it would have felt, not seeing him again..and what would happen to him when i was gone! Always looking up to the clouds, and wondering what it must have felt like to fight for your life up there... Just happy to wake up in the Morning, with Max licking my face...knowing that the most dangerous job of the day is crossing the road with him!....glad I am alive today...and dont have to worry about burning to death in a flying Coffin!
  8. No m8..it's one of mine.. 112 Sqd RAF 1918 (it's in the download area) Here is another one...lesson here...Dont try and take on four Bristol Fighters in a Pfaltz!!...the end came quickly, with a shot in the back of the head!....ouch
  9. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    Of particular interest with the addon (for me) is the Wind effects, and the Custom skins...looking forward to both. I was disapointed there was no Snipe this time around, but I hope we will get one eventually
  10. Phase Four

    Check out the MP section of the OFF forum..you will find your answers there
  11. I jumped straight in the deep end with Phase 1 Been drowning ever since!
  12. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    I'm afraid when the Pilot announced "We've done our job for Uncle Sam, and now we're flying for ourselves" I vomited both my Kidneys onto the Table through my nose!
  13. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Yes..either 'B' or 'E'
  14. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    I have found it!...must have been an early version (probably Spain again)
  15. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Ah! I have another question re: Luftwaffe please chaps? On some 1940's newsreel film..I have seen an HE111 with a totally different nose layout to the norm!...it is shown in a formation, dropping it's cargo, and is quite clearly a Heinkel...but with a modified nose cone (still glass...but not the same) Any Ideas??
  16. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Dunno if it was just me...but the 109's didnt look like 109's though
  17. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    Well..we have the Razor...and nothing to combat it
  18. OFF Addon #1 will contain.....

    If you're a Noop fan, you will be pleased no doubt
  19. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    It's true enough...Hollywood has played a large part in people's ignorance of historical facts. Hell, it even made John Wayne out to be a War Hero...instead of a coward, who lied to get out of fighting in WW2...and whose film 'The Green Berets' was probably responsible for sending many Young American's to a gung-ho demise in the Jungles of South East Asia....but that's another story
  20. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Yep..Every bloody Christmas!...along with 'Oliver' and the Wizard of OZ
  21. OT (WW2) The Great Escape

    Thanks for the Headsup m8...I will have a watch of that
  22. Hi Siggi... Yeah, would love to jump on board..just too busy to fly at the moment.
  23. Best of Luck Chaps... I would of course join the fray..but I have 2 lorry loads of Paperclips coming in Tomorrow, and need to triple count them. Best Wishes Capt Darling
  24. You've Come A Long Way, Baby....

    Time sure flies when ya having fun huh?

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