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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I'm afraid you have to stop...because...
  2. How can a Country, that takes refugees, gives them Health Care, a Job...a New Start in Life, be repaid with such Venom?
  3. Dear God..this is awful

    http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/18/us/texas-explosion/index.html I am sometimes seen by some, as Anti American. This is in no way true, in any capacity. Even if I was (which I'm NOT)....I am certainly not 'Anti-Human' therefore my thoughts are with the victims, and the American People...who are having an extremely 'Rough time of it' at the moment. :(
  4. Dear God..this is awful

    Thank you WhiteKnight...I appreciate that
  5. Dear God..this is awful

    I can see what the Mayor meant now, when he spoke of 'Nuclear-like' explosion!!
  6. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    I think Very good points. The Media is the best weapon the Terrorist has in his arsenal! (along with the Irrational fear spread by them)
  7. The Quick and the Dead

    Good luck! :)
  8. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Up until a decade or so ago, this would be 'Just another Day' in Northern Ireland
  9. The Quick and the Dead

    I'm good thanks. Just a reformat of the rig m8..... it takes SOOOOOO long to install my FSX stuff..that it puts you off installing anything else for at least two weeks!..hahahaha
  10. The Quick and the Dead

    Nice write up CaptSopwith. I'll have to get OFF installed again soon
  11. Flying the Sopwith Pup

    Still can't believe people flew and fought in these
  12. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    If it's a home grown..then they should be punished far worse than a foreign terrorist (imho)..as you can add 'Traitor' to their list of heinous crimes
  13. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    Probably not a huge amount of Security at a Marathon (I might be wrong of course)...but a soft target for cowards
  14. And now for something different.............

  15. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    As a Woman, in a Man's World..fair play to her. But her Policies?..... She started the whole ball rolling, that has lead to the UK being in the sh*t it is today...So, I won't be breaking out the Champagne...but I won't miss her either
  16. BHaH is AMAZING

    Always nice to hear that someone new has found the delight that is OFF...Welcome aboard!!
  17. Old..but first time I've seen this

    Balls of Titanium!!!
  18. Old..but first time I've seen this

    Although he did say afterwards "I'd never do that again...even for $10M" Can't blame him for that :)
  19. Old..but first time I've seen this

    Well, $2m for a few seconds work?...If you have the guts...fair play I say!
  20. NK in state of war with the South?

  21. I echo Hasse Wind..get rid of XP...it's the 21st Century!...lol
  22. Virgin's Glass Bottomed Plane

    I hope I get to fly in one someday http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/blog/virgin-atlantic-launches-worlds-first-ever-glass-bottomed-plane (April Fool)
  23. I wasn't complaining you know?....I only asked about the Crashed Aircraft..and a couple of other bits.
  24. Is this available then?...Is it Canvas Knights?
  25. Brilliant!...I noticed a wrecked aircraft nose done in the field..looked much better than the OFF one!...is that a new feature too?.... And in the Manager...didn't matter what I clicked...I could never overcome the 'quit immediatly' after crash!

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