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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. OT What Job do you do?

    My God!...What a diverse crowd!...fascinating Stuff! So Far we have a WW2 veteran, an Explorer...and just about every other trade in between! Amazing!..please keep them coming guys!
  2. My first skin! for DiD campaign

    Nice Skin..I like the fact it looks Battle Weary too...
  3. MP personal skins pics

    OVS?...Can you confirm or Deny please?...Did I read this somewhere?..Or is my old age creeping up on me?
  4. Custom skins...

    Hi Stiffy..if you get stuck, let me know
  5. New Nvidea driver

    191.07 here...no problems...running OFF, Fs2004, Grid, BIA...all seem good
  6. MP personal skins pics

    Ah yes, I am aware of that..made plenty of skins myself now...but (I think I am correct?) the OBD team may have found a way to ensure that you can use your own skin in SP without the Wingmen sharing it?...I may be wrong, but am sure I read it somewhere on the forum.
  7. Kudos to the guys who have the patience!!...I tried making a very basic car once...ended up throwing the whole bloody kit across the room!
  8. MP personal skins pics

    smashing!...though I think you MP guys are gonna find the SP version of skins will catch up soon
  9. Bloody nora!

    Yes, it's a staggering difference. I certainly find that having clouds set to 3 (or even 2)makes a substanstial difference in fps (GTX8800)..which you will already be aware of Siggi I'm sure. Like you say, even on medium settings, it looks fantastic
  10. Windows 7

    I for one haven't forgotten that..and in fact, it continued to suck right up until the release of SP2 But Vista sucked when it came out...continues to Suck..and (IMHO) will continue to suck for ever more!..Hence the arrival of W7 is welcomed...Just installed it on a Clients Laptop (overwriting Vista) and touch wood...looking very good indeed!..didnt have to search for drivers at all!!...brilliant Though one small nuisance..maybe just something I need to do..is that you cannot 'Run' a program from the net..I just tried to run AVG...but it doesn't open the program..had to download it, then run it...nothing major though
  11. Sobering Statistics

    I had no idea of the sheer scale of Conflicts... scary s**t indeed!! The usual video type thing..but bear with it to the end My god!..Haven't we just moved on as a species huh?
  12. Pearl Harbor Pics

    I havent seen many of these before..awesome
  13. OT: Real open cockpit expieriance

    Well...I have never flown in an Open Cockpit..but my favourite experience of flying, was in a Glider when I was in the Air Training Corps...wonderful experience..just like being a Bird
  14. Sobering Statistics

    Yeah, I agree with what you say BH...just that Governments around the world (and indeed the media) seem to like to keep things Hushed up!...I never knew that there are 15 wars going on in the world as we speak
  15. Whats the music for this game?

    It's a classic...and suits OFF to a tee!...very atmospheric...and I often find my self whistling it when out with the Dogs
  16. Here is a clip from Rick Mayall and Adrian Edmundson's classic 90's comedy 'Bottom' Not exactly like their Blackadder roles,(and best avoided if you're easily offended) but I love this! Enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX67hNa-2QA
  17. I was wondering (as Tact and Niceness is the new face of the Widowmaker) ....how the Germans on the forum feel about being called 'Huns?' Obviously, during times of conflict, that our nations have endured in the past, derogatory terms for the enemy are expected... But the term also seems apt in some way, because our Simulator is set in the time when this term was in everyday use I suspect. I personally, feel no personal affront about being called a 'Krumpet, or a Limey...Pom etc.... But there were rather more unpleasant terms to describe people from opposing sides in WW2 (the Likes of which are still occasionally used in the 21st Century, and I have no wish to repeat them here!) I have no reason to suspect, that any of the Germans on the forum have any real concerns about the term being used, but would be interested to hear what you guys REALLY think! I only hope I have not misread the situation, as I don't think calling anyone unpleasant names that hurt their feelings is a nice trait in a person, and it's a fine line between a jovial comment, and a hurtful one! What do you guys think?
  18. OT Classic British Lavatory Humour

    Ah...thats because I posted a different link in the end!..(the original was a bit too risky for the forum)
  19. OT: NEVER give up too early

    Lucky Zebra...kinda feel sorry for the Lion too though...She's just doing what she must
  20. Windows 7

    Well, having not used a FFB stick, there's nothing for me to miss...though I think I will be with XP for a while yet (just until the dust settles)
  21. Windows 7

    Working here too! (though I am loath to stick it on my 'bestest computer just yet!...it will happen though no doubt)
  22. hmmm... well, I bet stranger things have happened!!
  23. Who are you again?...oh yeah..sorry, the memory is going too!!
  24. Do you know something Lou? (I'm sure you do!) One of the great things about this forum, is that I get an opportunity to talk, and learn..a huge amount, from Intelligent and articulate people such as yourself!! Perhaps it's an 'age' thing!... a lot of forums are populated by 'younger people' who (due to their age and lack of life experience) tend to behave...well...you know...like we all did when we too lacked such burdens!!!...and I like their freshness and zest for life!....but, it's a special place here, where a large proportion of us are 30+ (many of us, substantially more!!) and we have contributions to make (and often in my case...spout!!)hahahaha Sometimes, in fact very often...people don't always see things from another person's perspective...which is rather nice, as it aleviates the hell of 'Yes' men!!!....and it's fantastic that we have the maturity to understand that. I pride myself (if thats the right term) in trying, and sometimes achieving to maintain an open mind...and reading your words...I am thankful of that gift!...as you have made some excellent points, for which I thank you. My Father (a large and frightening figure when I was six years old) once said to me..and I have tried to cherish this thought...not always sucessfully I may add! " Son....There is a very good reason why god made you with two Ears...and only One Mouth!!" How right he was!!! S!!

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