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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. How can I delete my own post?

    There's only an Edit! ah..there's a delete option on my reply..but not my original post!
  2. Question to our German Friends

    Yes, I must agree... I have never heard of the term pre: Star Wars either! (though it was quite obvious that George Lucas modelled his characters on the Nazis)
  3. Windows 7

    Can confirm that I cannot play MP on a Lan, with XP and Windows 7!...hmmmm
  4. Lt. Nathaniel Larson

    Nice screenies Ras...I'm impressed you pulled out of that dive!!...looks like the Ground was coming up pretty fast!...desperate manouver by that German Airman!!!
  5. Guess what my Mrs as brought me?

    Lucky Bugger RD...guess you musta been building up those old Brownie Points eh?
  6. Question to our German Friends

    'Hun' has been used since Roman Times hasn't it? I will concede to you guys better knowledge re: Jerry....But I can tell you that my eldest Brother, who was born in Baden in 1948, certainly did use the outer shell of a German Helmet as a potty when out on family trips!..as my Parents were working there in 1948...for this reason, the said Item never made it's rightful place in our family as an Heirloom...And I strongly suspect, was tossed in a pond somewhere in Germany in 1950 on their return to Blighty
  7. Question to our German Friends

    'Jerry' I believe had something to do with the German's Helmets...looking like a Childs Potty or 'Jerry'
  8. OT.. Dogfight Dixon R.F.C.

    You little so and so Von Paulus!!!... I have HAD to order 7 books now!!!!...My Wife is going to go utterly Mental!!!!
  9. Question to our German Friends

    Goodness yes BH...I merely used the German Guys as an example really, as the word 'Hun' get's used here more than 'yank' or 'Limey'...but of course, just as relevant to all races on the forum
  10. OT.. Dogfight Dixon R.F.C.

    I can tell you the entire story of this one!..I read it sooo many times!! The final scene was of his Captain and his Brother standing over his dead body.... the Captain says "He tried to rule by his gun...but let the Gun rule him" Goodness yes..it was a great story...He had a much more handsome brother, who was good at everything...and he was crap at everything..then the war started, they both joined the same Infantry regiment...and the dopey one was given a rifle...he was an amazingly good marksman...the pride of the regiment!...but he began to enjoy this new found power over life and death!...he started Killing for personal pleasure...and it ends up (if I remember correctly) with a dual between him, and a German Marksman who's Brother he had killed, whilst the German had spared his brother!...the German Marksman kills him!...wicked stuff!!!!! OMG...I am 7 years old again!!!!!!!
  11. OT.. Dogfight Dixon R.F.C.

    Oh my lord!..I haven't seen them! (though at 47 yrs old, I would have been at the peak time for those!) I used to get 'Battle Picture Library' and 'Commando' comic books, and loved them hugely!! (if only I had kept them!)
  12. Thanks alot PD!

    Why?...Has he moved to the Moon?
  13. Huzzah!

    And Clouds just up fps the higher you put the slider up...run them at 2 or possibly 3. Will improve FPS without a noticeable difference
  14. Mouse look?

    Hahahaha...Well, I nearly sold my family into Slavery to get mine.(actually, I did anyway, cos they get right on my Tits!!)
  15. Huzzah!

    Hey Stiffy!...Watch out for that Olham Chap!...He likes to get Airman recruited for his damnable Hun Jasta's!...Strap on an SE or a Camel, and show him what for!!! (he's a lovely chap..but dont let that stop you from shooting at him!)...we will not tolerate Football being played on Christmas Day here Laddie!!!
  16. Yes, fair point Lou..It's just a personal thing with me I think it goes back to my Childhood...looking at my Dad's medals...listening to his stories about the War, and what happened to him and his comrades....It's kinda left me with weird feelings about them
  17. I've always had a bit of a 'Problem' with Medals for some reason. I feel, that although they are justified for acts of exceptional Valour... I feel everyone who found themselves fighting in World Wars deserve all those medals too. (except the Generals...many of whom deserved nothing more glorious than a firing squad!)
  18. Over Flanders Fields in Home Net

    I was just gonna say that too!
  19. Holy Macaroni Batman!!!!!
  20. Hahaha...I'm fine really Olham...just I wish you guys would send some Indian Summer over to the North East of England. The South has had a heatwave...but we've had wind and rain!...And I want to go Fishing!..AAAARGH
  21. Windows 7

    Well, I have been using Windows 7 on my laptop for some time now, and all appears to be reasonably stable.... have flown BHaH quite succesfully with it too (though have not tried MP) It's better than Vista (imho) but then everything is!...... It will be a while before I say goodbye to XP though on my PC
  22. Mouse look?

    Yeah..Just echoing the other guys!..If you can sell your Soul to the Devil...it's worth it for TrackIR m8!
  23. You're a star Lou...downloading now...I like Dej could not read a single one in Google Books!..thank you, thank you, Thank you!!!!
  24. You might get the Gulf Stream in Germany my friend...but we get the Pi$$ stream here in Blighty!!!

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