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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I agree that Red Baron was at least an attempt.... the real gripe I had about both films was (as you pointed out Stiffy) the aerobatics..and the fact that they all seemed to be flying at Mach1
  2. I just don't know what it is with these modern CGI WW1 aviation movies!....they appear to have lost any sense of nostalgia...almost like Battlestar Galactica with Biplanes! They (to me) have no atmosphere, little realism and I hate them!! Grumpy old Tosspot that I am!!!
  3. OT Grave Humour

    Just got these in email...thought I would share
  4. Inspired by Hauksbee's avatar

    Hi Baldric I can see no reason not to use PSP for skinning, especially if thats what you're used to. Like Olham, I came to Photoshop out of a work necessity...and kinda moved into Skinning from there! If you have PSP, give it a go m8.. (Actually, Beanie uses a Free paint program for his Skinning...can't remember what it's called though)....anyone?
  5. I miss him

    hahaha great name!! I have an 'Otto Von Shnitzelpoop' at the moment
  6. Good Screenies Ras..... Nice to see a German getting it for once!..let's have some more!
  7. cool shots!..I'm afraid there are way too many Allied Aircraft being shot down in the Screenshot thread!..I shall need to address this balance shortly!!
  8. Ras..That's ok m8..it will take a while to finish the weathering anyway (ps...can you PM your email address please?) Olham... It has twin Machine guns this one!...and although she has a few bullet holes in the screenshot, I sent three Alb's down in flames!..So be warned!!! ZoomZoom...when you go to post, there is an option called 'Use Full Editor' at the bottom of the type box...hit that, and it will become obvious to you m8
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Tj5nUvxLTo&feature=rec-HM-r2 Hahaha...If only WW1 ground Crew were as animated!..I might not have crashed into the damn hanger!!!
  10. Early war aircraft?

    Actually Yes, thats true!...but it must be a pig trying to find colour Pics of these guys to copy? (I'm going to get Inundated now arent I?)
  11. I miss him

    Ah yes!...You will lose many good men before this war of attrition ends!.... Best not get too attached, a Pilot would do well to stay a lone wolf, and befriend no-one in this Hell that is 1916 France!
  12. I hope RAS doesn't mind me showing the Skin I have made for him... I apologise if you do m8!
  13. Early war aircraft?

    I'm quite a fan of the early air war too...but as Uncleal says, not much action around! Eventually it may be in the 'OFF'(ing) to see some more early aircraft...but I think the team are currently up to their necks in getting the Expansion done. And, as a mad keen Skinner...I don't think the early birds would be much fun
  14. Brilliant BH...and who could possibly forget......
  15. stump will be gone till further notice

    OMG!....Bad luck Stumpy!...What a 100% bummer!!!
  16. AntiVirus reporting TR-DropperGen

    Have used Avast in the past (hmm..poetry!) ...and it's very good. Avira / Norton, not my best friends I'm sorry to say. Anyone use Kaspersky?
  17. payback

    Talking of Goering..There was a Documentary on Discovery the other night about him. Some old film of him in the Cockpit, taking off etc...... But the bit that nearly made me cry, was a short clip of German Soldiers (after the War I assume!)...smashing a load of Alb's and DVII's to smithereens with Sledgehammers!....it was heartbreaking!!
  18. Inspired by Hauksbee's avatar

    Lovely Skin Olham.... Yellow a very fitting colour for German Chicken's!..... I shall have to go and down some more!
  19. All we need now is a Video playback facility!
  20. AntiVirus reporting TR-DropperGen

    Checked with AVG 8.5 and Malwarebytes...can report no problems at all
  21. Your life in their hands?

    Or indeed any War
  22. With BHaH focussing very much on authenticity and Immersion, this will quite possibly be the single best new aspect to the Sim since it first appeared!
  23. Did I read this correctly WM?....Unique pilot skin, with wingmen of different skins...in Campaign / QC???
  24. Flying the "new" Pfalz D IIIa

    Just took the Pfaltz up for a fly around, and as Olham says..it's possible to take down a Spad or two! Still not a brilliant Turn fighter, but you can whip the nose up pretty quickly, and catch out your opponent!

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