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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Next OFF Add On Plane unveiled!

    I suppose the obvious question has to be "Why make a Biplane Hurricane?" (I'm sure they had their reasons?)
  2. Flying the "new" Pfalz D IIIa

    I'm really pleased the guys have re-looked at the Pfaltz! It was my favourite fighter in P2...and was absolutely crap in BHaH.... Now, having tried the new FM, I shall be skinning and fighting with her much more!
  3. First impressions

    Welcome Baron..New guy buys the drinks! Great write up there...glad you have seen the light, and made the leap back in time once more!...The Immersion in OFF is second to none! (IMHO) You will find there are not enough hours in the day to explore all it's possibilities! (but it sure is fun trying!)
  4. Sorry guys..but this is a CFS3 issue, that as yet hasn't been sorted
  5. Invisible Planes

    Excellent news Rooster!...Not just because you solved the problem..but have pointed the way to 'Stealth Technology!" My all new 'Stealth Pfaltz' ist on ze drawing board as we speak!!
  6. MiniPATCH V1.32g is now available!

    Nice one Pol...The Pfaltz was a real lame duck IMO...So, looking forward to trying the new FM
  7. Stick this on their bedroom door!...maybe they'll take the hint? (wouldnt hold ya breath though)
  8. OT if you have teenage Kids

    hahaha.....he's not quite a teen yet...just being prepared!
  9. Much as I love the Holy Grail....my personal favourite is Life of Brian (this scene in particular)
  10. Looks like Canes were all the rage in 1918!!! Hugely evocative photo's, thanks Olham..you've come up trumps again
  11. Invisible Planes

    Bump...Did you ever get it sorted Rooster?
  12. Weathering par excellance!! Fantastic pics Olham (sigh..if only they had Colour film in those days)
  13. Same could be said of the Pfaltz!...A pig of an aircraft in OFF...but I can find little to support the accuracy or not of the real aircraft. I know it's performance seems to have changed for the worse since P3
  14. It's not even the gun that bothers me...it's the awful FOV..the forward view is so restricted!...compared to the German Types which had twice the firepower and much better visability. I would have had very serious reservations about taking it up in combat in RL
  15. I dislike the Spad on many fronts I'm afraid. Visability is poor, and like you say HW...one gun with 400 rounds is no good to anyone in a major furball. I know there are some fans of it, just sadly I'm not one of them
  16. Will never do THAT again!

    Bad crack Olham...customers eh?...right pain in the ass sometimes. Like you say, flying in a bad mood using good pilots can be a recipe for disaster!...There's always tomorrow though Chin up old bean!
  17. Bomber pilots

    Ah well..hmmm....But we bloody won!
  18. Bomber pilots

    Don't listen to Olham Ryan. He is trying to coerce you into flying aeroplanes that can be spotted from a long way off..and as we all know, if you see the enemy before he sees you, the battle is 75% won! I must admit, their aircraft are more colourful...and I do so enjoy watching multicoloured bits of fabric flying off in all directions, as my Vickers cut into them....and often marvel at the almost beautiful pyrotechnics of them burning all the way down! But what sort of cowards are they?....Parachutes indeed!! An allied pilot's aeroplane may be somewhat drab....but drab and alive sure beats colourful and dead!
  19. A Smaller Dogfight

    This is a slight 'Modification' of a screenshot I took earlier. Have kept this image quite small..if you download it, and set as your desktop background (1280 x 1024) is mine...the natural blur of it looks not too bad I hope you find.
  20. Just stumbled across this picture on the web Interesting if true? The cockpit was moved further back, and only had top mounted guns to prevent Muzzle Flash ruining the Pilots Night Vision
  21. http://www.newsbiscuit.com/2009/06/16/windows-7-to-be-supplied-pre-infected/ Yup...Sounds pretty accurate to me!
  22. Twin Vickers Nightfighter Camel

    Quite right Dej..Lewis's is what I meant. Yes, now There is a challenge for the OBD boys!..A camel with a searchlight!!
  23. A New Skin for Sopwith Tripe?

    Looking good there Red....But mine has red and white stripes too!...oh well, back to the drawing board! (is blue and white ok Ras?..hahahahaha)

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