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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Nungesser and Madon Split up Alb's

    Hmmm...It looked a bit better before I put too much light on the Newp!....a real learning curve, but good fun!
  2. deleting posts

    Hi All How do you delete your own post?
  3. Nungesser and Madon Split up Alb's

    Opps..here is the pic Thanks RC...dunno what's going on with my posting tonight..I'm adding, deleting and moving things all over the place!..must have fighter pilots elbow or summat!!
  4. Subdividing the Skins Database

    I voted sub divide by aircraft name..that way we can see which aircraft need attention. I dont think using Jasta / Squadron name is a good idea..as it restricts scope on non-realism skins
  5. Slightly OT, WW2

    Just found this on the net.... you may have read it before, but if not...here it is.. Charlie Brown was a B – 17 Flying Fortress pilot with the 379th Bomber Group at Kimbolton, England. His B-17 was c alled ‘Ye Old Pub’ and was in a terrible state; having been hit both by flak and fighters. Their magnetic compass was damaged and they were flying deeper into enemy territory instead of heading home to Kimbolton. After flying over an enemy airfield, a pilot named Franz Steigler was ordered to take off and shoot down the B-17. When he neared the bomber, he could not believe his eyes. In his words, he “had never seen a plane in such a bad state”. The tail and rear section was severely damaged and the tail-gunner wounded. The upper gunner was all over the top of the fuselage. The nose was smashed and there were gaping shrapnel holes everywhere. Despite having ammunition, Franz flew close alongside the B-17 and looked directly at the young American pilot. Brown was exhausted, very frightened and battling to maintain control of his damaged and blood-stained aircraft. Realising that the B-17 crew had no idea where they were heading, the Me-109 pilot gestured to Charlie to turn 180 degrees. Franz then escorted and guided the stricken bomber back to, and out over the North Sea towards England . He then saluted Charlie Brown and turned away; back to Europe. After landing he informed his C/O that the B-17 had been shot down over the sea and never told the truth to anybody. Charlie Brown, and the survivors of his crew, told of the strange encounter at their de-briefing, but were ordered never to talk about it. More than 40 years later, Charlie Brown decided to discover if the Luftwaffe pilot who had saved he and his crew was living and, if possible, locate him. After years of research, Franz was located. He had never talked about the incident; not even at post-war reunions. They finally met in the USA at a 379th Bomber Group reunion; together with 25 people who exist now – all because Franz never fired his guns that day Research shows that Charlie Brown lived in Seattle and Franz Steigler had moved to Vancouver , BC after the war. When they finally met, they discovered they had lived less than 200 miles apart for the past 50 years!
  6. Rise of Flight, Red Baron 3d..even First Eagles has a full write up on Wikipedia...but OFF has sweet FA? Is it just a case that no-one has written anything?..If So, perhaps we can do it?...talk about free advertising being missed out on Just a Thought
  7. Hey Devs...How come?

    I might have a bash if thats ok?...not done Wikipedia before, so if anyone has..advice most welcome
  8. Worst Navigation Error Ever

    I think I will 'Warp' to the Jingling Gate PH tonight..and have myself Interned until closing time, with some Old Speckled Hen this very evening. It seems the only logical way of raising a glass to Pilot Officer Bullethead on his misfortune?
  9. Apple announced today that it has developed a breast implant that can store and play music. The iTit will cost from $499 to $699, depending on cup and speaker size. This is considered a major social breakthrough, because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.
  10. OT First the iPhone...now this!

    or 'Boobie Nights' by Heatwave!
  11. Slightly OT, WW2

    Yes...an incredible story... I am sure their were many stories of Human compassion towards an enemy that are forever lost to History. Proof indeed, that Human Beings, in their natural state, are social animals, better suited to helping each other, than killing each other en masse. We as human beings would do well to take note of the actions of Franz Steigler that day!
  12. File Name: Josef Keller Fokker DVII Jasta 43 File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 16 Sep 2009 File Updated: 20 Oct 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Josef Keller joined Jasta 43 on 5th June, 1918. His only victory came on 8 August 1918 when he brought down an SE5a near Bray-sur-Somme (this is a custom made skin..all original skins/models are the intelectual property of OBD) Click here to download this file
  13. Josef Keller Fokker DVII Jasta 43



    Josef Keller joined Jasta 43 on 5th June, 1918. His only victory came on 8 August 1918 when he brought down an SE5a near Bray-sur-Somme (this is a custom made skin..all original skins/models are the intelectual property of OBD)
  14. TrackIR Profiles

    Well, after much farting about trying to get my TrackIR profiles to work in the way I want...complicated, if like me..you have a life!..and dont want to sit hour on hour trying to get it how you want it...go along to the Naturalpoint website, and download a user made profile. I did, and the first one I tried was absolutely brilliant!!!... I can look all over the place..no locking up...wtf have I been doing trying to make my own!? The profile I have is one called Charvel...the guy who made it deserves a massive hug!!!...thank you!!!....now I can spend some time flying..instead of pi$$ arsing around doing a job I hate!
  15. TrackIR Profiles

    And the old classic "To Err is human...but to Really f*ck things up..you need a computer!"
  16. Get on your Spitfire t-shirts!

    I'm a great fan of the Hurri as well...But here is my favourite youtube clip featuring Spits...to the Sound of Vera Lynn's 'White Cliffs of Dover" (Brings a massive lump to my throat everytime I watch it!!...lovely)
  17. My Zeppelin Hunter Camel looks forward to seeing her BH!
  18. TrackIR Profiles

    Same here Von Paulus a fellow IT waller! Remembering the old saying (not refering to you Olham of Course!!!)
  19. So..you have a fighter pilot's reactions huh?

    The moral is.. Don't drink and dart sheep!...far better idea is to jump in the Station Wagon and drive home! (Just kidding...that would be a bloody silly thing to do Readers!)
  20. Constructive advice there matey....But I still LOVE it!
  21. So..you have a fighter pilot's reactions huh?

    Hahaha...That puts me in mind of a sign my friend has on his Garden Gate, to deter the little Toe-rags who constantly climb over to vandalise his Shed It's a Picture of his German Shepherd, teeth Barred...and a sign that says "I can reach the Garden gate from my Back Door in 3.2 seconds........ Can you? It Works too
  22. First flight In BHAH

    Ah yes, Remember my first Sortie back in the days of Phase 1 (still wake up screaming some nights!)
  23. Don't worry SD...You ain't Paranoid...we really ARE out to get ya!!
  24. TrackIR Profiles

    Cool...But It doesn't support TIR3 as yet

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