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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Unfair Work Conditions!

    I work in IT...and yes!...We're all Bastards! :)
  2. Starcraft Players: PETA states Zerglings have feelings too.

    They're Loonies
  3. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    It'll be like this soon
  4. Not good PR

    Check out the Bus's Exhaust pipe :)
  5. Flying the Vought F4U "Corsair"

    American's always built BIG Fighters (presumably because of the Radial Engines?) Personally...I'd rather be in a little plane...with a shedload of guns! (and a Parachute of course!) :)
  6. Interesting read http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/hindenburg-mystery-solved-after-76-years-8517996.html
  7. And they still look Deadly!
  8. A Century Later........

    I wonder if Richard Branson is in it? (The Balloon that is)
  9. Field Mods to aircraft

    With THAT amount of the airframe missing, I suspect a steep dive would have a very unpleasant outcome!
  10. Hindenburg Mystery Solved?

    It's one of those tragedies (alongside the Space Shuttle) that will always stand out
  11. Andy's Sounds Update 3.2

    Fantastic Andy...looking forward to downloading this!...
  12. Have to say, it's a very modern looking Design!... Gotta hand it to the German's..they have good design down to a fine art!!!!
  13. The Man who taught the world to fly...

    Of all the people in History, I would most like to Urinate on...It's Trenchard!! Responsible for more British Deaths, than the Germans!!
  14. Zeppelin Killing 101...

    I don't think it's going to be a 'Long Cold Mission' I think it's going to be a 'Short..oh f*** sorta mission! :)
  15. http://www.adamandhemp.co.uk/ This is what has been taking my spare time up recently.... I have a campaign running on Facebook, with 5,000 members, and this is the website to go with it. Hopefully, it will show people the role that the Border Collie Sheepdog has played in History (including Wartime) Hope you like it, and even if you're not a BC fan...a bit of History never goes amiss
  16. OT My New BC website

    Thats fascinating Flypc...I'm going to have to add this to the FB page!! :)
  17. I've held back on 'Modding OFF' until now...this looks fabulous!...gonna give it a download tomorrow. thanks :)
  18. Awesomeness...now BLOODY RELEASE IT!!!!!
  19. Albatros D.V (later) Basic Skin for Jasta 2

    Nice touch with the "Nicht auftreten!" It's what sets your skins apart Olham...those little details :)
  20. Ok, Ok...So, I'm fishing...but I'm sure you guys know some I don't...that you use to study insignia?
  21. Skinners - What are your favourite websites?

    Thanks guys...some great stuff to look through there RJW :)
  22. Caption Competition

    My Friend's Dog and Cat :) Cat:- "I F***** love you Dog!" Dog:- "Cool it Felix...you've been on the Catnip again dude!"
  23. "The Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher

    Don't even get me started on him Atreides!
  24. "The Iron Lady" Maggie Thatcher

    She was a bitch-slut from Hell...and I'll piss on her grave when she's gone!

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