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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wine thread

    This is not a wine for Drinking....This is a wine for laying down and avoiding!..at the opening of the Sydney Opera house, they were fishing them out of the main sewer every half an hour!
  2. Latest good Nvidia drivers?

    It most certainly was!...One of the Enterprise Tackle ones! :yes:
  3. Wine thread

    A good Merlot is appreciated whenever I uncork!...Have to say, some of the Australian wines can be a bit Cheeky too
  4. Latest good Nvidia drivers?

    I'm on 182.06 as well...they seem fine!..my advice (for what it's worth) is the same as yours...Don't fix what aint broken
  5. I can't stop playing Grid!...The best racing game I ever played...and works a treat with Trackir!
  6. Planes

    erm...Spitfire?...far nicer looking IMHO
  7. Planes

    Not to mention the works of art they came up with in WW2! (shame the British Air Ministry were so stuffy!...makes for rather dull skinning!!)
  8. Blimey Nod..long time no see!..glad to hear you are well and Happy! Don't be a stranger!!!
  9. http://www.trufflepigfilms.com/ Looks worth getting
  10. Heat mask would seem the most likely I guess...... or maybe he's just an UGLY bloke?
  11. My List is quite long (so no apologies needed if you get Bored) 1) Grid (manic good fun) 2) Brothers in Arms, Hell's Highway (best WW2 shooter I ever played...and I've played them all) 3) Dark Messiah (prefer this to oblivion..because I am a violent psychopath) 4) Napoleon Total War for RTW (modders who I admire almost as much as OBD) 5) Call of Juarez Bound in Blood (just cos it's fun, and makes me feel like Clint Eastwood!) 6) Second Life (my brother got me into this...less said the better!) 7) FIFA 08 (cos I can actually make Newcastle Utd stay in the premiership!) 8) Crisis (right up til when the silly aliens arrived) 9) Mount and Blade...the combat is great!..and you can Joust on Horseback) Other bit's and bobs hit my HDD from time to time too If you want my most disappointing game ever? Far Cry 2....looked forward to this immensly, after the 1st one which was superb!...Biggest load of s**te I ever saw!!
  12. My apology

    Homeboy?...You are such a positive influence for the Good on this forum..I don't feel an apology is required personally!..... You add a great deal, and if you you have a right to say what you feel...I havent read your posting, but anyone who is 'Man' enough to apologise..will always be welcome! S!
  13. Not half as many people would play if that was the case, and I agree totally! 'Steam' started this whole Chirade...making everyone suffer because of some damn Pirates!..... Ruined more games than anything else!! I HATE F******* STEAM!!!
  14. The Last Change for P3....

    I agree...I think it's reached it's peak with the superpatch personaly.... and would rather tend to look at the addon pack?
  15. OT...Classic!

    http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Strange-N..._Park_In_Canada loved this!!!
  16. open letter to OBD

    Double edged sword springs to mind? I like the Superpatch..and am very happy to use it. In the past however, I have downloaded a patch, which (for me) has screwed up the install, and rather than improve the sim, has (for me) taken it a step backwards! I am pleased there is a superpatch, and I no longer have to concern myself as to whether it was a 1.3 or a 1.3a or a 1.2b with a mini 1.3c patch which buggered it all up (for me!) A fresh install...+ The Superpatch = near perfect (for me)
  17. The new patch DM is

    I do kinda miss the after crash animation TBH
  18. SUPERPATCH 1.32 is now available!

    There seems to be better damage modelling since reinstalling with Superpatch!...marvellous
  19. Nvidia 7900 GS

    Just aquired this card from an old puter.....want to put it in Son's computer..he currently has an ATI Radeon X1550 2 questions please? 1) I assume it's a better card? 2) Will it run OFF? thanks all
  20. Nvidia 7900 GS

    Thanks chaps!...as long as it's better...in it goes!!!
  21. A Host of New Skins Posted by FRO8769

    Hey Fro? As a newbie Skinner myself...would be very grateful (as I am sure all us budding skinners would be) if you could perhaps be kind enough to post a few of your favourite 'Hints and Tips' in our skinning section? Understand totally if you're too busy!..but it really helps us guys who are still learning. Thanks for your great skins...they are an inspiration to us all!
  22. Work, work..and yet more work!...still, allows me the enjoyment of a roof over my head...a nice computer and hot food in my families bellies!...But I had'nt had time to even put BHaH on my computer until today.... and what happens?...The OBD guys bring out a superpatch!...and it's a breeze isn't it?... Just tried one of the scenario missions...fantastic! I hope some more of those are forthcoming in the future...and would'nt it be cool, if some ideas from the guys who fly a lot, for areas of outstanding scenery were also added?...there may well be some anyway, but I was thinking of the hilly areas that are shown in some of the screeneies!..I would like to know where they are! Hope to get back to posting again, and flying..as I have missed being here as often as I used to be! Happy Flying all
  23. A Host of New Skins Posted by FRO8769

    Some lovely DR1 skins there!..a real artist!...I am pleased he has done the Red Triplane for flyboys too...masterful!

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