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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Flew a mission in QC at 10,000 ft..with DR1's, and experienced exactly what FB says above! So, best fly in the air rather than the ground when flying against DR1's methinks
  2. Echo...screenie 2 is superb
  3. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Strangely enough...only really since I re-installed. I mean, I am sure they were there before...but are much more noticeable now!..perhaps by ground fire setting?
  4. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Perhaps that was what was going on then?..I never seen the ground fire do much in the past?
  5. The Nvidia Settings

    Thanks Guys...spot on Dutch
  6. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Not sure either. As all other A/C seem to be behaving as expected, I have decided to experiment further with my setup. (as a point of interest, the DR1 behaviour sounds similar to the old Neiuport way of acting..... and I should point out, that this problem occured in QC with me sitting on the runway to start...I shall try a QC with them at 10,000 ft and see what happens?...will report back :)
  7. Ok..Whats going on with the DR1?

    Sorry Pol..didn't mean to sound like that...just with this hdd an all!..It's been a bad week
  8. Tough going

    Absolutely!.. DiD is not for the faint hearted!
  9. Damn and Blast!

    Well...The inevitable Kaput HDD syndrome hit on Saturday!...Lost all my Skins, OFF installation...the works! On the plus side however, I can re-download the ones I posted..and OFF runs really well now I have reinstalled it on the new Drive!...That'll teach me to back up the skins folder!!
  10. Great Stuff Dave...getting it now
  11. Damn and Blast!

    Yes...Quite a few I'm afraid
  12. What's your favorite WWI Movie?

    Aces high..it just pipped The Blue Max as my favourite
  13. Reason for screen name....

    Yup :yes:
  14. Reason for screen name....

    Well.. UK (pretty obvious) And Widowmaker...came from my fascination with the awful stories of the F-104G Starfighters sold to the German Air Force, which crashed with monotonous regularity
  15. Following on from Herr Prop's poll, let's all post a picture of the town / City we live in? Here are a couple of pics of Newcastle upon Tyne (as you can see...we are BIG on Bridges here!!)
  16. Hitler Parody: Over Flanders Fields

    Pissed meself!
  17. Hitler Parody: Over Flanders Fields

    Don't feel too bad Olham... the greatest Enemy of assholes like Adolph..Is the ability to mock them!
  18. Windows 7

    I have it on my Laptop (Win7 that is) Yes..it's fine... Looks pretty much like Vista (which is a shame, as there is no option to make it look like XP).... everything seems to work ok...but I have to say, I was more excited about upgrading Win98 to XP...than I am about XP to Windows 7 I may well hold off, and see what Google's O/S is like (if and when they do it)
  19. What nationality are you?

    Good idea...an American one would be good as well?..maybe a sticky?
  20. What nationality are you?

    That's Great Olham!!!...well done m8 :yes:
  21. What nationality are you?

    Absolutely!..I have spent many Fishing holiday's in France, and the people are fantastic!..friendly and very willing to extend a warm welcome to us Brits! (the bad press should be more inclined towards drunken British Yobs causing trouble in Calais!...pretty much the same story throughout the Middle Ages too!!)
  22. Indeed!.... Vive La France!!! And in celebration?...enjoy!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-KP_KBjSgw (Chris Barrie is superb as the Revolutionary!)
  23. Get on over to Multiplayer!

    Well..that looks pretty damn easy doesn't it?... I am fast running out of excuses!!!...I WILL be joining you guys soon!!
  24. And they call us Flyboys Whoosies!
  25. Glad I ain't in the Infantry!

    hahaha...I have never seen that clip!..thanks Shaolin

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