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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Can we sticky this please??
  2. Yes, If I can contain my over-enthusiasm..count me in too
  3. OT Call of Juarez

    The original is old..and not hugely brilliant (imho) Bound in blood has only just been released
  4. OT Call of Juarez

    Hi Steve, Although there is a multiplayer option, the game is primarily a single player game...so spot on for you. So, go get it! Enjoy
  5. To my American Friends

    Very true!.... It will be small consolation to you Canadians, but I have seen many great countries in my time (never been to the USA however...yet)... And Canada is way and above, the most fantastic place I have ever seen! I spent a glorious fortnight there, and can only say that, if I had to live anywhere else in the world...Canada is so far ahead of the competition, as to be a true 'One Horse Race!!! I love Canada... and I love the Canadian people!!! :yes:
  6. A little reminder

    Can't say fairer than that!
  7. To my American Friends

    heehee..well, what is certainly true of us Brits..is we often 'invent' the game (Cricket, Football, Tennis, Golf.... and then we find everyone else is better at it!) Have a good 'un m8...I'm off Fishing...as the weather is good!
  8. Your longest lasting pilot

    Hmm..Longest lasting Pilot?...now there's a thing! Not sure I've had one of those yet!
  9. To my American Friends

    Amen to that!!
  10. To my American Friends

    Of course not!.... It's nice when 'gifted amatuers' do so well!
  11. Just found a picture of Winder

    A recent photo of our Hero.... When he realised exactly WHAT he had created!!!
  12. OT: Any of you folks play GPL?

    Hi Badgerboy. Sorry...this is what I meant...they were comic book stories, made into a yearly hardcover (usually for the Christmas market) Pic 2 is exactly the pic I was talking about!...great days! OMG...this has brought back memories!!...I had several of those!!...bloody hell! http://www.tonystrading.co.uk/galleries/annuals/tiger.htm
  13. Almost Deep Purple

    I agree... my favourite one so far! :yes:
  14. well, here is my latest skin. I was just playing around with Diamonds, and this is the fruit of my weirdness!...It's different...but hopefully still maintains a touch of realistic. It's an effect I look forward to trying on different Aircraft, with other colours. Hope you enjoy it...and my next project is an American Camel I shall upload now
  15. My Latest creation... a DR1

    It's available to download now Thank you everyone for your comments...It's very encouraging!...As long as you guys like my skins...I shall continue to make them, and with all the great help and advice I get from the 'Masters' of skinning on the forum, I shall continue to get better I hope! Watch this space
  16. All invited to MP on Sunday, 5 July

    Yes..that's it exactly!... Usually with 'little bit's' breaking off! I would be very grateful of a test run on T/S if thats ok?...just let me know when's good for you? thanks m8
  17. OT: Any of you folks play GPL?

    I did have it..(indeed probably still do somewhere)..it was good fun..and reminded me of those Annuals I used to get for Christmas
  18. Just found a picture of Winder

    Bless him!..The strain got to him...he was only 25 yrs old when that was taken!
  19. What color am I, anyway?

    Yes, there are a few out there...most of them banning applications
  20. My Latest creation... a DR1

    There ya go RC
  21. My Latest creation... a DR1

    Hi Hauksbee, Yes, very valid points. The diamonds I originally did were quite large (possibly twice the size) and were black and white. This is something I plan to do on a DVII...The trouble was, on the DR1, with it's stumpy little Fuselage, it just didn't cut it...it looked a bit like a pedestrian crossing. The DVII will, I think...Show that off nicely... The Diamonds on the wings are about the size I am looking at for the DVII. I find it very useful, when chaps like yourself tell me their opinions, as it helps me grow as a skinner.... thanks m8
  22. My Latest creation... a DR1

    Thank you :blush2:
  23. Diamond DR1

    File Name: Diamond DR1 File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 2 Jul 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Here is a DR1 which I played around with,using a diamond lozenge effect. Enjoy Click here to download this file
  24. Diamond DR1



    Here is a DR1 which I played around with,using a diamond lozenge effect. Enjoy

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