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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Widowmaker: check six!

    Great news!...The old Krumpet Killer returns!...hopefully with some new Skin ideas? We will break him in gently!...I am sure he has a few posts he will want to read through!...I hope he hasn't missed us all too much whilst on leave? I suspect after two weeks, he will be giving his Joystick a damn good thrashing!..woof woof!! Welcome Back Olham...we've missed you!!!
  2. Was OFF discounted again?

    You pays ya money I guess!... I am pleased I bought it when I did!..I too couldn't wait (patience not my strong point I'm afraid) When I consider the hours of pleasure I have had, Flying and Skinning..it's been worth every penny. In my 'Free Games' post, I mentioned a game that I paid full whack for 8 months ago..that is now totally free!...But I don't feel bad about it..I wanted it at the time..it's a good game.... though free is a bit of a hard pill to swallow on reflection!...The B*stards!
  3. Battle of Waterloo

    The anniversary of Waterloo today got me thinking, about how quickly things move Militarily. To think that within exactly 100 years...we would be flying aircraft... dropping Bombs...and scything down Soldiers in their thousands in just one day!...The Horse has gone from the battlefield, to be replaced by Tanks (for which I am sure they are grateful)...and columns of Red and Blue dressed soldiers, firing 3 rounds a minute...have far less firepower than a single soldier with a Machine gun. As for the future...the Nano-suit is now within reach...where soldiers will no longer even be visible!...... I wonder if someday, it will be utterly futile putting soldiers up against each other at all!? Maybe, in some bizzare way...the fact that millions have been slain due to the development of more powerful weapons, that the human race will eventually no longer wage all out war...as it will be utterly pointless? (Just a thought over my morning Tea and Toast!) :yes:
  4. Oldest man in the World

    Yes...I think he just became the oldest a couple of days ago..after the death of the oldest man... A Japanese Gentleman I believe? (ah yes..he is mentioned on the link)
  5. Which would you choose?

    I found it little wonder that TrackIR leads the way!...nuff said!
  6. Battle of Waterloo

    Indeed! I sometimes feel that history is not taken quite as seriously these days, in Schools...and that there is a tendancy to sweep it all under the carpet somewhat...almost as if we are ashamed of what our ancestors did. The medieval period is a classic example of this. The fact that Chivalry was born at this time (Chivalry...now there is a word that get's a lot of people rolling their eyes)...but it was the one thing that dragged Europe out of the Dark Ages...was probably the embryonic birth of the Geneva Convention..and indeed Democracy itself (or at least it's re-birth from the Greek and Roman eras) When I was at school...the really 'Interesting parts of history' were quickly brushed over...and we spent eons learning about the Industrial revolution!..(more in part to the Teacher we had being more interested in that I suspect!) It had the effect of boring us all silly!...we wanted to learn about Romans, Knights and indeed WW1 Aerial Combat damn it!...but no...George Stephenson, and Isambard Kingdom Brunel was all we got! (yawn)...thank god for those History books in the Library, which had pictures and stories of proper history!...battles, bloodshed and cruel Murders!...Just what a nine yr old boy wants to learn about!..haha Today, I think the Horrible Histories series of books are fantastic for Children!...they have all the juicy nastiness that youngsters love!..... I hope some of them go on to enjoy the subject as much as I have!....I am sure that most of us here who fly BHaH have a deep fascination with History...and I have seen this come through from people who have commented on this thread! It is after all, what has made you and me, the people we are today!..the people who lived at the time of Agincourt, are our families...our relatives.. going back in time... which I find the most interesting....and in the great scheme of things...it was just yesterday.
  7. Hi JAA I know where your coming from on the CFS3 aircraft's take off roll!.... It's pretty unsettling! I find taking off in OFF is easier than that!...Once you are on full power in, say, a Sopwith Camel...you are airborne pretty quickly...and as it's a 'field' rather than a 'Runway'...it isn't generally the end of the world if you go off tack slightly! (just try not to run into a wingman!) I am sure, with a bit of practice...you will be taking off like an old timer!
  8. Battle of Waterloo

    Fascinating stuff guys..I am enjoying reading all your posts! Putting aside the weapons and tactics of Agincourt, leaves you wondering what must have been going on in the minds of the people who fought on that day! The French must have felt supremely confident at the start, with their superior arms, their well fed belly's and the knowledge that they fought on their 'home turf' (to say nothing of their vast numerical superiority.) The English / Welsh soldiers...cold, sick, under nourished and hugely outnumbered with little chance of having any mercy shown if captured (certainly not the Bowmen and other 'peasants')...god.. One cannot imagine the feelings they must have felt. Although those arrows probably didn't kill vast numbers of French Men-at-Arms... it must have been very demoralising having the sky darken with clouds of them raining down on you. The English I imagine, would have fought with savage desperation on that day...with nothing to lose..and the closing part of the Battle, with the sight of trapped Knights having their visors wrenched open, to be stabbed in the face with daggers as they lay pinned in the mud under dead horses and other knights, is too horrific to comprehend. Seems like (in much the same way that Hollywood does) .. our very own Shakespeare used some 'artistic licence' with the facts.
  9. My apologies if you have seen this before!..just cracks me up! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelne...int-letter.html
  10. Letter to Richard Branson

    Glad you enjoyed it m8!..it's a blinder isnt it?..hahahaha
  11. Battle of Waterloo

    Ah yes, the Spartans (sadly, their memory somewhat eroded by that awful film '300')...what a pile of crap that was! As has been noted, Disease (and no doubt hanging in the wings...Famine) may well be the future problem of man...The four horsemen are always looking for new ways to kick our asses!!
  12. Battle of Waterloo

    Yes... It's an interesting subject. What has struck me, by looking at it more closely, is numbers / Weaponry don't necessarily win battles! (certainly not, as an example.. during the 100 yrs War) Agincourt and Crecy spring to mind. What I fail to understand is why the French did so badly..was it bad tactics and in-fighting amongst the French Nobles?.... They were well equipped, and every bit as good as the English...but were soundly beaten. (With 4,000 against between 40-80,000...it should have been a walkover!) I know the Longbow has gone down in History as the Super Weapon of the age, but it would appear it was not the 'Armour Busting' weapon it has been made out to be...and the Ploughed fields clogging mud at Agincourt is well documented...but it defies logic to me.... I love History!..it creates many more questions than answers!
  13. Battle of Waterloo

    From that website...a great piece about the Battle of Agincourt.... As the army entered the valley beyond the town, the scouts came riding back at speed with the news that an immense army blocked the road. The French had managed to march past the English and cut across their route during the delay on the Somme. A Welsh man-at-arms, David Gambe, on being questioned by King Henry as to the size of the French army, said “There are enough to kill, enough to capture and enough to run away.” Sounds like something General Patton would have said!!!
  14. Battle of Waterloo

    Oh yes, very true of course...but I think Hasse Wind has put what I meant better than I did..in that battles in the 20th Century were a much more drawn out affair...with heavy casualties over a longer period, with of course..many many more civilian casualties Out of interest..here is an interesting site!....The 42nd Highlanders at the Battle of Waterloo only lost 6 Officers and 44 men..which surprised me...though I don't know why! http://www.britishbattles.com/
  15. It arrived!

    Nice one!...TrackIR?..... Really does add a lot!...If you don't have it already, we can all highly recommend!!
  16. Buzzing Big Ben in a Biff

    Have flown under Tower Bridge, with a friend in MP travelling head on to me...was great fun....Then 'Took out' Nelson's Column!..hahaha
  17. Which DM do you use

    My main reason (originally) for using intermediate was for MP...But it appears that it has no effect which you use?...Someone please advise if this is the case?..... I will happily try Props/Fortiesboy DM if it doesn't screw up MP
  18. Which DM do you use

    Have been using Normal..If I switch, it will be to Fortiesboys DM too. Didnt like Hardcore...sorry
  19. competiton delayed again

    The plot certainly thickens!
  20. OT Fireman's Prayer

    Indeed!... A dangerous job
  21. OT Free full games

    A..A...A...Cam down, cam down.... aright our kid
  22. OT Free full games

    You lucky so and so!!! :yes: I am sure I found it on Mame or something, but I couldn't get it to work. I think I will try again, and locate it!..it was fabulous! (agree 100% re:- Vista m8!)
  23. Greetings

    Absolutely!...I found it totally enthralling at the time.... it's scary looking back on it..cos at the time, we thought the Graphics were stunning!..how quickly technology moves forwards!
  24. OT Free full games

    Thank you guys!...I shall dig out a few more..I need to check they are still available first. (can't stop blasting around in that Volvo!..heehee)
  25. OT Free full games

    Hey Hasse Wind..what's the latest version of Dosbox?...The one game I would LOVE tp play is Strike Commander! (if it's available anywhere?)

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