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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Der Baron Escapes!.. Curse you Red Baron!

    Yes, I am working on that...and a New Se5a to replace what is clearly a R/C model
  2. Enough to make you weep!

    Perhaps it's a film prop?
  3. Anybody recognize these...?

    EEK!...Don't like the look of that!
  4. Phase 4

    Actually..yes..that makes sense!...With just a Rudder..they were pretty unmaneauverable on the ground... hmm..yes, very good point!!
  5. Phase 4

    Oh...and for goodness sake... DONT remove the CFSQC in Workshop!..Please??
  6. Phase 4

    If possible..I would like a few more effects added? I would like some audible wind effects, the sort of whistling through the wires kinda stuff...cos I really enjoy the sounds at the 'Drome....and some good flak burst noises would be cool! Dunno if this is possible too...but could flights start parked up by the hangers?...So you have to taxi out to the strip to take off? The usual stuff.... More two seaters... And probably not possible..but moving hammers on the guns? Have to agree on the Flak!...I would have those gunners transfered to the Women's Balloon Corps if it was me! Just my Orgasm list!!
  7. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    Ha...If you American sorts think for one minute, that us Brits cannot form a squad big enough to take you on..you are sadly mistaken! ...... We will give you a run for your money!!!
  8. Where is the Ubisoft DVD CFS3 available?

    couple on ebay I noticed
  9. Choosing Multi-Player crashes CFS3

    Did you get it sorted lads?
  10. Hi All Am hoping to join Saturday MP session with some of you guys...just downloaded teamspeak client in preparation... not used it before. Is there a way of testing that it's working, prior to pi$$ing everyone off with struggles on the night?...msn and stuff you can check settings, voice etc in the options, but cannot see this on TS. Any help on setup most welcome!..thanks all
  11. Have to smile .....

    Yeah..sorry, that's what I meant...
  12. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    Once I can get TS sorted (or rather my Mic issue) {sigh}
  13. Have to smile .....

    I think that sums up my views on ROF as well. Bye, Bye ROF...and thanks for all the Fish!
  14. Saying Hello!

    Ebay is a must have IMHO... I buy and sell on it a lot!
  15. Have to smile .....

    Not ideal..but a move in the right direction
  16. Teamspeak help needed please

    Yeah...might have a mic issue..it's not good in msn either at the mo..will look a bit deeper!..thanks m8
  17. Teamspeak help needed please

    Cheers gwar..it was green, but I couldn't work out how to playback / listen to the voice level?
  18. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    That looks good to me!... I will be there!
  19. Have to smile .....

    Hmm.. Wish I could agree with you on the flightsim piracy front FB The likes of Justflight, Wilco, Flight1, Aerosim and many more, have dedicated pirate sites all making cracked / Pirated versions of their software. One particular site (which I am not going to name for obvious reasons) was the subject of many discussions on 'another flightsim forum' Piracy is a real problem for the smaller flightsim developers sadly.
  20. Saying Hello!

    Welcome... nice win!
  21. 6/13 CALL FOR PILOTS!

    What time is that UK?...cos I'm thick!
  22. Have to smile .....

    talking of Windows...I believe M$ are talking about Future versions of Windows not even being installed on the Host machine..but on a server! scary!
  23. I just gasp in Awe at the tale of Mr Barker's VC earning dogfight! What a Guy!!! Two months before the end of the war, he was assigned to head up the fighter pilot school at Hounslow. Before starting, he wanted to gain some experience in the latest weapons and tactics then in use on the Western Front. The RAF gave him a Sopwith Snipe, the ultimate development of the Camel. An excellent aircraft, powered by a 230 h.p. Bentley, capable of climbing to 24,000 feet, and armed with two machine guns, it was as nimble as the famed Camel, but as docile as the lesser-known Dolphin. Less than 100 Snipes made it into combat, but it later became the standard RAF fighter in the 1920's. In September, Barker flew his Snipe around the Front, downing three German planes. On October 27, he was ordered back to his training duties. He took off in his Snipe, #E8102, started for England, but ended up in one of the most celebrated dogfights of WWI, actually five separate air battles. Over Bois de Marmal, he first encountered a Rumpler 'C' two-seat recon plane. Its skillful pilot and observer/gunner kept him at bay, and the gunner hit Barker's Snipe. Eventually Barker circled away and, relying on his accurate gunnery, fired from 200 yards, killing the gunner. He quickly scored more hits on the now-vulnerable Rumpler, breaking it up in the air. But in his focus on his victim, he missed a Fokker that got behind him. The Fokker's gunfire smashed into his right leg. Although badly injured, Barker was able to get into a circling contest, which only ended when his bullets struck the Fokker's gas tank, setting the plane afire. At this moment, Barker's third battle began, as he found himself in the midst of a flight of Fokker and Albatros biplanes patrolling at high altitude. Spandau guns opened up from every direction and another bullet smashed into his other leg. Somehow, he managed to shoot down two of these opponents before he fainted and went into a diving spin. The rush of air revived him and he came to, still in the midst of German fighters. As they all fired at him, he selected one opponent and flew right at him, guns firing. As they closed, he blew it apart and then realized that his left elbow had been hit too. Virtually crippled, with three limbs shattered, he passed out again. For a second time, he revived amidst enemy aircraft, now quite low. Incredibly, he dispatched another DVII. As he struggled to reach the safety of the British lines, a German bullet struck his gas tank. Luckily, it didn't catch fire and Billy switched over to reserve. Seonds later, the Snipe crash-landed, skidding sideways and then flipping over. The men of a Scottish infantry regiment, who had witnessed his epic aerial battle, pulled him from the wreckage. He had downed four enemy planes, taken several bullets, and survived to be awarded the Victoria Cross. He lay unconscious in the hospital in Rouen for two weeks. He received telegrams from King George V, the Prince of Wales, fellow ace Billy Bishop, and many others. Only his amazing constitution pulled him through; even so, he was partially crippled for the rest of his life.
  24. Never bored of Barker's exploits

    We be nice to thems..if they be nice to us!..Dirty, fat little Hobbitses!
  25. Need help with a few issues

    And deserves too....Bally Idiot! ..Months of training wasted!

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