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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Anyone use Nhancer?

    Thanks guys!
  2. OT D-Day

    I thought, with a few days until the anniversary of D-Day...I would have a scout for some footage, and stumbled across this. It's a rare piece of film (I have never seen it before) Please feel free to post your D-Day clips in this thread...lets get a few good video's in memory of all the men (from both sides) who lost their lives ah!..just noticed this is actually a re-enactment!!...but pretty good anyway!
  3. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    Yeah!..Bad move! :yes:
  4. Individual TrackIR 4 settings

    ??...no jpegs as Tripe says?
  5. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    hahahaha As a PS..... On this day in History,(31st May 1911)... the hull of the Titanic was launched in Belfast. At the ceremony, a White Star Line employee claimed, “Not even God himself could sink this ship" I bet he felt a right Charlie!!!!
  6. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    Well, considering this thread started out as a discussion on the stupidity of an Airliner crew, and has now moved on to a discussion about Life, the Universe and everything (to which I hope the answer isn't 42!)...I have to say it's one of the most interesting threads I have read on a forum ever! (and I started the thread...HORRAH) ...lol And in a strange twist in my warped mind... I find the discussion betwext BH and Rabu, to be a similar crossing of swords one would expect of two great Aces of WW1. Both respectful of each other...and yet an honourable desire to shoot each other down!...fascinating to say the least!!! Thank you Gentlemen!..... When I read such things on such a deep and philosophical level (sadly, very rarely these days) it reminds me of my Youth, and many long and enjoyable all night sessions discussing such issues, with copious quantities of 'slightly Illegal plant matter' (sadly, very rarely these days!) and I have been whisked away to a past life experience reading this.....and such is the deja vu of it, that I can only do what I did then!...Sit in a corner, listening and learning..grinning and enjoying words that I understand perfectly well..but personaly lack the ability to voice correctly! Rabu...Please allow me to explain my reference to "Coffee Anyone"....... After one particularly enjoyable evening...I awoke the following afternoon, with my flatmates and other assorted people who I have no idea who they where...and sitting on a cigarette burned sofa...with a huge Bong in the middle of the floor...and someone saying ...... "You know what?.... We had it last night!..the answers to Life...The Universe...and everything!"........ I stared grinning into my Coffee cup...... "Perhaps we did I said............ Now...What was the question again?"....... Coffee anyone? Amongst my old buddies of 25 yrs ago.... the phrase stuck, and is now generally accepted as "Time for another Evening of discussion"...I live many miles away from my old friends of whom I speak here, and no longer indulge in such activities....most of them are now Doctors, Police Officers and Lawyers!!! Such is the way of the world!!
  7. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    Coffee anyone?
  8. I have taken the Plunge, and am learning the Guitar. My Brother is a very accomplished Guitar Player and Drummer...I sadly am not!!!...But am slowly getting to grips with it. (when work and OFFing allows) One of my favourite soundtracks is from Pirates of the Caribbean...And this guy plays it very well
  9. OT Anyone play a Musical Instrument?

    Is not it indeed!!
  10. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    And they are the exact photos that were removed by the Admins
  11. OT Anyone play a Musical Instrument?

    What a talented Bunch you all are?...I feel such a damn NOOBIE!!! :blush2:
  12. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    Oh dear!..I knew this would happen!... I just start thinking what a great piece Bullethead has written..and along comes Rabu with a very well written piece as well, but taking a differing stance!.... Now what am I going to do?...as I am one of those unfortunate people who gets stuck right in the middle!!..... I would love to be able to say that the 'truth maybe somewhere in the middle'....but of course..it rarely is there either! Think I need another Coffee..... I have never been to war, and am one of the lucky generation in the UK, of being about the only ones in our history, not to have been 'forced' to set forth with a Club, Sword or gun in their hands...for which I am eternaly grateful...and trust and hope that my 12 yr old son will also escape such horror!! All I can foresee is the words of (Einstein was it?) please correct me if I'm wrong.... who said "I don't know what weapons will be used to fight WW3...But WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones" The only part I would disagree with, is our being reffered to in the same sentence as 'Animals' I don't know of any animals who would kill for pleasure, and torture and maim members of their own family.... and the world would be a truly green and pleasant land, without our ruination of it
  13. OT- F****** Idiots!..hahaha

    I agree... Bullet head has that proverbial "Way with Words"...And you really should think seriously about writing about your experiences m8
  14. They are just anal retentives...Home taping is killing Music?..yeah, right! Good Vid BTW
  15. Werner Voss...some guy!

    We must'nt forget of course that he was 'Bounced' by McCudden's flight...he had already made short work of two SE5a's...and perhaps, by the time he had realised he was under attack, escape was not possible..So he had no choice but to try and fight his way out
  16. F Dr1 Kempf Jasta Boelcke

    Very nice!!
  17. Se5 skins

    Excellent! (is there a Snipe in there somewhere?)
  18. TrackIR

    Yeah...background lighting is an absolute NoNo!
  19. Werner Voss...some guy!

    Guess he knew his number was up..So he went down Fighting!..and boy..what a fight it was too
  20. Thanks to Hauksbee, the poster version off the Pfaltz is now available http://www.cafepress.com/BURNING_BRYGHT/6722434
  21. Work is already underway on the 'Grid'....the replacement for the web
  22. Well done you two! I love the damage pics on the Alb...bit more like P1 was...And any damage is good damage...don't see enough in P3 (IMO) Keep up the good work
  23. Werner Voss...some guy!

    Hmm..There was heavy cloud cover that day though...Could he not have tried for that?

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