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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Wow!.. yes, this should be a sticky!
  2. "Where the f*ck did that come from?!!" RIP
  3. In memory of Reinhold Platz...

    Fokker Spin?...bet that was popular with the German Test Pilots!!!
  4. the ballad of Bill Hubbard

    is that THE Roger Waters? (Floyd?)
  5. Dual in the Clouds

    Very enjoyable (for me) making postcards from various Backgrounds..and using OFF Aircraft from Screenies. (Kinda gives a cool effect I think?) This is a pic of two Pfaltz's of Jasta 72s pouncing on an SE5a.
  6. Dual in the Clouds

    Thank you!... Watch this Space!
  7. Last words of Captain Simon 'Widowmaker' Falla

    If it's HIM... I will enjoy watching his fat, drugged up bloated Body ripping apart with Vickers Bullets!!!! (actually, better not!...with him dead, we might lose the Battle of Britain!!!)
  8. You naughty boy! ... Shame on you! (where did you say you got them?)
  9. Last words of Captain Simon 'Widowmaker' Falla

    It was a Black DVII actually!.... And I am GUNNING for that SOB!!
  10. Hi Olham, (Googled, so take this as possible..not 100% researched) It wasn't until 1917, however, that severe bombing raids occurred. On May 23, 1917, a fleet of 21 Gothas appeared over the English coastal town of Folkestone. On the deadliest day of bombing yet, 95 people were killed, and England began to panic. At noon on June 13, another Gotha fleet dropped bombs onto London. For the next month, the daily raids on the capital city met with little opposition from the Royal Air Force, angering the population of London. Production levels within the city dropped. Citizens felt that their government was incapable of protecting them. They demanded that the military protect them and stop the bombs. They felt exposed and helpless, just as German military strategists had hoped they would. Unfortunately for the Germans, the effect of the bombing was not a public uprising against Parliament but a strengthening of the Royal Air Force.(pretty much repeated in 1940 I believe?!...lol...Simon) In July, the large unwieldy Gothas were forced to resort to night raids so the darkness could shield them from Britain’s Sopwith Camels, light, maneuverable planes. By the war’s end, the raids had stopped entirely since the hits were not worth the German aircraft losses. In total, there were 27 Gotha raids. The English reported 835 killed and 1,990 wounded. Damage from the raids totaled £3,000,000, but the loss of production time from workers having to seek shelter in the middle of the day, or suffering exhaustion from having to leave their beds to seek shelter at night, had a far greater impact. The true results of the Gotha raids are still debated today. But they formed the basis for most of the work of the theorists who addressed air power strategy after the war. More than any other function of the airplane in World War I, bombing created an area for debate and thought in the future.
  11. Never get bored with your vids Jammer!..keep 'em coming!..that was superb!! (have to say, I nearly let out a cheer when the Brits started getting their own back!!)...at least for a bit! Now, let's have another with the Germans getting THEIR asses kicked!!!
  12. Windows 7 64-bit

    is there not?...why is that m8?
  13. Is it me?

    Or has the list of postings on page 1 shrunk?...Is this due to more 'stickies?'
  14. Picked up this tip from a gardening forum will have to try it see if it works A beautiful woman loved growing tomatoes, but couldn't seem to get her tomatoes to turn red. One day while taking a stroll she came upon a gentleman neighbor who had the most beautiful garden full of huge red tomatoes. The woman asked the gentlemen, "What do you do to get your tomatoes red?" The gentleman responded, "Well, twice a day I stand in front of my tomato garden and expose myself, and my tomatoes turn red from blushing so much." The woman was so impressed, she decided to try doing the same thing to her tomato garden to see if it would work. So, twice a day for two weeks she exposed herself to her garden hoping for the best. One day the gentleman was passing by and asked the woman, "How did you make out? Did your tomatoes turn red?" "No" she replied, "but my cucumbers are enormous!"
  15. OT- How to turn Tomatoes Red

    We live in hope Olham...We live in Hope! {sigh}
  16. Phew! Glad to see you all again!

    Nice one Erik I am sure I speak for all the OFF(ers) and beyond, that we appreciate your efforts at making this such a great place to hang out! S!
  17. G'day to All (NOOB ALERT)

    You lucky chap!... You are in for the ride of your life!
  18. well, they say there is a thin line between Genius and Madness. That guy appears to have crossed over..but I can't work out which way!!!....Amazing! (ps... I LOVE the skin on that!...I can feel a DVII coming on!)
  19. Phew! Glad to see you all again!

    Yes...But I have a mission to fly now!...And I have a very bad feeling about it!!
  20. What did you do in World War II daddy?

    Whoops!..sorry about that!..My first time in 'The Pub'
  21. Little Details You Look For in a Sim?

    Well, from a personal point of view, I would have said mainly scenery...But now, the opportunity to make skins etc is, for me, one of the most important aspects, and something that gives me a great deal of pleasure, in that it adds something to the overall experience!
  22. maintainence?

    Felt like my right arm had been severed at the elbow!
  23. Any one built a plane yet?

    Stumpjumper has built several!...He is even working on a Snipe at the moment!.... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=41206 hahaha.... ALL MINE!.... Damn the Huns!!

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