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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. There's an extra Star in the Heavens tonight

    I believe he was a Navigator with Bomber Command too...very colourful charecter
  2. "Black Maria"

    That's fabulous Olham!...more please!?
  3. I'm kinda a bit into other Games at the moment. Looking forward to WOFF of course...but I'm all mixed in with Far Cry 3 / Skyrim etc etc...... (and have recently started to fly FSX online with my Brother)
  4. Thinking of Buying a Puppy for Christmas?

    You're right of course...Children should have pets...but the problem comes when parents are put under pressure to 'rush out and buy'
  5. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Are you 12 years old?
  6. Iron Front: Liberation 1944 D-day DLC

    I hope the DLC is better than the actual game
  7. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    It's just plain wrong to do 'Radio Pranks' Imagine if a Radio Prankster called the US Government, to say that the Pentagon was going to be attacked in a 9/11 type way?...wtf do you think would happen to them?...they'd get lynched! It's inexcusable... and they should be made to pay!
  8. Remember, this Holiday season :)

    Please, take care of yourself out on the roads this holiday season. A recent joint study conducted by the Department of Health and the Department of Motor Vehicles indicates that 23% of traffic accidents are alcohol related. This means that the remaining 77% are caused by assholes who drink bottled water, Starbucks, soda, juice, energy drinks, and s**t like that. Therefore, beware of those who do not drink alcohol. They cause three times as many accidents. This message is sent to you by someone who worries about your safety.
  9. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Perhaps the fact that the dead Nurse, leaves behind two children, may 'prick' the concience of a 'Prick' at the station Merry f*cking Christmas
  10. The Bombing of London (Blitz)

    Every red dot represents a Bomb that landed on London, between October 1940 - June 1941
  11. The Bombing of London (Blitz)

    Thanks Viper...I did indeed :)
  12. The Bombing of London (Blitz)

    Me neither! (glad it wasn't all at once!)
  13. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    They should face Charges!...Just goes to show, this is why we tell twelve year olds, not to indulge in stupid pranks!.... and yet these immature, talentless f*cktards are allowed to act like Kids on a cheap, Aussie Radio-noise I hope it haunts them
  14. File Name: XXIII Grupo Italian Spad File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 08 September 2012 File Category: Aircraft Skins Unit: XXIII Grupo Serial: unknown Pilot - Group Commander Donate Pozzolo, UK_Widowmaker..... thanks OBD for the Model :) Click here to download this file
  15. Thinking of Buying a Puppy for Christmas?

    Holy Cow...I can see a Border Collie being the next stunt driver in a James Bond Movie!
  16. I have found the same...I usually just drop my bombs...then leave.....to hell with the Brass
  17. Player FOV

    Not played with Player FOV..... As I don't know what it is. Does it relate to horizon Draw distance?
  18. Windows 8

    Sadly, I dislike Salmon and Whiskey Sir..... But I will join you with Steak and Ale!
  19. SAS man Danny Nightingale released by Court of Appeal

    The one exception is Shotgun Licenses. The Police keep it quiet...but it's not the citizens job to explain why they require a licence....it's the Police who have to try and prove why you shouldn't have one!
  20. Windows 8

    Very close to the truth Herr Olham!
  21. Post random things thread

  22. Windows 8

    lol...I wish. I had it in my pocket in the rain...it got slightly damp...and has never even sparked up since then....I only had it a month into an 18 month contract!! My Old Nokia worked through hell and high water!...not going to a smartphone again anytime soon!
  23. Windows 8

    I 'did' have a windows smart phone...but it got a little 'damp'...and now...I have no windows smartphone :(
  24. Cliffs of Dover

    Well, I bought this Sim when it came out...and it was an utter disaster!..... but, I left it installed on Steam..and noticed it downloading an update..So I fired it up...and it's MUCH improved! If you have it..check it's fully updated is my advice. It's still not perfect...but it's now playable at least...the stuttering over Land seems to have been redressed.

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