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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Turkey Shoot?

  2. OFF BH&H, future: Work in Progress

    well, of course we need a DVIII Pol...she's a Beautiful aeroplane...I defo think that should be second on the list... we must surely have the DVIII...I mean, the airwar wouldn't be the same without it surely?... And like you say, we may need something to fly against this most wonderful aeroplane, that you will almost certainly make eh?... With something to fly against her of course...y'know...something a bit like a Camel...but not a Camel...now let me think...hmmmmm :biggrin: :biggrin:
  3. OT- Youtube

    well..that's a valid enough point...but surely they could put some software on, that blanks out all the f*******k swearing?
  4. Thanks Olham..yes, I am enjoying her superior stats! Lucky for me, the last mission was a scramble, or I wouldn't have got home I dont think
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3LIJep4uGY :biggrin:
  6. OFF BH&H, future: Work in Progress

    How many guns has the De Havilland got?
  7. OT-Free open source software

    Thought I would add some of my favourite bit's too My favourite Malware remover (free to use) http://www.malwarebytes.org/ And a free compression utility (opens RAR and Zip files)...again, totally free http://www.7-zip.org/
  8. This is 'Fleur' She is a work in progress, but I already am very fond of her...after six very tough missions, with 2 Nupes and a Sopwith Pup to her guns, we had a very hairy landing back at base last time out... with her engine sounding very bad, and a trail of smoke in our wake.. But she got me home! I shall get the ground crew to finish their work on her, and she will be held back until completed (when I will upload her to the Skinning section)
  9. Well done!...No time to sit on your Laurels though!...there's a war on! :)
  10. Take a look and leave a comment.

    Defo a font rethink Red-Dog...but it's looking very good so far!
  11. in the future released

    I'm surprised there was any room left in the skies with all the blooming Nieuports flying about!
  12. in the future released

    The Dolphin was a late arrival, as was the Snipe... But William Barker's exploits is one of the most amazing stories of WW1 aviation, and I am thrilled to see it's inclusion in the list!...Barker's tales fuelled my childhood fascination!
  13. Just wondered how to make a screensaver for my OFF screenshots...never thought to do it before..is it easy?
  14. in the future released

    If you play DiD with a parasol...you won't see out very many missions!..so best take in the scenery while you can!
  15. in the future released

    YAH BOO to Dolphin's!!!!
  16. Odd thing on Albatros wing...

    never seen them before
  17. hahaha...Yes, that's a point!..lol
  18. Stunning Skin (and was the skin I was 'most' worried about as a competitor!) My sincere congratulations Fubar...... I am sure that we all look forward to more of your creative talent being shared with us. And thanks to the guys at Combatace...the contest was very enjoyable, and really helped me to push forwards with skinning
  19. Cant find them..Ask Ricitycrate?
  20. Are you a stalker, or do you charge straight into a fight with all guns blazing? Do you run when things get tight...or go down burning in a blaze of glory? Stealth and surprise? or 7th Cavalry charge? Have you ever been absolutely honest with yourself, and thought about how long you would REALLY survive in 1917 - 1918 as a Pilot? Me? Definately one of Flasheart's 20 minuters!.....Posthumous DFC and a wooden box!!! :yes:
  21. If only colour film was the norm in those days!...lol Great pics there! Trying to find profile pics for skinning can be quite hard...that site you linked me to Olham is a godsend!...wish there were more like that!
  22. What is your Fighter Pilot personality?

    The one problem with AI throughout the computer world, is that they are either stupid (not much fun at all) or they are superhuman in some respect. OFF has got it as near as possible, given the software's limitations.... But we will always get peppered by some smartass AI pilot with his X-Ray Googles on!
  23. OT Swine Flu II

    hahaha...yes, I was a bit annoyed that my Joke was Hijacked and turned into a political fist fight!

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