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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Comic strip Bhah

    I hope not!.... My nerves won't stand it
  2. How about this?..... I may well work (slowly) on his adventures!...and post on here when done
  3. In relation to Red-Dog's Comic Book Idea

    Very good point!...It shall be added to the cover!...thanks m8
  4. So...about that Skinning contest?

    Defo the winner there Catch!...Snoopy is so cool
  5. OT Swine Flu

    Couldn't resist sharing this one guys!
  6. The story begins

    Cool m8..looking forward to more..the comic technique really works...but yes..bigger bubbles and panels would add a bit
  7. OT Swine Flu

    My main gripe was with the Media...agree that the Health Officials are at least professionals! (No, I don't like Journo's!)
  8. Jenny

    http://www.simviation.com/cfs3_aircraft20.htm There you go
  9. Jenny

    You can use a Jenny can't you?...I remember flying one in P1 that I had downloaded (think it was released for CFS3) Might be worth a 'Google'
  10. in the future released

    hmm... I think this has been covered quite a bit already. I will get my Snipe before your Dolphin I hope!
  11. What is your Fighter Pilot personality?

    I think that sums it up quite nicely!.......
  12. Air war over Italy

    Stumpjumper is the man to ask about that I believe!..Send him a PM?
  13. What is your Fighter Pilot personality?

    Creaghorn...Fascinating read!... You have taken Immersion to the next level my friend!
  14. OT Swine Flu

    It's a media spread panic!...no-one I have spoken to has any real concerns...Just the words 'Pandemic' 'Death-Flu' etc sell newspapers...And there are less and less people reading garbage Newspapers these days! (which can only be a good thing imho) The trouble with Scientists / WHO / and the Media is they hit the panic button first, and ask questions later. There are so many instances of their over-reacting it's untrue. (Bird Flu and the Millenium Bug spring instantly to mind) The trouble with Crying Wolf, is that when some REALLY serious sh*t goes down, everyone is slower to react!
  15. Thank you Dej!...that will be a very useful technique for my comicbook Flashheart strip!
  16. So...about that Skinning contest?

    Reckon they have a lot of skins to wade through!...But I am looking forward to the results coming in I kinda feel in Limbo at the moment!...Once the judgements are in, I will feel more like putting more skins up
  17. Comic strip Bhah

    Definately!...this is screaming out for a Biggles story!..or indeed a Squadron Commander Flasheart!...Im gonna have a bash at that!..great Idea Red Dog!
  18. OT Swine Flu

    Iv'e kissed plenty of pigs!...the last one was a Barmaid in Sunderland!! I'm with you Olham!...The idea that covering everything in Bleach is crazy!...you are merely, as you say, not building any resistance. When I was a little lad, if a kid in our Street got Chickenpox...we were all sent round there to play!...Got Chicken pox out of the way...that was that! Now we lock kids away from anything and everything
  19. Yes I did.. And with the Hannover shot, I wanted to try and replicate a painting I saw called 'Out of the Sun' (doesn't quite cut it though tba)
  20. Casey Jones, steamin' and a Rollin' great shot!!
  21. Found another one.

    An old Yorkshire saying... "There's nowt as queer as folk"
  22. It's not just the 'Hun in the Sun' This Hannover Gunner was dead before he even knew what hit him!
  23. Found another one.

    They've got an OFF forum on that site
  24. WWI Mass graves are now being excavated

    Actually I do agree with you. Perhaps a memorial on the site would be more fitting?
  25. WWI Mass graves are now being excavated

    Good show!... I hope they Identify as many aspossible, and give their remains the burial they deserve

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