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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. Hahahahahaa.... I love reading your posts Bullet!...You're sense of Humour cracks me up! :biggrin:
  2. Olham This thread has a link to the Zeppelin http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=40662
  3. OT Now THAT'S Art!

    What Car??
  4. Mad skinner's last minute works

    Love that!... Although I can imagine the scene of the Ground crew starting work on that in 1917...and finally finishing it on November 12th 1918...standing back in pride at their work, and then being told "Sorry, we are going to have to scrap it now..the war is over!"
  5. Was half asleep last night watching the History Channel, and a prog came on about how the Japanese used autogyro's in WW2 to drop depth charges on US Subs. Unfortunately for them, a sub sank the ship carrying them.... I was unaware that Autogyro's were used in the war. Amazing the stuff you learn
  6. Hahaha... What smashing fun the skinning contest has been! (result of which means the Judges have shed loads to wade through!)...that'll teach 'em! I am working on a Pup at the moment, but it won't be finished in time for the judging... But that's not what is important! What IS important, is that it's been a source of immense pleasure doing it..... with great banter from all the gang, Beanie, Olham Red-Dog, Stumper, Chrispdm, RAF Louvert, fubar, Werewolf, Rooster and Deadhead, and of course Gous.... I salute you all!!!..... Some absolutely stunning skins!!... And I pride myself in owning ALL of them! We will continue to build on the skills and knowledge we have learned when skinning these wonderful aeroplanes that the OFF team have created for us to enjoy. Considering the dedicated skinning section has only been available since we moved to this forum, we have six pages of skins now...which is great! I am sure that anyone in future who want's to try their hand at skinning, will receive a lot of help and support from the guys mentioned above, and I recommend having a bash...it's a lot of fun! Good luck in the contest you guys!
  7. 'Zeppelin Reaper' claims her first Kill over the English Coast
  8. Thoughts about OFF sales.

    Simulator 'people' have always been anally retentive from what I have seen. (the Ubi-forums were full of people who would fall on you like starving vultures if you dared to make a negative comment about their beloved sim, and those people are singularly the reason I went off that particular Sim Personally, I think CFS3 was a good simulator to use for OFF (hell, I am no fan of vanilla CFS3..I've made that quite clear in previous posts)...But without having a dedicated engine, there are no other simulators around that I can think of, that would have allowed such a diverse variety of Scenery etc to play with, and although I like MP.... It isn't what flying is all about for me. CFS3 is poor for multiplayer yes..we can all agree on that..... and it looks like ROF is going to be poor for Singleplayer. (for reasons that have been gone over time and again)
  9. Hi-Res Medals

    All I need to do now is earn one!
  10. Thoughts about OFF sales.

    A very valid point. I too was very excited at the prospect of ROF (Though I always knew I would get BHaH anyhow) Some people may well be sitting on the fence, and no doubt time will tell. All I do know, is those who are awaiting ROF without having played OFF, may well find that they have waited too long, for too little (IMHO of course)
  11. OT The Japanese are quite innovative

    hahahaha yes...I think they call it 'Sod's Law'
  12. Could someone post?

    I give up!...I use FRAPS...usually make a dire video, which I can't even edit properly in Movie maker!) PLEASE can someone post something on how to make the f&*^%$£g things!..before I visit my local shopping centre armed with a Machette!
  13. Could someone post?

    Cool.. I have a Realtek card..will look into that SD thanks!
  14. Yes it is a Hanriot...and if you guys look somewhere other than here, you may find it in the addons section!
  15. OFF versus CFS3

    Well, if i ever needed proof that OFF bears no resemblance to CFS3, it is made perfectly obvious on many occasions! I quite like the 'ETO' addon for CFS3...but rarely get to play it, because OFF is so good. But, I thought I would have a quick go today...and it crashed immediatly to desktop..no errors...just bang...desktop! So I started up CFS3.... bang..desktop! Oh, bugger!...."I hope this doesn't affect OFF too"..I said to myself! I need not have worried...OFF started up as usual, and played fine!... What I can't fathom out, is why CFS3 just crashes like that with no apparent rhyme or reason. I suspect it's because (like most Microsoft products)...it's overpriced s**t! :yes:
  16. OFF versus CFS3

    Hi SD Vista?...good heavens no!...lol I'm on XP..and yes, it's all worked fine in the past...but has happened quite a few times now. Reinstalling CFS3 get's ETO working again, but I have no idea at all what causes this random corruption
  17. It's pretty damn scary when it happens, but I have come out the other end alive a few times!..the important thing is Altitude! (aint it always?) :yes:
  18. *HELP* fellow Skinners!

    Yes, i see...well with a lot of weathering and a smidge of Gaussian Blur..I might take that shinyness out a bit
  19. Here's to the skinners!

    Hi Steve. Thanks very much for your kind words..always nice to know our (often) crazy idea's are appreciated!..... I have enjoyed learning to skin in OFF (have wanted to skin for years, but never got round to it)...and the other skinners have taught me such a lot over the last month or so. Although this is a contest, I also extend my hearty wishes of good luck to all the other competitors, and have marvelled at some of the work that has come along!

    wow!..nice work stump
  21. *HELP* fellow Skinners!

    Here is an example of a 'shiny' skin. This is a pup I am working on..and this texture is just a green repaint of the wing!..no added blend / texture...just a paintcan all over! Why is this so shiny, and other aircraft not?
  22. How to open a Skins.dds document....

    Me too!.... I find the nvidia plugin way superior!..A one stop shop
  23. Test of time

    I bought a new game 3 weeks ago. It's still in it's wrapper!!...Might get around to playing it sometime.... If I remember to!... OFF is addictive to say the least!

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