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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. File Name: Flyboy's 'Dualist' Pack File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 28 Apr 2009 File Updated: 29 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Take to the air as the fiendish Dick Dastardly DR1 pilot...or the Hollywood Star in his N17 (Archive includes both aircraft!) May the best man win! (Revolver NOT included!) Click here to download this file
  2. Flyboy's 'Dualist' Pack



    Take to the air as the fiendish Dick Dastardly DR1 pilot...or the Hollywood Star in his N17 (Archive includes both aircraft!) May the best man win! (Revolver NOT included!)
  3. There's a DVII with black undersides, but no DR1's sadly...so, it's out with the paintbrush!
  4. Thanks Olham (still some work to do) but reasonably close to the film's originals... I made the mistake of painting the Fokker's underside yellow!...then realised that the photo I was using was just the sun's reflection!..ho hum!...we live and learn. (though it looked really cool with a yellow underside..So I have kept it for flying around in myself) The one I am uploading will be traditional Black!
  5. Thanks a LOT

    Glad you're enjoying it Jochem..welcome to the fray!
  6. Yes... You've seen the Movie...You've gasped at the appalling acting..... you've winced at the stereotypical 'Evil Hun Ace'...... You've gawped in disbelief at the Service Revolver kill in the final scene!.. AND now.....(or quite soon)...you can fly the planes! It just doesn't get better than this!!!... (or does it?) ......... Quite probably!!! Thought I would pop this in here too...hope you guys don't mind
  7. Boy did I goof

    lol we all do it bud!
  8. I believe plans are already afoot
  9. OT-Big Fish

    The Elbo is a fantastic river..full of massive Carp and Catfish..and on my list of 'must go and fish' places
  10. SE5a vs DR1 (video)

    Superb!..possibly the best i've seen for OFF!.... Non jerky TrackIR, well edited, exciting to watch...great music..... sh*t yer pants dogfighting!..Loved it! (have watched 'other' WW1 flightsim vids on youtube, and it surprises me how naff some of them look..with 1990, cartoon like graphics, scenery etc!) So, this is a real treat to watch!
  11. Windsocks

    Ooo... Yet another little detail that makes OFF so good!
  12. Stumpjumper's Hanriot is not visible

    Hi m8 you can only use the addon aircraft if you use the CFS3QC located in workshop
  13. Void, blank skin files

    I think Fubar has made some, they are on youtube as such..but you don't really need them
  14. Pfaltz Jasta 72s

    File Name: Pfaltz Jasta 72s File Submitter: UK_Widowmaker File Submitted: 22 Apr 2009 File Updated: 23 Apr 2009 File Category: Aircraft Skins Pilot Unknown Click here to download this file
  15. Love those posters!.... I have to disagree with Olham (very rare) and say I think these are better without the planes on
  16. Happy St Georges day (23rd April) to all true Englishmen on the forum (and everyone else of course!) Bit late I know, but I am off to a St George's weekend bash tonight, and shall be wearing my Red Cross with pride! And to hell with the PC brigade!!! "For God, Harry and St George!".... HUSSAH!!
  17. Void, blank skin files

    Yes, look superb!..don't forget you lose damage modelling in high res though!..just a case of which you prefer I guess?
  18. This is of course, a totally imaginary skin, but it's what I would have liked to fly in defence of London as a Nightfighter.
  19. Warp issue

    fantastic to hear you're flying OFF at 72!.... I hope I will be!
  20. Hmm... Now there's a thought!
  21. There is a BHaH facebook if anyone is interested too?
  22. XP-pro or XP media edition

    That's probably more important than which one you use

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