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Everything posted by UK_Widowmaker

  1. I am off to the pub tonight, and love checking the forum's when I pour home! So, I thought I would ask a question that has always intrigued me. Do you guys think that, given the various aircraft available throughout his career... That Manfred Would / Could have scored 80 kills or more.... if he had flown for the RFC? Or, would his career have been cut short by Lanoe Hawker in a German Machine? Was his success due to him? His Aircraft?...Or a bit of both?
  2. A question about MvR

    Hmm... I would say that Destiny and luck are brother and Sister
  3. Regarding TrackIR... It works brilliantly with all MS sims.... It is only a dissapointment in IL2..due to that sim's total lack of 6do..But in OFF, it is sublime! I have totally dropped IL2 now, because OFF out performs it with it's superior TrackIR views...and I just cannot even face a simulator without my beloved piece of Kit! If I couldn't use my TrackIR... I would cease flying!...period!...it is THAT important to my enjoyment!
  4. OT Your top 3 aircraft of all time?

    I love the Hurri as well (would certainly have been choice #4) The unsung hero!...bless her!
  5. Can you see the difference?

    Hmmm.. That's interesting!... I have a Nvidia 8800GT and have only seen the top effect!..not seen the ball of flame! Wonder if that is a Driver thing?
  6. So Much for that Idea!

  7. Here is a Pfaltz of Jasta 72s. Pilot Unknown
  8. Pfaltz Jasta 72s now available

    Thanks chaps! As soon as I saw a pic, I thought "I have to have a go at that"
  9. Is learning to fly a formation! Myself, and my two squadron friends, spend large amounts of our online time, just learning to fly in formation. Shooting each other down for a little light relief is all good fun, but when you have 3 Sopwith Camel's in a vic formation, adjusting speed, taking wind into account..and then trying to watch for enemy aircraft.... You really get a sense of flying in the early 20th Century. When it goes wrong, it's a real mess...and it is very hard to get it right...but when all three of you are in 'the zone'...it's one of my favourite parts of the sim! (if you ain't got TrackIR... I wouldn't even go there!)
  10. OT Your top 3 aircraft of all time?

    Ah yes..the aeroplane that single-handedly ended my ambition's of learning to fly!!
  11. First time i've seen this

    I just hope those Irresponsible farmer's have considered their Carbon footprints, and will cease to burn all that fossil fuel!
  12. One of the Joys of Multiplayer

    I actually really enjoy it... It's basic, yes...but with just a couple of friends.... flying around, dogfighting, flying under Tower Bridge etc... fun
  13. Pfaltz Jasta 72s



    Pilot Unknown
  14. One of the Joys of Multiplayer

    I would Parky...but the poor buggers are already deaf from me shouting at them down the Mic!
  15. 91 yrs ago today

    The jolly old Red Baron himself, copped a packet.... to the relief no doubt of the Royal Flying Corps (or possibly RAF by then?)
  16. 91 yrs ago today

    The Battle lasted 18 minutes?..Hundreds of Mexican's killed?... Geez!..What were they using?...Napalm?
  17. 91 yrs ago today

    Thanks for that!..So, was it the same conflict as the Alamo?
  18. 91 yrs ago today

    Was that the War of Independence against the British? (pardon my ignorance) I thought that was in the 1700's
  19. One of the Joys of Multiplayer

    I will do that SD..... Yes, it's about the hardest think I /we have ever tried in a multiplayer game of any description. We get it all very wrong, many, many more times than we get it right I can assure you!!
  20. A close shave for Manfred

    Makes you wonder whether destiny had decided to keep him alive...or to take the lives of a further 52 men?... or both of course!
  21. Why don't we flood the reviewers as a community with our views!?..... If everyone on this forum emailed them, they would at least know who we are!... We as a community deserve to be heard!!!!...... I for one, am pretty fed up with reviewers (http://www.metacritic.com/games/pc/)..... So many of them are in the pocket's of the game developers, it's not true! I use metacritic all the time, for the users comments (where you get the TRUTH about a product!) FarCry 2 is a case in point!... The magazine reviewers said how brilliant it was.... when in fact..It was utter s**t!...but I went with the reviewers, rather than the punters on that occasion, based on Far Cry 1 which was superb!..... What a waste of money! I have bought some duff games in my time, but never felt so hard done by as I felt buying that game! But I suppose it's all relative
  22. BTW.. when I just googled "WW1 Flight Simulator I got this http://www.simshack.net/product_info.php?products_id=170
  23. Some very constructive comment.... tttiger's particularly so. I agree with him, that ROF is waiting in line for online... and if there is anything the team can do to push the multiplayer side of the sim, they should.
  24. A question about MvR

    Fascinating reading!
  25. One of the Joys of Multiplayer

    what?.. with three of us?? Us Brit's usually give the 'Two Fingers!' hahaha

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